I think it will be very hard to find reputable sellers online for that. The government severely cracked down on poor quality testing kits, masks, and other covid supplies to protect the nation's reputation. Almost all of this stuff now requires government license to export.question for you guys. Do you guys know if the rapid Antigen tests are available on Taobao? Tried searching for it using english and Chinese handles and used Chinese and overseas delivery address and none turned up. (Just trying to bypass the price gauging and massive lines for the PCR tests lol)
(From 2020)
I don't think SCMP is actively trying to smear Sinovac. IMO, that impression is because the first study released in comparing Pfizer and Sinovac was done in HK (where both are available). As such, SCMP was one of the earliest (and thus most quoted) outlets for the story. However I do think there is a general consensus to push an anti Chinese vaccine narrative.Lol scmp must be disappointed. I hope this puts an end to their negative reporting on sinovac.
Meanwhile Bloomberg is mad that hk people are still choosing sinovac over Pfizer despite continual smearing of the former by them.
Just realized KYli posted this already. My bad.
Here is an additional report they have done that is more positive
A lot of International media has run with the HK study. NYT, Reuters, Bloomberg etc.
Here is an FT Story:
“[Omicron] has left the Chinese vaccines even more ineffective against the threat posed by Covid,” said Nicholas Thomas, an associate professor at the City University of Hong Kong who specialises in Chinese foreign policy and health security in Asia. “The challenge for the Chinese authorities will be [to] re-engage their population’s commitment to another round of vaccines.” The Hong Kong study tested the antibody levels of 25 people who received both doses of the Sinovac vaccine — an inactivated vaccine unlike messenger RNA jabs such as the shots developed by BioNTech/Pfizer — and found that none had sufficient antibodies in their blood serum to neutralise the new variant. In contrast, five people out of a group of 25 who were given two doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine were found to have detectable neutralising antibodies against Omicron, which the researchers said had an “efficiency” of between 20 and 24 per cent against the new variant.
The news is quoting not even a full professor, who specializes in Chinese foreign policy, who is a foreigner, as some kind of authority. I would take it with a grain of salt, but how many people would catch this?
It is also throwing out the idea "at least 20% is better than nothing!" as the alternative, it's ridiculous. How did Pfizer and Moderna sell the world? 90+% efficacy! Now you say "be happy with 20%".
Here we have a less popular alternative study, but WHO has seemed to accept it
(Chile study, Malaysia article)
So we see that there can still be immunity without antibodies. Someone familiar with virology and medicine might know this, but average people will not. Where is the Reuters story on this?
Some other things to note.
We are seeing the real world test against Omicron right now, it is easily evading 2 shots of the mRNA vaccines as evidenced by rocketing caseloads in western countries.
I don't see the same time and ink dedicated to taking down Covaxin (inactivated vaccine produced in India). I don't see any international outlets with many stories on Covaxin at all (only caveat is that it is not widely exported).
Why is this a danger?
Next to the government, international media is the main source of information regarding vaccines for some people. So now we are building a case for increased vaccine hesitancy, especially in developing countries where Sinovac and Sinopharm are the most likely to be available.
Look at what happened recently in Trinidad
This mirrors an earlier attack that happened in Seychelles, when the president went on TV to defend Sinopharm.
Sad, what happened to journalistic integrity?