Please read ALL my posts here carefully.If I were doing the planning for PLAN subs, I'd prolly allocate more funds toward SSBN's and SSG/SSGN's. The US doesn't have "no first strike" policy, so the PRC can only hope to deter the conflict from going nuclear with true MAD capability. A fleet of 8-12 SSBN's, each armed with 16-24 SLBM's with MIRV warheads, would offer that level of MAD deterrance by sea. For the PLAN to hit a USN carrier and cross their fingers in hope the US wouldn't retaliate is sheer folly.
I agree, but I wouldn't rely only on submarines- please see ALL my posts here.For sinking a carrier at sea, I'd go with SSG/SSGN's.
The new Type 94 SSBN is said to carry 16 x JL-2 SLBM's. If each SLBM is replaced by 6 AShM's, that's 16 x 6 = 96 missiles. Borrowing specs from the 3M-54E1 specs, each missile has 300km range and carries 400kg warhead. If the SSGN is able to fire its 96 missiles payload at distance, you only need a small % to penatrate the defenses and score a hit. Something on the scale/size of a 100,000 ton super carrier would prolly require multiple hits to disable it.
I bet is a wrong time to get funding. With the democrat in house,the first thing they will do is to cut down military expenditure to keep US debt from further rising. Unless US can get out of Iraq quickly,or else US military wil be hard on fund...
China ministry of foreign affairs department denied chinese sub surfaces undetected behind USS Kitty hawk carrier.
"< Wastington times > report is incorrect," the chinese speaker said in a news conference.
this news is from 2006.11.15
What I was not fully aware of is the fact that the Commander of the US Pacific Fleet is currently in China for talks with his counterparts for an exchange programm. So, if true, it has some political significance.
Well, GS does not cite sources and the info is essentially the same as has been reported in the news. I personally find it extremly hard, if not impossible, to believe that the Song actually "shadowed" the KH CSG. The carrier and its group simply move too fast for the Song to shadow it. I am more than prepared to believe that the Song was waiting in a position to be close to the carrier when it passed, or conducted operations where the Song was lurking.I just found an article on globalsecurity regarding this incidence.
It states KH was shadowed by the sub, it was undisclosed but don't say by whom.
What I was not fully aware of is the fact that the Commander of the US Pacific Fleet is currently in China for talks with his counterparts for an exchange programm. So, if true, it has some political significance.
The article doesn't say much more about the event, but contains some info on the socg-class subs.
Yes! That is an english saying that the truth lies somewhere in between. I believe the Song was clearly there, and that it was too close for comfort for the US Navy when it surfaced. The PLAN will understandably view very positively.Sure, that KH was shadowed is just what was written there. The truth may, as in many cases, lie somewhere in the middle (does that phrase even exist in english)