Chinese semiconductor industry

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This is supposed to be good how? It basically implies U-Precision has quit making immersion workpieces because they don't have the funds to do so, the problem is too difficult, and they can coast on dry workpieces.
they are too dependent on U.S. components... China wants to replace it with Chinese parts... but they don't have the funds... so...


Registered Member
they are too dependent on U.S. components... China wants to replace it with Chinese parts... but they don't have the funds... so...
So... so what? They're going to sit around and wait to get sanctioned? I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is unacceptable. It's one thing to have a well-funded effort on a fundamentally difficult problem that takes time to solve, it's something completely different to just put your hands up because you don't have money. The subsidies are supposed to be raining down on this field, so where is the money?


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So... so what? They're going to sit around and wait to get sanctioned? I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is unacceptable. It's one thing to have a well-funded effort on a fundamentally difficult problem that takes time to solve, it's something completely different to just put your hands up because you don't have money. The subsidies are supposed to be raining down on this field, so where is the money?
Do you remember the Chip investment fund corruption case? I think that's the answer for you


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they are too dependent on U.S. components... China wants to replace it with Chinese parts... but they don't have the funds... so...
Seems like a very strategic sector and they ran out of funds? What are they doing with project 02?

So it means the duvi is likely not coming?


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So... so what? They're going to sit around and wait to get sanctioned? I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is unacceptable. It's one thing to have a well-funded effort on a fundamentally difficult problem that takes time to solve, it's something completely different to just put your hands up because you don't have money. The subsidies are supposed to be raining down on this field, so where is the money?

Crying Babies Get Milk


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Do you remember the Chip investment fund corruption case? I think that's the answer for you
In my humble opinion, the problem with the Chip investment fund has less to do with corruption (this is a problem with every government guidance fund in China and it's really just a convenient excuse to blame officials) than with the fact that most of the money went into fabs as opposed to the equipment makers - a big strategic blunder, but only with the benefit of hindsight because realistically no one saw these harsh sanctions on equipment and design software coming - many thought it impossible, given China's huge semiconductors market - but the Biden administration still went its own way against the wishes of industry leaders and its allies.

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According to this Guosen securities report, only 1.2% of the funds went into supporting domestic equipment makers, 1.4% went into materials companies, and the lion's share (70%) went to fabs and design companies. It did help expand production capacity but solved almost none of the bottleneck problems facing China's IC industry. That's why companies like U-Precision aren't getting any.


Registered Member
Do you remember the Chip investment fund corruption case? I think that's the answer for you
Yeah, reading this article has calmed me down some, deliberately provocative headline aside
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Good to know that these pieces of trash (especially the Tsinghua Unigroup president and likely source of U-Precision's problems) are going to be thrown in prison. It really is a shame China got rid of its re-education through labour system; these people need to break rocks with pickaxes on a chain gang for the rest of their lives.

It's very reassuring to know that the government understands the scale of the problem and will tackle it. It reminds me of the PLA reforms circa 2015 when the PLA was shot through with corruption and Xi cleaned it up ruthlessly (a couple of PLA generals even offed themselves to avoid punishment, smartest thing they ever did). Look at it today, not even 10 years later - a night and day difference.

Unfortunately, a lot of time - the most valuable commodity - was lost. Still, better late than never and there have been some very recent encouraging developments. It seems SMEE intends to mass produce 28/22nm DUVi tools fairly soon and are already delivering (or will soon deliver) some beta versions to customers, so they have to be getting immersion workpieces from somewhere. They're already sanctioned so they're not getting them from the US. @tokenanalyst posted some patents relating to DUVi some time back, so I'd like to get his (and other knowledgeable members') sense on where U-Precision is at present.


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Google official support of RISC-V for Android.
Thoughts on Google and Android aside, it's quite important because
1. Google is making a bet that China will turn away from ARM in a big way
2. Contributing a solid software foundation

The original article is on Ars Technica, but the comments section is so toxic, I cannot link to it in good conscience
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