Too good to be true
Eventually, this was always the logical outcome.
If America cuts off all of their tech to China, all that means there will be two markets/economies in the world. One with American tech, one without American tech.
China is the biggest industrial economy in the world. It will not disappear if it is cut off completely from American tech.
The sole purpose of the multinational company is profits. Those companies will use American inputs to sell to the world, and use no American inputs to sell to China, who still is the biggest industrial economy in the world, that is China.
There will be one supply chain geared to the American market, and one supply chain geared to the China market.
(Of the two supply chains, which one will the rest of the world uses, that is more complicated but the answer is rather clear, it would seem).
To design American tech out of the products for the China market, takes time, at least 2 or 4 years, minimum. This 2 or 3 years timeline, probably began some time during the Trump Presidency.