Chinese semiconductor industry

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the 25th China Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Annual Conference and Supply Chain Innovation and Development Conference

"Microsystem Reliability Design Based on Chip Integration Technology".

The 58 Institute has a platform for the entire industrial chain in the field of integrated circuits, including a 7-nanometer design platform, a 65-nanometer mask platform, a national ceramic packaging center, a microsystem center line, etc., and has rich experience in the microsystem field. It has successively established 8-inch and 12-inch mid-way lines, and released the PDK of wafer-level fan-out packaging. A service platform for testing reliability, including 3D X-ray testing, scanning acoustic microscopy testing, etc.


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A team from Tianjing University created the world's first "multi-bind multi-standard 5.5G/6G mmWave fused chip module".

In the relevant fields, members of this team has published 15 articles on the top journals so far. The team has 16 patents granted or pending in China, one in the US. They have incorporated in Aug, 2023 to turn this R&D into commercial products.

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天津大学微电子学院博士生创业团队“芯灵科技团队”基于标准商用硅工艺,成功研制高性能5.5G/6G全频段毫米波芯片套片。该芯片套片突破多项关键技术:如2倍/3倍频率可重构注入锁定倍频器技术,在相同注入功率情况下,该倍频器的锁定带宽、输出功率、面积以及谐波抑制等指标均处于国际领先水平,相关研究成果发表在《IEEE固态电路学报》(IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, JSSC)上;再如基于变压器的并联-串联混合型负载调制的功率放大器技术,相比主流的毫米波CMOS功率放大器芯片,该设计在更加紧凑的尺寸下,获得了更高的线性输出功率和更高的功率回退效率,相关研究成果发表在微电子学与集成电路领域国际顶级会议ISSCC(IEEE International Solid-state Circuits Conference)上。




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from huawei whisper


aside from 5g phone, also expect new ear bud, watch, pad & smart screen

All things that require new kirin chips, RF chips/modules. So much additional business for local fabs

People outside of China are just not getting it

A team from Tianjing University created the world's first "multi-bind multi-standard 5.5G/6G mmWave fused chip module".

In the relevant fields, members of this team has published 15 articles on the top journals so far. The team has 16 patents granted or pending in China, one in the US. They have incorporated in Aug, 2023 to turn this R&D into commercial products.

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天津大学微电子学院博士生创业团队“芯灵科技团队”基于标准商用硅工艺,成功研制高性能5.5G/6G全频段毫米波芯片套片。该芯片套片突破多项关键技术:如2倍/3倍频率可重构注入锁定倍频器技术,在相同注入功率情况下,该倍频器的锁定带宽、输出功率、面积以及谐波抑制等指标均处于国际领先水平,相关研究成果发表在《IEEE固态电路学报》(IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, JSSC)上;再如基于变压器的并联-串联混合型负载调制的功率放大器技术,相比主流的毫米波CMOS功率放大器芯片,该设计在更加紧凑的尺寸下,获得了更高的线性输出功率和更高的功率回退效率,相关研究成果发表在微电子学与集成电路领域国际顶级会议ISSCC(IEEE International Solid-state Circuits Conference)上。


big deal imo. So China started late on 5G modem & mmw module. Maybe that won't the case for 5.5G/6G RF technology


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The National Nano Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made progress in the study of the anomalous transport mechanism of monolayer COF membranes​

In recent years, mechanically stimulated ion transport in artificial nanopores has attracted much attention due to its similarity to the mechanoresponsiveness of biological ion channels. At present, pressure-responsive ion channels focus on one-dimensional carbon nanotubes, two-dimensional nanoslits and single nanopores on single-layer graphene membranes. These nanoflow membrane material systems have low ion fluxes due to low pore density or long transport channels. Therefore, on the basis of electric field-driven ion transport, external mechanical pressure leads to an increase in transmembrane ion conductance. On the contrary, due to the difficulty of preparing nanofluidic membranes with both high pore density and short transport paths, kinetic-electrical coupling-driven ion transport in nanofluidic membranes with ultrahigh ion flux has not been reported.

