Anyway, a "test" doesn't mean shit, seeing as we have no details. I can test my aircraft carrier concept by launching paper aircraft from a tugboat. For all we know, they only generated peak power of a few watts and only for a few seconds.
Tsinghua-German team published the raw data of the SSMB synchrotron experiment for
and results were published as a
in 2021. Researched started 5-6 years ago, and they only recently published the results. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) confirmed SSMB EUV as an industrial light source was adequate for industrialization and mass production lithography, there shouldn't be any concern about building a full-powered version.
If SSMB was so easy, China would have built it already, instead it's still very much in the R&D phase.
This argument presents a limited and inaccurate view of the situation because it overlooks other possibilities that could explain why China has not built the SSMB yet, such as lack of resources, strategic priorities, or other technical challenges. The logical fallacy in this statement is a "False Dichotomy" or "False Dilemma" since it presents only two options, either SSMB is easy, and China would have built it, or SSMB is still in the R&D phase. In contrast, you see when an expert like
@latenlazy opens his mouth, he doesn't speaks in absolute truth or black-white, but presents a balanced, professional, and nuanced language.
Is SSMB going to be viable if it cost 800 million to build instead of 150 million for ASML EUV?
I doubt the first EUV prototype cost $150M, probably cost to $1 Billion given it's the first unit without benefit of economy of scale or mass-production benefits. So atleast compare apples-to-apples, not apples-to-orange costs.
And Lol at saying that because it's bigger doesn't means it's harder. So the LHC is the same complexity as a handheld particle accelerator is it? A future particle accelerator that's hundreds of kilometers in circumference isn't going to be more complex than the LHC? Anyway, it's an new idea, SSMB doesn't work like normal synchrotrons or FELs. It's an new method of generating light will need a specially built synchrotron for it to work from the sounds of things.
I mean, they used an existing German synchrotron from 1990's and did slight modifications to produce SSMB EUV. An existing facility using 1990's tech! It means most of the components necessary already exist, it's just a matter of resources to build a fully powered dedicated synchrotron. Much easier than building an EUV LPP from scratch with less fail-points.