You'll find out soon enough.Who is this “they” you inferred to have 500W LPP light source?
You'll find out soon enough.Who is this “they” you inferred to have 500W LPP light source?
My Chinese is not the best, but if you look at this link @PopularScience postedWho is this “they” you inferred to have 500W LPP light source?
I don't have any background to explain fiber laser source vs CO2, but it says somethings about 500 to 1000 group of 400W laser.根据其会设计500-1000组400瓦光纤激光器进行分时多路脉冲叠加取代50Khz、40千瓦的,按照广智院的“宣传”光纤激光器的效率远高于二氧化碳激光器,采用这种技术制造的将会具备更高的极紫外同时也方便做到更高的IF点极紫外光输出(但我总觉得不靠谱啊,因为根据中国一般规律在到处宣传的肯定都是没被国家立项的败犬项目...)至于大家都在传的哈工大,还在走DPP的路线呢...除非哈工大找到什么天降神技不然DPP路线做到数瓦算顶天了...
That's not saying much that considering that this isn't going to be an ordinary particle accelerator. SSMB is a new way of producing light that isn't like your typical synchrotron light source. It's like saying that the handheld electron gun in your CRT TV is the same as the LHC in terms of cost and complexity. It's like saying that lasers were made with 1950s tech, so a EUV laser should be difficult to build right? If SSMB was so easy, China would have built it already, instead it's still very much in the R&D phase.A particle accelerator as a light source can be built in a basement with 1940's tech.
BRO Its not meant for export and they have the experience using The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) so they had a precedent and came out a perfect solution to their needs. I may say the Chinese will covered all bases not only in SSMB but also LPP and DPP as well.
Leading edge nodes are already expensive as fuck and not all too economical because of it. SMIC can already produce 7nm and 5nm chips with DUV, it's not economical compared to EUV due to the multi-patterning needed and low yield issues. If costs weren't an issue, they would just buy hundreds of 2050i, build dozens of new fabs and flood the market with 7nm and 5nm chips. No need for EUV.Lol Synchrotrons are mechanically much simpler than plasma produced light sources. Just because it’s bigger doesn’t mean it’s harder. Also why would China want to export this instrument? The point is to have something for domestic production.
Dealing with things like liquid tin debris and excitation optimization of droplets and maintaining a high vacuum environment and material corrosion of reflective surfaces inside the light accumulator chamber are all much more difficult problems than accelerating electrons in a tube faster and faster with a magnet. The only reason SSMB isn’t already a leading candidate is because it’s a very new method that needs to be validated and it requires infrastructure which might change how fab processes get organized. It’s obviously not a great solution if you want to build a private export business with a product that needs to be compatible with pre-existing facilities in fabs, but if you’re pursuing a public/private model for domestic use those kinds of limitations imposed by business concerns don’t exist anyways.
Where did you get this number? SSMB is still very much in the R&D phase, there's no way you're gonna get a cost estimate this early.SSMB Light source is 150 million USD.
Post 23444That's not saying much that considering that this isn't going to be an ordinary particle accelerator. SSMB is a new way of producing light that isn't like your typical synchrotron light source. It's like saying that the handheld electron gun in your CRT TV is the same as the LHC in terms of cost and complexity. It's like saying that lasers were made with 1950s tech, so a EUV laser should be difficult to build right? If SSMB was so easy, China would have built it already, instead it's still very much in the R&D phase.
Hell it's mentioned that it's hard to even test the concept on existing synchrotrons because most synchrotrons aren't configured to allow SSMB.
Leading edge nodes are already expensive as fuck and not all too economical because of it. SMIC can already produce 7nm and 5nm chips with DUV, it's not economical compared to EUV due to the multi-patterning needed and low yield issues. If costs weren't an issue, they would just buy hundreds of 2050i, build dozens of new fabs and flood the market with 7nm and 5nm chips. No need for EUV.
Is SSMB going to be viable if it cost 800 million to build instead of 150 million for ASML EUV? Or if it needs round the clock maintenance and a team of PHDs to keep it running? Anyway, it might not be for export, but transportation is still important to keep costs down, since you can build and assemble the machines in an factory, dozens of them at the same time, and ship it to an existing fab once it's done. With SSMB, looks like you're gonna to need to build the machine first on site than build a new fab around this machine instead.
And Lol at saying that because it's bigger doesn't means it's harder. So the LHC is the same complexity as a handheld particle accelerator is it? A future particle accelerator that's hundreds of kilometers in circumference isn't going to be more complex than the LHC? Anyway, it's an new idea, SSMB doesn't work like normal synchrotrons or FELs. It's an new method of generating light will need a specially built synchrotron for it to work from the sounds of things.
Where did you get this number? SSMB is still very much in the R&D phase, there's no way you're gonna get a cost estimate this early.
That cost estimate is for the free electron laser, an already mature technology. For the SSMB, all he says that it's a new tech and it needs more R&D. New tech almost always cost more.Post 23444
I'm not saying that it won't work, I'm saying that it's going to be freaking expensive. Just needing to build a brand new fab to accommodate it is going to be a deal-breaker.作为一种全新的光源原理,原理实验验证已经实现, 需要建设运行在EUV波段的SSMB加速器光源研究装置,培养科学及产业用户,并提高其技术成熟度
Bro can we use SSRF as a guide?That cost estimate is for the free electron laser, an already mature technology. For the SSMB, all he says that it's a new tech and it needs more R&D. New tech almost always cost more.
Maybe, but keep in mind that the entire particle accelerator is just the light source. You still need ultra high vacuum chamber, laser focusing system, the wafer positioning system, ultra precise laser interferometer, chemical deposition system and all the bells and whistles that are already integrated onto ASML's EUV machine. None of those things are cheap or easy, adding to the cost. And again, you're gonna need to build a brand new fab around this machine, compared to a truck sized machine that can be easily integrated into any existing fab.Bro can we use SSRF as a guide? A side bonus, A HEPS facility can power multiple EUV machine thus reducing cost, from my understanding a minimum of 50 beamline can be install.
The diagram cleary stated that cost is 100 million rmb. Maybe you should check your eye.
Clearly you don’t know Chinese. 1-10KW is for FEL. 1KW is for SSMB.View attachment 109441
FEL is free electron laser. SSMB is steady state microbunching. Anyway the direct quote is hundred of millions to billions. That's a big diffierence in price, it could be 200 million or 5 billion rmb. Not that gonna be accurate given it's brand new tech that hasn't been built yet. And again, that's the price just for the light source. ASML EUV does alot more than that.