The team explored the ion transport behavior in covalent organic framework monolayer membranes with ultrahigh permeability. The study found that the high pore density and molecular-level thickness of monolayer COF membranes lead to low membrane resistance and excellent ion and water permeation properties, which distinguish them from long nanotubes, gaps, and single nanopores in graphene. This study reveals a novel pressure-induced decrease in transmembrane current independent of external electric field and mechanical pressure. Poisson-Nernst-Planck simulation and calculation results show that, on the one hand, the ultra-high ion and water flux of the monolayer COF membrane greatly reduces the accumulation of ions on the left and right sides of the membrane due to the capacitive effect driven by the electric field On the other hand, the external pressure drives the water flow movement, so that the capacitance layer on the surface of the COF membrane is quickly dissipated. After that, the pressure mainly drives the transmembrane transport of negative (positive) ions in the electric double layer on the surface of the positive (negative) electrode, and the resulting fluid The direction of the current is opposite to that generated by the electric field-driven ion transport. When the two are superimposed, the total transmembrane ion current is lower than the transmembrane ion current generated by the pure electric field drive, showing the effect of pressure "turning off" the ion transport across the COF membrane. This phenomenon is due to a new coupling mechanism between the electric field and external pressure caused by the ultrahigh permeability of the COF monolayer membrane. This study provides a new model for the regulation of membrane conductance by mechanical pressure, which is expected to be applied in the development of smart ionic devices.

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More on Sanan/ST Micro deal
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This we already know about the planned expansion to 10k wpw of 8-inch SiCs
There was a deal signed with Hunan Sanan to supply 8-inch substrate for the JV, solely operated by Sanan itself. Long term production agreement. The 2 side will jointly promote Sic Modules in China market and this allows Sanan to become a dedicated Sic Wafer foundry


Aside from that
Sanan already has its Sic substrate validated with several major international customers and have started delivery to 1. Has supply agreement for 2023/2024 locked down
for its own MOSFET foundry, it has been working with NEV companies and signed long term agreement for 3.8B RMB with an automaker & has SiC MOSFET long term purchase agreement for 7B RMB

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碳化硅产能 15,000 片/月,硅基氮化镓产能 2,000 片/月。
湖南三安实现销售收入 5.82 亿元,同比增长 178.86%。 湖南三安作为中国本土为数不多的碳化硅产业链垂直整合制造平台,产业链包括长晶生长—衬底 制作—外延生长—芯片制备—封装测试。6 吋碳化硅衬底已通过数家国际大客户验证,并实现批 量出货,未来两年产能已基本锁定,8 吋衬底已实现小批量试制。

其中,碳化硅二极管累计出货量持续领跑 行业,650V 20A 可靠性数据已经达 6000h,已迭代推出第四代高性能产品,通过车规认证的产品 正持续出货。碳化硅 MOSFET 1200V 及 1700V 系列产品,包含 80mΩ/32mΩ/20mΩ/16mΩ/1Ω,产 品在比导通电阻特性、击穿电压特性和阈值电压稳定性上的表现行业领先;80mΩ 产品已在光伏 及车载充电机客户端导入批量订单;车规级 1200V 16mΩ 已在数家战略客户处进行模块验证,预 计于 2024 年正式上车量产。
current production is 15k Sic wpm and 2k GaN wpm
it has full vertical supply chain from susbstrate, to epitaxy to chip production to packaging. 6-inch substrate has been validated with multiple foreign customer base with 2 years production locked down. 8-inch wafers started low rate production

1200V SiC module being tested with multiple strategic customers. Will start mass production for EVs in 2024. I wonder who the customers are. But looks like their produce has passed auto grade.

So yeah, Sanan is becoming a big player here. More importantly. it would seem like Chinese SiC substrate makers are really doing well.

