I have my doubts about SSMB EUV. It's already hard enough to work with ASML EUV, it's the size of a truck, needs a team of PHD to operate and service it and needs a cargo plane to transport. Now imagine your EUV is dependent on a particle accelerator with a circumference of more than a hundred meters. Just a single section of that thing fails and your entire fab stops, maintenance work has to be immense.
It's going to be impossible to transport or export. You're going to have to assemble the particle accelerator on site and then build the fab on top of it. You can't assemble the entire thing in one centralized factory and ship it out. It's still going to need most the insanely difficult EUV competents an ultra-high vacuum, nanometre precise mirrors and focusing systems, ultra high precision laser interferometer etc etc. But add an particle accelerator on top of that. The money, maintenance and manpower is going to be immense.
Is the higher power EUV beam and lack of tin droplets going to be worth it?