Chinese submarines thread

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Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

Mr_C said:
From what i have heard in Australia, the Collins class is one of the noisiest modern SSKs. Correct me if i am wrong. But there had been many problems related to its noise which was reported in Australia. Correct me if i am wrong because maybe they have fixed it by now.

Most of the noise problems seem to have been solved. There are three basic types of noise a submarine creates. One is noise from inside the submarine itself, such as it's motors. The second is noise created by the propellor as it turns, called cavitation. The third is noise created by a bad shape of the oustide hull of the submarine, this is called "flow noise".

The Collins submarines are an enlarged version of the Swedish Gotland submarine. The Gotland submarines have a reputation for being very quiet, but when the design was made bigger for the Collins class the outside shape of the hull made more flow noise and the bigger propellor made more cavitation (and the propellors developed cracks in them). The cavitation noise problem was solved by making new propellors with a new shape. Taking the old propellor off and putting a new one on a submarine is not a hard thing to do.

The hull flow noise problem was harder to deal with because it required changing the shape of the outside of the hull. This was done by adding extra lightweight pieces to the hull in important locations (just like adding a "body kit" to the body of a car). It has helped reduced hull flow noise but not solved it completely.

There are still problems with the combat electronics systems used in the Collins subs, but a contract has already been signed to replace the combat electronics systems in them with a smaller version of the combat electronics systems used in the US Virginia class submarines. The change of these electronics systems for all of the Collins submarines is expected to be completed by 2010.


Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

Would those small pieces you speak of added to the hull of the submarine be anechoic tiles? I know the tiels muffled noise, but do they serve another purpose like that?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

MIGleader said:
Would those small pieces you speak of added to the hull of the submarine be anechoic tiles? I know the tiels muffled noise, but do they serve another purpose like that?

No, I wasn't talking about anechoic tiles. One of the main functions of anechoic tiles is to reduce internal noise from the submarine (eg noise from the main motor, pumps, etc) from getting into the water. Anechoic tiles can also help reduce the returned signal from an active sonar ping.

When I mentioned adding pieces to the hull to reduce hull flow noise, moulded sections of kevlar/fibreglass were made that were attached to the hull to change it's shape, especially around the bow and around the join between the hull and the sail (conning tower/fin). These changes alter the way the water flows over the surface of the hull, reducing turbulence. It's the water turbulence that actually makes hull flow noise. The changes didn't drastically reshape the hull, they were refinements to the existing shape.

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

GarethB said:
Most of the noise problems seem to have been solved. There are three basic types of noise a submarine creates. One is noise from inside the submarine itself, such as it's motors. The second is noise created by the propellor as it turns, called cavitation. The third is noise created by a bad shape of the oustide hull of the submarine, this is called "flow noise".
The Collins submarines are an enlarged version of the Swedish Gotland submarine. The Gotland submarines have a reputation for being very quiet, but when the design was made bigger for the Collins class the outside shape of the hull made more flow noise and the bigger propellor made more cavitation (and the propellors developed cracks in them). The cavitation noise problem was solved by making new propellors with a new shape. Taking the old propellor off and putting a new one on a submarine is not a hard thing to do.
The hull flow noise problem was harder to deal with because it required changing the shape of the outside of the hull. This was done by adding extra lightweight pieces to the hull in important locations (just like adding a "body kit" to the body of a car). It has helped reduced hull flow noise but not solved it completely.
There are still problems with the combat electronics systems used in the Collins subs, but a contract has already been signed to replace the combat electronics systems in them with a smaller version of the combat electronics systems used in the US Virginia class submarines. The change of these electronics systems for all of the Collins submarines is expected to be completed by 2010.

