Probably another lackluster digitimes article, but we predicted that development and goes way beyond "dual use" as China semi supply chain develops thanks to the D.C. stooges export controls, now defense products do not necessary have to rely on consumer-civilian grade products like the think tank stooges have been saying with the "civil-military fusion" crap theory, now China defense firms could have access to an entire supply chain to make a full spectrum of semiconductor products in 150-300 mm Si, SiC, GaN, SoI, AlN, GaO3, etc, wafers, from very mature to advance logic and gets better thanks to US export controls China semiconductor industry naturally is getting less transparent with less foreign eyes over the industry, so will be very difficult to know who is doing what, with the exception of some announcements, papers and patents, very superficial stuff. So probably no more procurement announcements, defense firms can now establish their own design houses and get military grade IC products or procure military grade version of consumer grade products.