Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
At the start of the pandemic I use to watch John Campbell a lot to get his opinion on the situation. Early on he was actually very supportive of China's pandemic prevention efforts and would tell people off when they say China is doing a cover up or if the Wuhan lockdown was wrong. Like when Bruce Aylward did his big press conference at the end of Feb after the joint mission John Campball was strongly supportive of the WHO's findings. He kept getting a lot of pressure from his viewers regarding his view on China.

It's interesting watching his tone change. One wonders if he's succumbing to the pressure of the overton window or if the the propaganda machine is genuinely successful in brainwashing him.
@Temstar No bro, he had a mistake early on about the findings in Italy of early strain of covid then had the alacrity to state that the Chinese workers had carried with them while working there. He is to prideful to admit his mistake and had to carry on stating his thesis, he had been corrected by numerous comments especially when the EU will never allow Chinese workers to work in Europe. His Pigheadedness remains as typical of English people. I stop listening to him, I'm once a fan turn to one of his greatest critic, should focus more on medical diagnosis instead of dwelling to conspiracy theories.


Registered Member
@Temstar No bro, he had a mistake early on about the findings in Italy of early strain of covid then had the alacrity to state that the Chinese workers had carried with them while working there. He is to prideful to admit his mistake and had to carry on stating his thesis, he had been corrected by numerous comments especially when the EU will never allow Chinese workers to work in Europe. His Pigheadedness remains as typical of English people. I stop listening to him, I'm once a fan turn to one of his greatest critic, should focus more on medical diagnosis instead of dwelling to conspiracy theories.
Yeah that sounds like him. I've known him to also make a mistake on a different thing too (using Ibuprofen to treat COVID-19 symptoms I think it was) and refuse to move from his initial position despite later evidence to the contrary.

Maybe it's an old man thing.


Registered Member
@Temstar No bro, he had a mistake early on about the findings in Italy of early strain of covid then had the alacrity to state that the Chinese workers had carried with them while working there. He is to prideful to admit his mistake and had to carry on stating his thesis, he had been corrected by numerous comments especially when the EU will never allow Chinese workers to work in Europe. His Pigheadedness remains as typical of English people. I stop listening to him, I'm once a fan turn to one of his greatest critic, should focus more on medical diagnosis instead of dwelling to conspiracy theories.

You mean Dr. Vitamin D. He spent too many a video espousing Vitamin D even though there is connecting benefit to it.


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Registered Member
I think Singapore government will approve the Sinovac vaccine after WHO approval.

Most of the people I know would prefer the Pfizer vaccine based on its efficacy reports.
I guess relentless demonization of anything Chinese had its effects.

Wanton demonization of China will backfire though, as my brother is now coming round to my views on China.

I am waiting for Sinovac, though I am in the priority queue for the Pfizer vaccine as I believe a precision targeted vaccine is not good for the ever mutating virus in the long term.

I prefer vaccines made the traditional way, being wary of unknown long term side effects of new vaccines.
They will likely need a third dose of Pfizer vaccine to deal with the variants each year. But China still needs these mRNA vaccines to deal with the Indian variants.


Junior Member
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From what I understand, Singapore has only approved Western vaccines and not Russian or Chinese ones? I understand why Taiwan won't approve, but can someone explain Singapore's logic? I understand Singapore is supposed to be neutral 中立 about this West-East thing.
Being neutral and doing business with everybody is what we would like to do.
But reality is we cannot show too much affinity for China.
I don't think we can afford to antagonize the US at the present moment.

Optics matters in politics, sadly.
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Singapore was the last country in Southeast Asia to formally recognize the People's Republic of China.


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Don’t think me cold blooded or deliberately trying to screw India over, but I actually think the world needs to work to actively deny India access to vaccines at this point.

The reasons are that at their current stage of infection, vaccines are basically useless to do much meaningful good due to the long time needed for vaccine immunity to kick in, and the limited global available quantity of vaccines.

Even if there were enough vaccines available to inoculate the entire Indian population, there isn’t sufficient time to get enough people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity minimum percentage of population before the virus naturally gets there first given the massive head start the virus already have and the speed of its spread.

So what does that mean? It means at best you have a minority of the population vaccinated with full immunity while everyone else gets the virus naturally.

That’s like the opposite of inoculation based herd immunity, where you have a small percentage of population with vaccine induced immunity being constantly re-exposed to countless naturally mutating variants of the virus. That sounds like the perfect way to train the virus to start attaining it’s own defences against vaccine trained immunity.

Vaccines is fundamentally the wrong tool for this job.

India needs to bring infection rates down sufficiently to allow for a viable vaccine strategy or it needs to just suck it up and take it; but throwing vaccines blindly at this current crisis will only repeating the exact same mistakes that have created antibiotic resistant superbugs.

India is currently suffering under a 2nd wave.
But a 3rd wave is expected, potentially July-August time.

Looking at the numbers, I don't see enough vaccine inoculations by August to make a difference.
So India would need to be sealed off for the next 4months.

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