Best that Chinese companies can supply at the moment are 90nm class systems. Yes, 90nm. The process that was all the rage back in 2002. If SMEE's 28nm class machine comes out this year, and assuming it is productive enough to be used by customers in their fabs, that would put them 10 years behind ASML's DUV line.Yeah; ASML's best DUV is where China's upcoming model will be at, although China will be pushing DUV further while ASML had left off and went to EUV.
Duh. Couple years back, China had nothing to speak of. Now, China's EUV has all components complete and is ready to assemble/assembled for the prototype. It 2024-2025 was the last estimate I heard. Of course this is cutting down ASML's lead.
They are walking ahead while China is flying ahead. The anti-Chinese argument is always that others aren't standing still; they always choose to be trapped in the logical fallacy that if A is moving forward and ahead of B, then B can never catch up because by the time B gets to where A was, A will have moved forward further. They pretend they've never seen an object come from behind and overtake another object before.
They are now only stopgaps for until China's own DUVs come online and until those numbers are brought up to reach demand, which will take time. It simply means that China's mass-production of this new equipment has not reached saturation, not that the technology isn't there.
Like... point to it where it stands on the ground? LOL If you follow this thread, you'll know the upcoming dates within the next 12-24 months of this machine, yet to be named, and the milestones it is set to achieve. Sure, you can say that it's not here yet but that is a weak and diminishing argument. Chinese look to the near and long-term future. The anti-Chinese crowd cling to the past and the flitting present before it betrays them as always.
It's better to end your response completely before you end up like you do in the other threads where you end up humiliated because you can't distinguish a real video from CGI.