semiconductor has elevated into a top geopolitical issue, being used by some government as tool to choke off the livelihood of some countries or at least attempts. It's no longer a normal industry runs by industrial normsHonest to god, if we’re going to enforce the rules in this thread most participants here would probably be banned for some of the things said here, not just gadgetcool. A lot of the people arguing against gadgetcool’s position are just as obnoxious as gadgetcool him/herself. This thread is not really a thread about semiconductors, but a thread for venting nationalistic fervor using anxieties over semiconductors as the trigger.
For example second handed lithography equipments price risen 3x times recently and almost all of them going into China.
SMIC $1.2 billion purchase from ASML , all for duv equipments.thats almost 20 sets.
This is not normal industrial reactions. It's almost like fighting a war and those are strategic materials.
Gop cotton promises to completely decoupled. Urgency for actions.
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