Chinese semiconductor industry

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South Korea is a rival with SEMES. There's also the risk of being banned. It is always better to open new markets than try to squeeze into a crowded existing market because there's literally no competition when you create a new market. That is also how Chinese companies have historically expanded: take domestic market share, create new developing country markets, then finally, take over developed markets or get banned from them. And if banned, then start eroding adversary market shares everywhere outside their home market.

Example: Africa was a small, nonexistent market for smartphones in 2010. US would've deemed them only worthy of using dumb phones on 2G and demanded they be thankful for buying dumb phones for $300 each. Chinese companies put a smartphone in every African's hand for $225 by 2019. Now there's $25 billion worth of Huawei telecom networks in Africa. A 100's billion USD level market was created out of thin air because Chinese businesses empowered Africans to buy modern technology.

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The exact same thing can be done for Russia and Brazil. They've already signed MOU with China. Finance some initial orders, then they're hooked just like Africans on smartphones and telecom equipment, and a new market has been created.

This is also the logic behind why Intel invested in places that otherwise don't make much sense like Ireland, Is.rael, etc. Are these particularly huge markets? Do they make up a huge portion of tool spend or electronics customers...? Exactly. This is to create markets.
That would still be peanuts compared to just how much money Chinese fab industry is likely to spend on equipment over the next decade. I'm expecting huge expansion in both mature nodes (which we have heard plans for) and advanced nodes (as domestic tools become available). There is not issue with cultivating new market, but the most immediate gains are with advanced fabs at Samsung & TSMC that many Chinese suppliers are already supplying. We've heard about wafers, gases, etching tools, EDAs and such. I'm sure there are more.

My feeling is that NAURA was seeing more like around 50% growth until this past quarter. Which makes sense, since more advanced tools = dis proportionally higher revenues (so we saw almost 80% jump in Q1)


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The amount of Chinese fab investment is depressed by the fact that China cannot order modern equipment due to Western sanctions. The more modern equipment is a lot more expensive per wafer produced. When you consider that even with this trade limitation China is the leader in orders by far, it only makes this more obvious. China is massively expanding capacity to produce legacy nodes.


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Internal and external troubles TSMC production capacity expansion "sudden brake"​

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"It is reported that TSMC's 6/7nm process capacity utilization rate was less than 40% by the end of March; 4/5nm process has dropped to 75%"

"TSMC originally planned to build two factories in Kaohsiung, including 7nm and 28nm. However, following the suspension of plans for the 7nm plant of the Kaohsiung plant due to weak demand in the smartphone and PC markets, it was reported that the 28nm plan was also postponed. Delayed, and the list of 28nm equipment that the factory plans to purchase is also cancelled."

"Although TSMC has pressed the "pause button" for the construction of many factories in Taiwan, contrary to this, the construction of new factories in Arizona, USA and Kumamoto, Japan will continue to advance. Among them, the first phase of the Arizona fab is expected to in 2024 start producing 4nm chips. The second phase of the project has also started. It is expected in 2026. to start producing 3nm "

TSMC is clearly digging his own grave here. Once US fabs will be open, they are no more TSMC's, they are 100% made in USA...and owned and ruled by US: TSMC (including its people) are just a tool to produce US chips in US.

And their government does not help them because it is geopolitically controlled by US. The best thing for TSMC is that Taiwan reunites with China in the future, maybe after 2024 elections. No, is not a joke. It is an objective analysis.
Very recent phenomea. In January 2023, TSMC revenue was +16% Y/Y, February 2023, revenue was +11% Y/Y and March 2023 revenue was -15.4% Y/Y and this was after a breakneck 2022 year see below (
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Jan 2022 (y/y change)+36%
Feb 2022 (y/y change)+38%
Mar 2022 (y/y change)+33%
Apr 2022 (y/y change)+55%
May 2022 (y/y change)+65%
Jun 2022 (y/y change)+18%
Jul 2022 (y/y change)+50%
Aug 2022 (y/y change)+59%
Sept 2022 (y/y change)+36%
Oct 2022 (y/y change)+56%
Nov 2022 (y/y change) +50%
Dec 2022 (y/y change) +24%


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The infamous Huawei Whisper wrote this today. I must say that he is normally very accurate and does not exaggerate Chinese progress, so what he said here confirms a lot of things we've been saying.






I tweeted about this, but just generally China can already produce 80% of its own chip needs (for logic probably?) and that will only increase as the 7nm process gets improved in both yield and performance. YMTC is also making big in-road. CXMT still sucks, but what can you do?

Anyways, he has started asking the question of why TSMC/Samsung reducing production. Sure, SMIC is experiencing lower sales numbers too, but I don't think its Finfet fab is having any issues attracting orders. So as we get to 2024 and 2025, will Chinese tech firms still be reliant just on Intel & Nvidia chips or will they start buying Huawei or T-Head or Loongson or Biren/Moore thread/Cambrian designed chips that are produced at SMIC? Clearly, Huawei itself has already moved off TSMC produced chip due to sanctions. And Inspur & Sugon need to be buying domestically produced chips too given their appearance on entity list.


