Chinese semiconductor industry

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Probably since no-one reports his posts and since none of us moderators cares much about these "politically infected" threads. Would it go per my will all these threads would be closed.
Sino Defence Forum.

When China is obviously under threat of USA of a full spectrum war, defence is no longer about just producing hardware like j-20 or carriers and submarine.

Economy and technology and monetary warfare are undeniably raging right now. The defence of Sino is undeniably in play right now in those domains.

It is interesting that the moderators consider these threads to be "politically infected" when they are probably the most relevant threads in Sino Defence Forum.

We could perhaps make our posts politically more neutral when discussing economical and technological and monetary warfare however. And that would be a very good thing. The difficulty is that for USA to find an excuse to wage these wars they are bringing in politics as an excuse, as a smokescreen.

Trying to completely separate politics is therefore going to be difficult.


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Much of this "political infection" comes from gadgetcool posting obviously inflammatory content from opinion pieces or thinktanks, and then using that as a springboard to repeat the same vague drivel about "making friends", which has nothing to do with this thread.

Then you have the chest-thumping from the other side of the aisle, partly in response to said trolling, partly in response to genuine news articles about the latest developments.

I am in favor of restricting posts in this thread to news directly reporting semiconductor development in China, without commentary or discussion spit-balling about what China should do in the future. It would be great if moderators could assist in enforcing this, so that this thread can at least approach the same civility as the Chinese space program thread.


Honest to god, if we’re going to enforce the rules in this thread most participants here would probably be banned for some of the things said here, not just gadgetcool. A lot of the people arguing against gadgetcool’s position are just as obnoxious as gadgetcool him/herself. This thread is not really a thread about semiconductors, but a thread for venting nationalistic fervor using anxieties over semiconductors as the trigger.


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To be honest, I think semiconductors is a short term problem for China. Sure, its a few years behind what I'd like to see, but essentially China doesn't have to worry about being completely starved like Japan was for oil in WW2. China can already (or is soon going to) produce 28nm domestic processors. In 10-20 years it's going to even out


Registered Member
US inveils latest plan regarding to TSMC.

It won't be just 1 Fab at Arizona but a total of 6!
The size of the all fabs will double of TSMC site size in Taiwan

All engineers from TSMC will double the salaries and in 3 years they are eligible to have US green cards and once they accepted they will have to renounce their Taiwanese pensions and benefits.

Robbing of TSMC from Taiwan!

China needs to ban TSMC at mainland as if turning to become a US company in near future.
6 EUV fabs at US, that's pretty wasteful and overkilled

If China can deny them the market,
they will not able to sustain long term.

economy and technology cannot be separated.
Actually, its a double edged sword. Moving EUV fabs to the US means they have less of an incentive to defend Taiwan in war. Maybe Biden is preparing for the eventual Chinese takeover


Registered Member
US inveils latest plan regarding to TSMC.

It won't be just 1 Fab at Arizona but a total of 6!
The size of the all fabs will double of TSMC site size in Taiwan

All engineers from TSMC will double the salaries and in 3 years they are eligible to have US green cards and once they accepted they will have to renounce their Taiwanese pensions and benefits.

Robbing of TSMC from Taiwan!

China needs to ban TSMC at mainland as if turning to become a US company in near future.
6 EUV fabs at US, that's pretty wasteful and overkilled

If China can deny them the market,
they will not able to sustain long term.

economy and technology cannot be separated.
Is that feasible? I'm not sold that this is the case.
Does TSMC have some cloning technology to create clones of engineers to be spread over to a foreign plant double the size?

I think they'll be majority American recruits with TSMC engineers as trainers and educators /leaders.

Ofcourse, TSMC is the strongest card Taiwan has regarding industry against US and China. This means tearing that card.

Why can't US do it alone? Why would they need TSMC in the first place? So that means they are looking for the process know how. The Intel directed know how seem to have lagged a bit. But introducing TSMC know how wont be of significant help.

There is also the risk of both US and Taiwanese edge getting eroded and sacrificed on the altar of geopolitical hostility. Forcing top engineers to shuttle between continents isn't good.

I read somewhere that it's always a handful of engineers /scientists who does the magic. Sharing them will affect productivity and results.
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