Sweet Baby Inc used someone, not one of the developers at Game Science, who made a comment on their site as an example of Game Science's misogynistic culture...? If true, I'm not surprised because that's what the US news media does by quoting someone on Chinese social media to paint all of China. And let's not skip past that someone in the US could've wrote that comment for Americans to use to legitimize the story.
Interesting about this "Uglification of Women" thing. I noticed this happening in movies and TV. I never knew it may be intentional. I was watching Beverly Hills Cop and the original Road House movies. Both had gratuitous nudity of women. Of course I understand it's a sign of the times that they don't do that in movies anymore but intentionally having "average" or no women to replace them...? Look at the Fall Guy remake movie. For anyone who didn't see the original TV show, there's a popular main supporting character missing from the movie version... For women they can still have handsome actors in roles in movies and TV so they can have their fantasies. But don't count on a geeky guy having a hot girlfriend that isn't a comedy like it were natural. I'll hear a woman being described as sexy on a show but it's a straight woman or gay man, two people that have no interests in have sexual relations with a women, saying it. And of course those women aren't "sexy" to a straight man.
This guy has several videos talking about this. He mentions that it's suspicious and yellow journalism that IGN and others will write articles reviewing the game but then out of nowhere mentions the accusations of sexism at the end of a review article. Trump has accused this of how the media reports on him where they will add other negative things out of left field to stories that have nothing to do with what the story is about. The West does this with China all the time. They publish a story about China and then at the end out of nowhere they'll mention something like Uighur slaves in China when the story had nothing to do with geopolitics. That especially happens on anything positive said about China and then at the end they have to mention something bad about China. When Xi Jinping comes the US, all of the sudden there's a slew of new accusations against China reported by the Western media when they're not current events. For human rights crimes, they don't seem to expose them immediately after they find out about them. They wait until an event they can exploit to expose them.