NO my friend the collin is far from the best sub around the gotland hull may be sutiable for a small1500ton sub but not for the ocean going boat the Aussies need

the propeller arrangement is flawed to begin with OK at slow speed on a small boat but not on the collins

there have been repeated problems with the main engine one of the reason is because its converted from one used on a oil drilling platform

the little "patch" in fornt of the conning tower wont reduce too much noise only reducing the flow noise a little

compared with the kilo its got no chance

its also poorly armed with only torperdos right now all new subs have either AIP or sub launched missile like the club


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Re: Chinese sub thread

some interesting stuff. This link contains some of the photos of the inside of 039G Song compared to U-212.
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Here is a page that describes China's torpedoe development
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■ 现役潜用鱼雷



1985年之前,鱼-3 型鱼雷是中国海军的第一种自制大型声导深水反潜鱼雷。60年代中期,中国海军为核潜艇配套研制一种深水反潜鱼雷作为匹配武器装备,设计要求该型鱼雷采用电动推进和被动声导系统,在深水攻击敌方潜艇(尤其是核潜艇)时,不受背压影响。当时闭循环等新型动力系统尚未出现,中国根据国内水平选择电动力是较为合理的方案。1964年冬,705研究所开始论证这种电动声导反潜鱼雷,1966年3月,国防科工委批准了研制方案,并命名为鱼-3反潜鱼雷。在研制中,先后突破了高性能银锌电池、铝合金焊接鱼雷壳体、多波束自导装置等关键技术。1969年制出首具样雷,但迟至1984年才研制成功。1988年5月,“汉”级核潜艇在海南深水实验场成功地进行了水下深海发射试验。该发射系统能捕获目标并自动跟踪,一次过靶失掉目标后,仍可再次搜索与再次攻击。80年代后期, 705研究所又对鱼-3型加以改良,1991年试验成功性能更优良的鱼-3甲改进型,亦称为“中华鲟”二型反潜鱼雷。鱼-3改的最大特点,推测是导引系统由单一被动声导改为主被动联合声导,攻击导引精度和稳定性有较大提高。根据台湾资料,鱼-3型鱼雷最大射程为15千米,最大使用深度约240米,最高航速为40节。

鱼-4型鱼雷是中国海军装备的第一种自制大型潜用自导反舰鱼雷。该型鱼雷为33型和35型潜艇的主战装备,最新的39型潜艇也配备有该型鱼雷。鱼-4型是以苏制SAET-60型电动声导鱼雷为基础仿制改良而成的。50年代后期,中国海军从苏联引进了样雷和图纸以便进行仿制。60 年代初,中国决定集中力量首先研制鱼-1型鱼雷,因此延迟了电动声导反舰鱼雷的研制。最初,负责导引系统研制的东风仪表厂和西北工业大学分别提出不同的方案。最后决定两个方案同时采用,前者为被动声导型鱼-4甲型,后者为主被动联合声导型鱼-4乙型。鱼雷总体设计制造和全雷总装协调则由平阳机械厂承担。经过近10年的努力,鱼-4甲型首先研制成功,1984年2月设计生产定型。鱼-4航速比苏制SAET-60提高百分之二十以上。导引及惯性引信的稳定性与可靠性也有很大提高。鱼-4乙型的研制有许多突破,采用了新型战雷头、排水装置、腹鳍尾等设计,用小型电控深装置取代了原来的机械控深装置,大大改善了鱼雷的航行性能。该型鱼雷在1984年2月设计定型。鱼-4乙型的研制成功,填补了中国海军主被动联合声导反舰鱼雷的空白。由于鱼-4型鱼雷的原准型 SAET-60是二战德国鱼雷的改进型号,设计概念有很大的局限性,被动声导反水面舰艇受海况、环境和目标噪声水平影响很大,因此这型鱼雷系统作战效能有限。目前,反舰鱼雷多采用线导和尾流导引技术克服影响因素,鱼-4型鱼雷同样可能向这个方向改进。90年代,中国在尾流自导技术上取得了进展,由于鱼-4 型鱼雷最大射程仅有15千米,不适合单纯采用航程损失大的尾流自导,因而可能采用线导和尾流自导的联合方式。

