Chinese semiconductor thread II


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guys, this is a semi thread, not a Huawei product thread.

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Good summary of SiC usage in Chinese auto market in first half of the year. Up to 1.1 million cars with SiC.

从销量看,特斯拉Model Y、Model 3包揽前二,上半年销量分别为20.78万辆、7.05万辆,合计27.83万辆,占SiC车型销量比重合计达25.9%。累计销量超过10万辆的还有比亚迪系和吉利系,上半年分别销售16.83万辆、12.35万辆。汽车之家、车企、第三方机构统计数据(不含进出口数据)销量介于1万~10万辆区间的品牌还有蔚来汽车、长安系、AITO问界、理想汽车、小鹏汽车、小米汽车、奇瑞集团、零跑汽车、上汽智己、现代(含起亚)、北汽集团、大众汽车,上半年SiC车型销量分别为8.74万辆、8.07万辆、7.4万辆、4.93万辆、4.9万辆、3万辆、2.62万辆、2.5万辆、2.1万辆、1.43万辆、1.4万辆、1.26万辆。
scale of the # of cars from each brand that use SiC. Tesla still leads the way, but should change soon as E3.0 Evo and BYD's 800V platforms get mass deployed.

domestic supplier market share is coming up, but still have work to do imo
而本土供应商仅有长飞先进、中电科55所、国联万众(中瓷电子)、士兰微、斯达半导等少数供应商入列。在应用领域,本土芯片供应商主要面向非核心场景,在主驱方面,清一色由国际大厂所垄断。集微咨询(JW Insights)预测,预计到2025年年底,本土SiC芯片才会逐步进入核心场景。

Summary of domestic seen.
BYD is almost fully supplying itself and might already be supplying external partners.
AccoPower and SMEC are other major suppliers


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LongSys presenting self designed 28nm process eMMC control chips as well as 28nm SLC NAND storage. Looks like the process is fabb'd be TSMC. Wonder if SMIC can win this business.

It has sold 50 million chips since delivering NAND product in 2020


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SMEC first half results.

SIC MOSFET business grew 300% with many domestic and foreign OEMs _ Tier 1. Expecting 1B RMB in revenue for the full year.
90% of production is for NEV inverter.
It produced China's first 8-inch SiC MOSFET production line.

It has picked up almost 10% of the auto power module market. 590k in the first half vs less than 100k a year ago.

It's developing 1200V 600A SiC HB2 & HB3 packaging module

it has 786% growth of 12 inch Is wafers

60% growth in analog IC

Looking to grow in MEMS, BCD and MCU.


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Piotech Expanding their production and R&D lines in 2025​

Piotech new products and new processes are constantly expanding, and equipment shipments have increased significantly. New products and new processes are constantly expanding, and the optimization and upgrading of equipment and reaction chambers are continuously promoted. The company continues to expand new products and new processes, including ultra-high aspect ratio trench filling CVD equipment, PECVD Bianca process equipment and bonding registration accuracy measurement products, and continues to optimize and upgrade equipment platforms and reaction chambers, including new equipment platforms (PF-300TPlus and PF-300M) and new reaction chambers (pX and Supra-D). As of the end of H1 2024, the company's PECVD, ALD, SACVD, HDPCVD and ultra-high aspect ratio trench filling CVD thin film equipment can support about 100 process applications of all dielectric thin film materials required in logic chips and memory chips.

  The company's equipment shipments have increased significantly, and the equipment has performed stably in the client's production line. In the first half of 2024, the company shipped more than 430 reaction chambers; as of the end of H1 2024, the company has shipped more than 1,940 reaction chambers (including more than 130 new reaction chambers pX and Supra-D) and entered more than 70 production lines. According to the company's 2024 interim report, it is expected that more than 1,000 reaction chambers will be shipped throughout 2024, which will set a record high. The company's equipment has excellent performance in production and operation stability on the client's production line, with an average stable operation time (Uptime) of more than 90% (reaching the level of similar international equipment).

  The scale of mass production and application of the company's thin film series products in wafer manufacturing production lines continues to expand. As of the end of H1 2024, the cumulative tape-out volume of products produced by the company's thin film deposition equipment in the client production line has exceeded 194 million pieces.

  The fundraising and investment projects are progressing smoothly, and the Lingang ALD equipment R&D and industrialization project has been put into use. The company continues to promote the construction of investment projects with raised funds, and the three major fundraising and investment projects are progressing smoothly. ① ALD equipment R&D and industrialization project: Purchase a factory building in the Lingang New Area of Shanghai to build a R&D and production base. As of the end of H1 2024, the factory renovation has been completed and put into use, and the R&D and production-related work of ALD equipment has been carried out, and the fundraising project has been completed; ② Semiconductor advanced process equipment R&D and industrialization project: Build a R&D and industrialization base in the Lingang New Area of Shanghai to be used for the R&D of advanced semiconductor thin film deposition equipment and processes, and realize the industrialization of semiconductor equipment required by the Lingang-centered customer base. It is expected that the overall construction of the base will be completed by the end of 2024 and put into use before June 2025.

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Hesheng New Materials' 8-inch conductive 4H-SiC substrate project is fully completed​

The official microblog of Hosheng Silicon Industry announced that its subsidiary Ningbo Hosheng New Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hosheng New Materials") recently officially announced that the 8-inch conductive 4H-SiC substrate project has been fully connected. This milestone achievement marks that Hosheng New Materials has made a major technological breakthrough in the field of third-generation semiconductor materials and has fully entered the first echelon of the industry.

The 8-inch conductive 4H-SiC substrate has shown outstanding advantages in many key performance indicators. Through precise process control and technological innovation, the microtube density of the substrate has been significantly reduced to below 0.05/cm², ensuring the high purity and high quality of the substrate. At the same time, the 4H crystal area ratio reaches 100%, showing extremely high crystal integrity and stability. The resistivity is stable between 0.015-0.025Ω·cm, and the relative standard deviation is less than 4%, highlighting the excellent performance of the material.

In the epitaxial process verification, epitaxial wafers produced using Hesheng's 8-inch substrates performed outstandingly, with film thickness uniformity and doping uniformity both higher than the industry average, fatal defect density lower than 0.3 particles/cm², and usable area exceeding 99%, fully demonstrating Hesheng's strong strength and technological innovation capabilities in the field of semiconductor materials.

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