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Delong has developed Sic crystal laser cutting tech and has it validated with customer mass orders

Crystal growth said it can produce 100+ SiC furnaces per year


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Other interesting details from Sanan mid year report that I missed

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砷化镓射频产能为 15,000 片/月,能够为客户提供高品质的 HBT、pHEMT 等先进工艺芯片 代工服务,可覆盖频段已延伸至 Ka 频段,客户是中国本土主要设计公司。
so currently 15k wpm of capacity for HBT, phemt chips. HBT is used for power amplifier in RF (like phones, cell towers and such)
pHEMT is needed for LNAs in phones (low noise amplifier)
Looks like just providing this for domestic fabless

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if you look at this article. Basically GaA is ideal for 5G phones at the moment. Nothing else can really replace it. GaN is deal for 5G base stations. Again, Si-LDMOS is only possible 2G-4G due to restriction of 3.5GHz

Domestic players in PA

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see this is what Westerners think
Harz said his Chinese suppliers were providing authorities with data needed to obtain export licences.

They have estimated that deliveries will stop when the export controls take effect on Aug. 1 and resume about a month later when licence requests have been processed, though no reliable information is available.

Harz does not believe that China will disrupt gallium trade flows over the next few years because that would quickly damage its own electronics industry.

The CEO added he viewed China's move for now as "sabre rattling", because the world's leading makers of power amplifiers, which boost radio signals so that smartphones can communicate with cell towers, are based in the United States.
so basically this is why you see all these American companies say they will find other sources or they source elsewhere. They think that because they "own monopoly" over RFFE modules, China will let it through since Chinese phones still need RF modules from America. Let's see how this goes. How much can Chinese domestic suppliers produce and how tough China is willing to get on this. Freiberger has several months of wafers in storage. American companies themselves likely to have some too. So there is enough Gallium wafers out there for a year of supply even if China exports nothing. Let's see how hard they are willing to go here. Are they willing to block export to all American, Japanese & Dutch companies?

If you do this and domestic RF companies don't gain huge market share, it's a big failed policy.

From last year with Sana
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so only 51% utilization from 10k wpm production in first 3 quarters of 2021 (maybe actually higher, who knows)
If they want to increase production to 30k wpm by Q3 2024, then they better ramp up that quickly to replace whatever Freiberger or other people loose out

Another one is Hangzhou Lion electronics. They already have 70k wpy of GaA and look to add a new base with 180k wpy of GaA + 60k wpy fo GaN-on-Sic +120k wpy of VCSEL. They fab for others. I need to look into them a little more

But it looks like there are enough domestic players to ramp up production. Question is how Chinese govt wants to go here.

Back on Sanan
滤波器产能为 150KK/月,主要发展 SAW 的技术路线,产品覆盖中国本土及海外所需频段滤波器、 双工器、多工器,双工器小型化进度行业领先,Band 1+Band 3 四工器性能达行业前沿水平,为 国内首个能够提供 Phase V NR 架构所需的全套四工器和双工器产品的企业,主要客户包括闻泰、 龙旗、日海、曜佳、移远、富士康、合宙等。
They also have capacity for 150 million SAW filters per month. Which could be use for 2G-4G, wifi, bluetooth and other things.

I've been researching into this, but curious to find out how much these foundries can fab and how much they can supply domestic RFFE companies?


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who are the GaA players in China? Looks like these guys among non-CETC firms
Sanan, Lion electronics, Unicompound SemiconductCorporation, ChemSemi

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started production on a rf filter production line of 20k wpm earlier this year
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Their GaA line produces 24k GaA wafers per year. so not a lot

These are the power amplifier suppliers
Lansus, Smart Micros, KxComtech (major Wifi Fem supplier)

actually KxComtech got big fast
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from the look of this, it had revenue of 420m RMB in 2022, big jump from 80 million in 2020

Vanchip, Onmicros also on top of those 3

Without mature RF filter foundry before, Maxend and other RFE companies worked to build production line with SMIC Ningbo, SMIC Shaoxing & Sai Micros. Key MEMS foundries
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