80年代中期,中国决定研制大型线导反潜鱼雷作为039 型潜艇的配套武器装备,要求采用大功率、远航程的OTTO热动力系统,中段采用线导,末段为主被动联合声导,该型鱼雷为鱼-6型。在研制过程中,采用了与美国和欧洲技术合作的成果。1990年初,中国宣布成功地测试了一种新式大型鱼雷,该型鱼雷最大射程约30千米,最大航速50节。这是鱼-6型鱼雷最早公开的官方消息。鱼-6型的研制成功,显示了中国鱼雷在热能源动力技术方面已有突破,对于中国鱼雷武器的发展具有极为重要的意义。鱼-6型的研制成功,使中国海军常规动力潜艇具备了很好的反潜作战能力。




■ 直航鱼雷作战










西方国家的领先之处在于传感器和部件的精度和成品率。中国在80年代获得了美国MK-46和意大利A244S、A184鱼雷后,不仅在传感器原理与结构设计方面有了重大变革,而且设计思路和信号处理等都进步巨大。可靠寻的是鱼雷最关键的性能,中国在这方面接近或达到了西方水准。中国的问题在于工艺和质量,加强这些方面要依靠设备和管理方面的改进。目前西方阵列换能器多采用压电陶瓷,数量约为30至 160个,其中英国先进的“虎鱼”鱼雷为55个,美国海军的MK-48型鱼雷约52个,中国的鱼-6型鱼雷的压电陶瓷阵列换能器估计会超过“虎鱼”。相当于意大利A184鱼雷使用的的160换能器全景阵列也在研究中。不过意大利的这种全景阵列是否有很好的性能目前还难以确认。




Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

I must say...the sogn looks pretty decent with controls, but rather idsappoints men when i compare it to the u-212 or agusta90B. Think yuan's interior looks better?


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

It sure looks light years more modern that the sole sub i've been in, A soviet Juliett class SSG.


Banned Idiot
China's Underground Nuclear Submarine Base

Hi, everyone, I register today as the new forum member and this is my very first post. Hope you guys find it both entertaining and informative.

The big news today is the pictures of Chinese SSN/SSBN base and underground base that are "discovered" by western news media.

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Of course, Bill Gertz of Washington Times got very excited about this. He jumped up and down, and said it is the evidence that China trys to hide its "nuke buildup". He didn't know underground aubmarine base is not something new, German had that even before World War II.

On the other hand, Bill Gertz must be disappointed that the picture didn't show Chinese hides a whole aircraft carrier attack group underground. Maybe his Pentagon friend who always insists to speak on the condition of anonymity can help him with this next time, HeHeHe!

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Enjoy! :nana:


Junior Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

Please Darth, could you provide some sources? As far as I have understood the Collins nowadays are silent and reliable boats (Chris Chant's Warships Today if anyone wants a source) after they have been rebuilt, and I can't see any reason why the flow noise wouldn't be affected by the reshaping of the hull.

I am not going to comment on the issue wheter it will beat a 877 'Kilo', because the later is more a 'family' of subs than a number of exact copies, and therefore they vary in performance quite a lot, not to even mention the differences in training between different operators. However the Stirling engine would give the Collins a considerable edge in longer hunts and when it comes to detecting and tracking its foe.

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

Lavi said:
Please Darth, could you provide some sources? As far as I have understood the Collins nowadays are silent and reliable boats (Chris Chant's Warships Today if anyone wants a source) after they have been rebuilt, and I can't see any reason why the flow noise wouldn't be affected by the reshaping of the hull.
I am not going to comment on the issue wheter it will beat a 877 'Kilo', because the later is more a 'family' of subs than a number of exact copies, and therefore they vary in performance quite a lot, not to even mention the differences in training between different operators. However the Stirling engine would give the Collins a considerable edge in longer hunts and when it comes to detecting and tracking its foe.

:mad: TRY LOOK AT THE SUB THEN TALK!!!!:non:mad: o:

don you see ANY new subs built to that shape the Tall coning tower is a dead give away

the propeller arangement is poor for high speed (above 7 knots)

it lacks missiles for attack aginst surface ships making an attack sicuide aginst mordern asw forces

the main engine is a design converted for one used on a drilling plarform DO YOU WANT ME TO FLOOD THIS PAGE WITH ARTICALS ON ENGINE FALIURE!!!!!!!

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