Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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I think the primary issue with mRNA vaccines in third world countries is stringent transport and storage requirements. Not sure subsaharan Africa or South Asia have the capability for proper handling.
And government oversight quality. Even in the US, there were multiple screw ups in mixing the vaccines or storing them. Imagine what would happen if India's government was managing that.


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UP Govt Orders Help Desks, Medical Equipment for Cows in Each District​

New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Adityanath has issued orders to set up help desks for the protection of cows in each district of the state and ensure medical equipment for the animals, the news agency IANS has
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The Adityanath government, according to the agency report, has directed that COVID-19 protocols be maintained at all cow shelters, including stocks of equipment like oximeters and thermal scanners “for cows and other animals as well”.


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UP Govt Orders Help Desks, Medical Equipment for Cows in Each District​

New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Adityanath has issued orders to set up help desks for the protection of cows in each district of the state and ensure medical equipment for the animals, the news agency IANS has
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The Adityanath government, according to the agency report, has directed that COVID-19 protocols be maintained at all cow shelters, including stocks of equipment like oximeters and thermal scanners “for cows and other animals as well”.

Going forward, can we please post all UP related news in the funny stuff thread?


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From Singapore: A cluster was formed by 40 medical staffs and patients infected with Indian Covid variant.
9 fully vaccinated staffs ( with Pfizer vaccine) only mild to no symptoms.
Of the remaining 31 cases, 7 required oxygen support and a 88 year old patient died.

Looks like vaccine might not prevent infection, but at least effective in preventing severe infection.


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From what I understand, Singapore has only approved Western vaccines and not Russian or Chinese ones? I understand why Taiwan won't approve, but can someone explain Singapore's logic? I understand Singapore is supposed to be neutral 中立 about this West-East thing.
I think Singapore government will approve the Sinovac vaccine after WHO approval.

Most of the people I know would prefer the Pfizer vaccine based on its efficacy reports.
I guess relentless demonization of anything Chinese had its effects.

Wanton demonization of China will backfire though, as my brother is now coming round to my views on China.

I am waiting for Sinovac, though I am in the priority queue for the Pfizer vaccine as I believe a precision targeted vaccine is not good for the ever mutating virus in the long term.

I prefer vaccines made the traditional way, being wary of unknown long term side effects of new vaccines.


Virus antibodies, 111 of 959 (11.6%), detected in Italian blood samples taken in September 2019. Signs of an outbreak happening in Italy. Also in the video, signs of the virus in a swab sample in France sometime in December.

Unsurprisingly, he has no qualms pointing back to China with accusations of coverup and the flimsiest of evidence that is available, like satellite images of signs of activity outside Wuhan hospital car parks and analysis of internet searches in China at that time. (Btw, how would they manage to access internet search data in China when Google is banned there?) :rolleyes:

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Virus antibodies, 111 of 959 (11.6%), detected in Italian blood samples taken in September 2019. Signs of an outbreak happening in Italy. Also in the video, signs of the virus in a swab sample in France sometime in December.

Unsurprisingly, he has no qualms pointing back to China with accusations of coverup and the flimsiest of evidence that is available, like satellite images of signs of activity outside Wuhan hospital car parks and analysis of internet searches in China at that time. (Btw, how would they manage to access internet search data in China when Google is banned there?) :rolleyes:

At the start of the pandemic I use to watch John Campbell a lot to get his opinion on the situation. Early on he was actually very supportive of China's pandemic prevention efforts and would tell people off when they say China is doing a cover up or if the Wuhan lockdown was wrong. Like when Bruce Aylward did his big press conference at the end of Feb after the joint mission John Campball was strongly supportive of the WHO's findings. He kept getting a lot of pressure from his viewers regarding his view on China.

It's interesting watching his tone change. One wonders if he's succumbing to the pressure of the overton window or if the the propaganda machine is genuinely successful in brainwashing him.


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Well, you have to see things from the government's perspective. Imagine the rumors of a pandemic in Wuhan came out. If the rumors were false then you could be starting a panic in the population which could eventually lead to riots for nothing much at all. If the rumors were true then people could leave the city in droves and spread the virus all over China. Neither of which are ideal situations. Much better to investigate the occurrences quietly and take appropriate measures before the message went around.

The fact that China had better response than most of the nations who criticize China's handling of the situation should be telling.