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I already said here. The whole semiconductor market is in a major downturn. After massive increase in purchases of consumer PCs when people were working or studying at home because of the lockdowns, pretty much anyone who wanted a PC or consumer hardware got it. There will be a dry spell for at least a couple of years. Might even be half a decade or worse. Consumer demand for hardware is down, so the vendors are cutting production.


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I already said here. The whole semiconductor market is in a major downturn. After massive increase in purchases of consumer PCs when people were working or studying at home because of the lockdowns, pretty much anyone who wanted a PC or consumer hardware got it. There will be a dry spell for at least a couple of years. Might even be half a decade or worse. Consumer demand for hardware is down, so the vendors are cutting production.
That's correct, but is only one side of the equation. PCs and smartphones have been in a downturn post-covid lockdowns, and will start recovering in 3Q 2023. But the DRAM and NAND memory chip suppliers have been significantly impacted more than logic or foundry. Memory is down because of the large amount of WFE and capex spend by Samsung, hynix, and Micron, which resulted in more chip capacity at a time when supply was already greater than demand post covid.
Combine that with poor monetary and fiscal action by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the shuttering of fossil fuels, and trillions of dollars of handouts and you have a poor economy where people use their money to buy food, petrol, and vehicles at inflated prices rather than electronic gadgets needing semiconductors.
I've written numerous articles and provided data and metrics showing this problem. And I remind readers I forecast the current downturn because of excess capex spend back in mid-2021, 20 months ago. You can access my articles on my web site at
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Lieutenant General
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In the 1970s oil crisis there was also a collapse of demand for computers. Tech stocks collapsed. At one point you even had oil companies trying to acquire their way into the electronics business as they were flush with cash from oil sales and didn't know what to do with it.

As for the PC and smartphone markets, I think the differences in features and performance in hardware over the last 8 years are so vanishingly small that people have little reason to upgrade. That was one of the reasons for the 1980s game console crash. So I think it might take quite a while until demand picks back up. In the case of the 1980s crash it took two years to recover. Only recovered with the introduction of the NES basically.

I do not think there will be any major difference in hardware performance in logic until GAA transistors start being used.


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saw an interesting comment in Bilibili

translation by chatgpt:

"Domestically in China, the EUV lithography machine has been developed with a six-mirror design for extreme ultraviolet lithography mirrors, with a difference of less than one-thousandth of a wavelength, and a prototype of the LPP-EUV light source with a conversion rate greater than 2%. Additionally, the Guanzhi Institute is collaborating with Huazhong University of Science and Technology to develop a multi-beam time-division fiber laser-driven extreme ultraviolet light source, with a 40 kHz liquid tin droplet target device already completed and verified for generating extreme ultraviolet light. In addition, Tsinghua University has proposed a scheme for a micro-focusing beam (SSMB-EUV) light source, and a prototype has been constructed with a circumference of about 100 meters in Xiong'an. Furthermore, Hu Zu's group at Harbin Institute of Technology has verified the resolution of a vacuum laser interferometer better than 5 picometers at the target user location. Therefore, don't consider extreme ultraviolet lithography machines as something impossible; many things are already being researched and developed in China, and even prototypes have been produced. If you think it's impossible, it's just because you don't know."


saw an interesting comment in Bilibili

translation by chatgpt:

"Domestically in China, the EUV lithography machine has been developed with a six-mirror design for extreme ultraviolet lithography mirrors, with a difference of less than one-thousandth of a wavelength, and a prototype of the LPP-EUV light source with a conversion rate greater than 2%. Additionally, the Guanzhi Institute is collaborating with Huazhong University of Science and Technology to develop a multi-beam time-division fiber laser-driven extreme ultraviolet light source, with a 40 kHz liquid tin droplet target device already completed and verified for generating extreme ultraviolet light. In addition, Tsinghua University has proposed a scheme for a micro-focusing beam (SSMB-EUV) light source, and a prototype has been constructed with a circumference of about 100 meters in Xiong'an. Furthermore, Hu Zu's group at Harbin Institute of Technology has verified the resolution of a vacuum laser interferometer better than 5 picometers at the target user location. Therefore, don't consider extreme ultraviolet lithography machines as something impossible; many things are already being researched and developed in China, and even prototypes have been produced. If you think it's impossible, it's just because you don't know."

Same thing most people in the world thought China couldn't build atomic bomb ... guess what China did that in 1964 when China was the most backward and extreme poor .. all done by Chinese without help as the USSR decided to withdraw all technicians and engineers

And guess what that China managed to detonate Hydrogen bomb in 1967, before France ... again when China was the most backward country and poor

Imagine China now .. ohhh boy, China now 1000x or more advanced and much much richer. In term technology advancement, perhaps only the USA is more advanced than China (in general) .. but it is closing very fast


Registered Member
Same thing most people in the world thought China couldn't build atomic bomb ... guess what China did that in 1964 when China was the most backward and extreme poor .. all done by Chinese without help as the USSR decided to withdraw all technicians and engineers

And guess what that China managed to detonate Hydrogen bomb in 1967, before France ... again when China was the most backward country and poor

Imagine China now .. ohhh boy, China now 1000x or more advanced and much much richer. In term technology advancement, perhaps only the USA is more advanced than China (in general) .. but it is closing very fast
Then they will accused the Chinese of stealing, they can't accept the fact the Chinaman can innovate or for a better word there is a white man behind every Chinese scientific
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