Chinese semiconductor industry

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Sometimes the national interest/security doesn't pay the bills so a balance is needed. In the business world you have to be competitive or die, Huawei doesn't only have to compete against others Chinese companies but also with international companies that are as aggressive or even more as they are, is a jungle, all of that while fighting a technological guerrilla warfare against uncle sam, granted much like in the second Indochina wars they are receiving as much support from the government as possible but still is tough fight.
I don't think a lot of Chinese see Huawei as a national hero but more like image of a more competitive/advance China and now I think is more a symbol of resistance against a more powerful power.
My critique against Huawei and many others in China is why they didn't see this coming and prepare themselves for the storm? Huawei considered getting into semiconductors manufacturing almost a decade ago but they decide against, they didn't localize their supply chain until the last moment, back in the day Huawei and their bosses pretty much where the most industrialist trade liberal pro-globalization Chinese company ever. The US destroyed all that with the stroke of a pen and now the Chinese government has to intervine to lend some support to them.​
sometimes into semiconductors manufacturing is not a company decided.US suppresses Japanese semiconductors ,chinese companies seeks to avoid on semiconductors .e.g. lenovo. It's a compromise between nations!How difficult was it to purchase equipment when SMIC was established!So I thank the U.S. for enabling China to build its own semiconductor equipment industry!


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sometimes into semiconductors manufacturing is not a company decided.US suppresses Japanese semiconductors ,chinese companies seeks to avoid on semiconductors .e.g. lenovo. It's a compromise between nations!How difficult was it to purchase equipment when SMIC was established!So I thank the U.S. for enabling China to build its own semiconductor equipment industry!
Well, the US did not sell semiconductor equipments to China for charity. They were even considering to sell F16 jet fighters to China at the time when China wasn't remotely capable of threatening the US.

From day one, the US and its allies have had tight control on what advanced technologies, semiconductor equipments included, that China can buy from them. Meanwhile, there wasn't much restriction on the chips from the beginning. Their goal has been to keep China as an importer of both lower end equipments and higher end chips at the same time for max profit.

The US escalates the export restrictions only because China starts to try making their own high end chips. The US certainly sees that as a threat to the margin of its semiconductor business. The US chip makers like Intel, AMD and Nvidia have said nothing when their government adds more and more bans on semicondutor equipment export. But they immediately raised their concerns when the government broadens the bans on the advanced chips.

SMIC was allowed to buy equipments from the west because the US did not believe that company would become a capable competitor. But SMIC was still not able to get the EUVL that it had placed order for.


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sometimes into semiconductors manufacturing is not a company decided.US suppresses Japanese semiconductors ,chinese companies seeks to avoid on semiconductors .e.g. lenovo. It's a compromise between nations!How difficult was it to purchase equipment when SMIC was established!So I thank the U.S. for enabling China to build its own semiconductor equipment industry!
If it wasn't for the photovoltaic, power semiconductor and packaging industries, I think it will be safe to say that the Chinese semiconductor industry would be done for and therefore their IT and electronics industry. Because the close relation with the mainstream semiconductor industry these industries allowed many Chinese equipment and materials companies to survive and now because the market pressure of US export controls the are venturing their products more into the mainstream semiconductor industry.
A two prong approach I think could had been taken, using as much as possible domestic tools, materials and software for mature process, mems and so on and for edge node process import if necessary. That way, for example, SMEE KrF and ILine scanners would have develop more quickly.​


If it wasn't for the photovoltaic, power semiconductor and packaging industries, I think it will be safe to say that the Chinese semiconductor industry would be done for and therefore their IT and electronics industry. Because the close relation with the mainstream semiconductor industry these industries allowed many Chinese equipment and materials companies to survive and now because the market pressure of US export controls the are venturing their products more into the mainstream semiconductor industry.
A two prong approach I think could had been taken, using as much as possible domestic tools, materials and software for mature process, mems and so on and for edge node process import if necessary. That way, for example, SMEE KrF and ILine scanners would have develop more quickly.​
I think the governments commitment to building up a tech pipeline through SOEs and academic institutions, combined with constant subsidies for commercial endeavors despite lack of profits, deserves a lot of credit here too. Lithography equipment development didn’t start in 2020 after all. It was a line item 5 year plan project going as far back 2013. SMEE didn’t get more support with adoption because their technology wasn’t ready for mass deployment before the bans hit, and the government needed these companies to be able to swim on their own before the bans to get market adoption. They were being subsidized already. In hindsight of course we all know more could have been done by the whole industry as well as government, but that’s hindsight. No one could have known if or when these kinds of bans would come.


