Chinese semiconductor industry

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I think it is still worth it, because it unmasks the US for what they really are.
If they threaten to sanction Samsung it will expose their hand.
I would love it if they sanctioned Samsung manufactured chips.
NVIDIA is manufacturing all their current GPUs at Samsung.
Doesn't have to disrupt US supplies
US government can punish Samsung by giving it a huge fine.


Registered Member
Doesn't have to disrupt US supplies
US government can punish Samsung by giving it a huge fine.

Fining them for what? They aren't doing anything illegal.
And laws aren't retroactive. What I think is more likely is they will threaten to ban Samsung sales in the US.
The US courts love doing injunctions. They do it all the time.
If that isn't enough, they might freeze assets including their manufacturing plant in Austin, Texas.


Registered Member
They can think of anything. price fixing or dumping are commonly used accusation. They are all unjust excuses.
US even used excuse of bribing by executives in foreign soil in grabbing alstom assets
They should do it. Lets see the US denying the S.Korea access to the China market. I am sure the Koreans will be glad to hear this news.


If Samsung is manufacturing 5nm chips for Huawei it is great. But the US might simply ratchet up the sanctions again. Just look at what they are doing with Nord Stream 2. They threatened Allseas with cutting them out from SWIFT and freezing all their dollar denominated transactions. Let's not forget they also appropriated Venezuelan assets in the US including refineries (Citgo).

View attachment 70094

well that during Trump, which is not very smart move, like desperate move as no other cards to be played with


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I doubt US will sanction more Chinese companies after this especially when China humiliated US on their own soil. If they can sanction Germany for their Nordstream 2 project, they will go as far as restricting all semiconductor products to China. We will see more sanctions after this and probably boycott winter Olympics??.. US now cares more about tech supremacy rather than market and profit. China needs to be independent of US tech faster.


Lieutenant General
Wang Yi turn to speak I think he sound defiant and rebuke Us for imposing sanction before the meeting
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday told the United States at the China-U.S. high-level strategic dialogue that imposing new sanctions on China just before a bilateral strategic dialogue is not the way to welcome guests.


Registered Member
Thats big task to change up the light source. Is ASML even committed to do that?
Samsung can't do it.

building a smaller production line doesn't mean ASML changing its light source . It sounds more like using japanese lithography equipment to build an older technology production.

The lesson is don't depend on Outsiders. EU, Japan, Korea, Taiwan. When US threaten hard, all of them will obey US orders.

Focus only on domestic advancement.
@Oldschool bro, if Samsung is able to do this, then others will follow and maybe ASML might establish a separate product line with older tech EUVL just for the Chinese market.
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