Chinese semiconductor industry

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GaN market is really growing fast.

Innoscience last month hit 170 million in delivery of GaN devices
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This is after hitting just 100 million in December

The question is how quickly they can capture the growing demand and advantage of access to gallium.
Just an update here

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They actually announced hitting 170 million back in May

in Q1, they announced delivery 50 million devices for 150 million RMB in revenue
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This is climbing rapidly, back at end of July, they upped delivery numbers to 250 million
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英诺赛科是全球领先的GaN IDM高新技术企业,汇集了半导体行业资深的研发与应用团队,致力于第三代半导体硅基氮化镓 (GaN-on-Si) 研发与制造。拥有全球最大的8英寸硅基氮化镓晶圆生产能力,产品设计及性能处于国际先进水平,为客户提供从15V到700V的高、低压全功率氮化镓芯片。自2015年成立至今,英诺赛科已获专利700多项,累计出货量超2.5亿颗。产品可广泛应用于消费电子、服务器电源、汽车电子及新能源领域等前沿领域。
no question in my mind that Innoscience will dominate as the effect Ga sanctions effect the market.
They've basically shipped 150 million in half a year after reaching 100 million for the first time in December.

Navitas only had 75m in total sales as of March and they are the #2. So innoscience is far ahead of everyone else


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Sounds more like spying for trade secrets if Apple demands to dig into such matters of how that chip is produced, costs, yields, blah blah blah.

How do we say nyet in Chinese? Or in Min yan for that matter.

Bro who want to buy an Iphone i15 pro at $1,400? with economic downturn who is stupid enough to buy one, I know I won't and I warn my wife I will divorce her if she did so. ;)


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This is part of QC's financial report.... QC will no longer earn revenue from Huawei from September-December

View attachment 116933

This means is practically official that from September Qualcomm will be banned selling to Huawei. I'd guess Huawei already bought enough Qualcomm chips for at least another 2 years...

...and not only from Qualcomm. If Qualcomm is banned so it will be Intel, AMD, etc.


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Another data point. Here is the thing, Huawei knows it will be cut off and has a huge stack of latest non-5G snapdragon piled up. It can always have them work with its 5G hardware for higher end phones. Although, there is a good chance imo that it will just try out the 5G setup on a kirin phone first.
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