Its going to take a while to move off Nvidia, it is a huge sunk cost and as long as they can keep using it, they will squeeze whatever they can out of what they have. Switching is not a simple porting over exercise from CUDA to the Huawei framework, a complete code base re-design and overhaul would be needed. It goes far beyond refactoring because your code logic, systems design, architecture, basically everything was built with the assumption of using CUDA libraries, extensions, etc. Even if Huawei provided an easy toolkit for porting such as an interpreter to make it more adaptable, unless their architecture is similar to CUDA or they provide cross-compatibility your code would not work properly without big changes or would have large quality issues. We are talking millions of lines of code that would need to examined, documented, re-designed and re-implemented which is a huge sustaining engineering effort. As an example, a game that runs on PS4/PS5 versus one that runs on PC would need two different codebases because the Playstation hardware architecture requires far more SW optimization than their PC counterparts. Switching to a domestic system would have to be a gradual parallel effort because you simply cannot afford to drop everything cold turkey without losing months of work at a minimum.