Chinese semiconductor industry

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For now yes, but for 2025? the chip will be used widely are not 28nm and 14nm anymore, but perhaps 5nm and 3nm, while 2nm and 1nm will have been mass produced and 0.5nm will have been on trial and
0.5nm chips probably need a soft X-ray litho tool to fabricate it. The new Beijing synchrotron is under construction and schedule to be finished in 2025. The new Beijing synchrotron has the capability to produce soft X-ray for research work, and may be use to help develop a soft X-ray litho tool or even attempt to make a 0.5 nm transistor to see if it is even functional.


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0.5nm chips probably need a soft X-ray litho tool to fabricate it. The new Beijing synchrotron is under construction and schedule to be finished in 2025. The new Beijing synchrotron has the capability to produce soft X-ray for research work, and may be use to help develop a soft X-ray litho tool or even attempt to make a 0.5 nm transistor to see if it is even functional.
Is that synchrotron the facility being referred to at the end of this article?
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Is that synchrotron the facility being referred to at the end of this article?
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"The first
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source based on SSMB specifically for application in EUV lithography is already in the planning stage near Beijing."

I wonder if someone has already tried it as an EUV light source.


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US Treasury says if Wise Road Capital purchases Korean chip maker Magnachip it will pose threats to US national security.​

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In March, Chinese private equity firm Wise Road Capital agreed to acquire system chip manufacturer Magnachip in a deal valued at $1.4 billion.

Magnachip said in a SEC filing on Monday the U.S. Department of Treasury, in a letter to the company’s legal counsel last Friday, said the acquisition posed “risks to the national security of the United States,” and expects to seek President Joe Biden’s decision on the matter.


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This is the most interesting part.

Japanese companies are ignoring US technology sanctions in order to supply Huawei?

If I were a Japanese executive, I'd be sweating and then working feverishly to bring down US technology content to 0% on all my products.

"If [Huawei] asks us to supply parts, we have to comply even under the U.S. sanctions," an official at a Japanese supplier told Nikkei. "There are even cases of executives asking directly. We will make shipments within an allowable range.


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That's funny. YMTC did supply memory for the Mate 40. Korean components should be even less than mentioned.

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It is much more than 60% now. Mate40 is from last year. In P50 almost everything is domestic, except for Snapdragon SoC and camera sensor from Sony.


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It is much more than 60% now. Mate40 is from last year. In P50 almost everything is domestic, except for Snapdragon SoC and camera sensor from Sony.
Does the p50 still use Sony I though that deal fell through at the last minute? That is why the p50 series no longer is using the well known RYYB sensor. Huawei had to postpone the launch of the p50 series.
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