Chinese semiconductor thread II


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Listed companies are now openly talking about and confirming the mass production of 28nm litho tool. I guess some progress in this area will be declassified soon
I have let the government know to make public the 28nm scanner ASAP to build public confidence after the krf and Arf public announcement, No need to hide.


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I have let the government know to make public the 28nm scanner ASAP to build public confidence after the krf and Arf public announcement, No need to hide.

But what are they going to gain by making it public. Everyone who needs to know like their suppliers, customers and other stakeholders would already know. When you are engaged in some kind of war, ideally you would want to reveal as little as possible of your real status to your opponents.


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Looks like TSMC’s 2nm node will increase their lead over everyone else by quite a bit. SRAM scaling for 3nm nodes at TSMC was pretty much nonexistent but their 2nm node promises big improvements in SRAM scaling.
FSFETs will bring even better SRAM scaling than GAAFETs. I wonder how many nodes there will be before they will start to introduce FSFETs. If they want to keep the pace of past progress there should be just 2 or 3.


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its used for any vacuum equipment, including deposition, etch, furnance, ion implant and testing.
I’m curious if tmp is used anywhere on a DUV. My guess is no
1. Duv wavelength can travel thru air, so no need for vacuum
2. Immersion water would evaporate under vacuum
已经进入 H 供应链,目前国内有三家可以生产磁悬浮分子泵,只有
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一家进入 H 光刻机供应链


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I’m curious if tmp is used anywhere on a DUV. My guess is no
1. Duv wavelength can travel thru air, so no need for vacuum
2. Immersion water would evaporate under vacuum

Yes, TMP is not used in immersion DUV lithography. This is a reason why costs for DUV are much lower than EUV. EUV is not only expensive for the EUV, it is expensive for the vacuum system that must handle moving parts like stage and reticle. Other vacuum chambers like CVD, PVD, diffusion furnace, wafer bond, etc do not need internally moving parts, only wafer transfer mechanisms.


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Samsung to shut down 50% of foundry production lines to cut costs
That is nothing short of a disaster. The most massive cost in building a fab is buying the tools. Stopping production means you aren't paying back your equipment expenses. Amortization is a bitch in fabs.

This is one of the reasons why Intel had the tick-tock model in the first place. They first ported an older chip design to a new process to reduce risk and get the new production line at full capacity as soon as possible.


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That is nothing short of a disaster. The most massive cost in building a fab is buying the tools. Stopping production means you aren't paying back your equipment expenses. Amortization is a bitch in fabs.
TSMC has own loyal customers.. and due to fear of sanctions Chinese customers trying to get local fabs like SMIC and Samsung also facing stiff competition in mature nodes from China. which was once bread/butter in revenue .. so SS future looks dark