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The 6-inch silicon carbide (SiC) pilot test line in Jiufengshan Laboratory was fully completed, and the first batch of trench MOSFET device wafers rolled off the production line. The laboratory has the full-process technical service capabilities such as silicon carbide epitaxy, process flow, and testing.

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Sometimes we are so focus in the mainstream products of the semiconductor industry like memory and processors that we forget that there are many more products that are micro-nano fabricated.

The first domestic chip atomic clock production line was put into operation in Tianjin!​

According to the website of the Tianjin Municipal People's Government, the first domestic chip atomic clock production line built by Tianjin Huaxintai Technology Co., Ltd. was recently completed and put into operation in Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone. This production line can reach an annual production capacity of 30,000 units, indicating that my country has broken the foreign monopoly in the field of chip atomic clocks, broken through the "stuck neck" problem of key devices, and can meet the urgent needs of domestic products of this technology in related fields.

According to public information, the CPT atomic clock is a new type of atomic clock realized by using the principle of coherent layout and confinement of atoms. Since microwave resonators are no longer needed, it can be truly miniaturized. The CPT atomic clock is considered to be integrated into a chip, so it is also called a chip scale atomic clock (CSAC, chip scale atomic clock). An atomic clock.

According to the different types of atoms selected by atomic clocks, atomic clocks can be divided into hydrogen atomic clocks, cesium atomic clocks, rubidium atomic clocks, etc. Among them, the CPT atomic clock has the characteristics of miniaturization and low power consumption, and its accuracy is equivalent to that of rubidium atomic clock.

It is reported that the chip atomic clock belongs to the core basic device in the field of time and frequency technology in electronic information technology. It has the characteristics of high timing accuracy, low power consumption, and small size. It is suitable for satellite navigation timing, communication synchronization, underwater detection and other application fields. Wide application space. At present, my country's chip atomic clocks are mainly used in the field of satellite navigation, network systems and sensors, electronic warfare protection and underwater systems.

Liang Xiaopeng, chairman of Huaxintai, said, "The commissioning of this production line not only marks a breakthrough in my country's chip atomic clock 'stuck neck' technology that has been monopolized by foreign countries for a long time, but more importantly, the successful industrialization of technical products. With the demand In the near future, we will build a production line of 100,000 or even a million units, and at the same time speed up the iterative upgrade of products, continuously introduce better, stronger, and more advanced products, and become bigger in the time-frequency field Be stronger."

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Great news, it is a mind blowing, how could you make an atomic clock within a single chip ... amazing ... well done China. What other countries have the capability?

Wondering what is the main customers for chip atomic clock, would the military be interested ?

Also interesting to know what kind of lithography machine used for this chip and whether all are local ?


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Li Jinxiang, deputy secretary-general of China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association, director/chief engineer of Huada Semiconductor Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Jita Semiconductor Co., Ltd., made a keynote speech on "Bottlenecks and Countermeasures for Domestic Equipment Entering Large-scale Integrated Circuit Production Lines".

He pointed out that the bottlenecks of domestic equipment entering large production lines include: first, equipment cannot be provided, such as lithography, measurement, failure analysis and other equipment; second, equipment can be provided, but does not meet special process requirements, such as special material growth and removal, etc. ; The third is that the equipment and process can be provided, but the maturity of the key process is not enough, which affects the yield rate. Such as gate oxide growth, thin metal wire copper plating.

Li Jinxiang put forward 7 suggestions, that is, to cooperate with chip manufacturing enterprises to continuously improve the performance of the process and key processes; to speed up the development of special process equipment with a small amount of difficulty; to strengthen the software development capabilities of the equipment; to establish a process research and development laboratory; to establish systematic training Teaching materials; strengthen after-sales service capabilities; increase the development of core components and reduce equipment manufacturing costs.​
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