LOL bro. you know ChineseI don't know Chinese, can you translate this?View attachment 104321
but here is the translation.

LOL bro. you know ChineseI don't know Chinese, can you translate this?View attachment 104321
Sorry to insist, but this is an important info if confirmed.
I made a screenshot of the (translated) dialog.
View attachment 104320
Here we can see that someone asked to Havoc about delivery, then Havoc replied "Official delivery".
Then someone asked for confirmation (what you posted). So what you refer is a question after Havoc already stated is Official delivery.
Admittedly is not very clear, but is a very important news if confirmed.
I don't know Chinese, can you translate this?View attachment 104321
which indicates that it shouldn't be taken as fact. I see his comment as indicating that it is somewhat like this and we shouldn't follow it word by word. If anything, I think he wrote this in earlier part of 2022, which means SMEE thought it was going to deliver a working prototype to customer for validation in 2022. Keep in mind that while we use the word prototype here, this is actually a machine that has already passed review. So we should think of this as a beta version of the production. Calling it just prototype makes it sound a lot less further away than intended to.以下内容转自地摊文不保真,如有雷同纯属巧合
He blames the huge delays on Changchun Institute of Optics (Guoke Precision)...nothing new here, business as usual![]()
Therefore, it uses the highest-end exposure system, and the technical requirements have reached the optical limit; the Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics did not complete the 28nm exposure system until 2020, with continuous testing and adjustments in the middle. Due to technical problems with the supplier of the lithography machine base, the time window for delivery of the prototype in 2021 was missed.
Let's put a few things out there.
90nm in production -> that refers to SSA600. This was already known from earlier this year. Not sure how commercially competitive it is, but it's clearly in use somewhere (Yandong and maybe somewhere else) for them to refer to it as such.
The new SSA800 is expected to actually be commercially competitive. The dry version is actively getting tested in production line at ICRD. It should be ready for mass production soon. However, it sounds like they are constrained to only making 5 of them a year based on Havok's comments about one of the components.
DUVi work passed China's review last year. It was delayed due to CIOMP being slow with exposure system.
btw, CIOMP being slow in 02 project is a concern for the EUV project since it is also working on integrating a prototype right now for EUV project IIRC. IIRC, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics is the other major player here.
Anyhow, he began his piece with
which indicates that it shouldn't be taken as fact. I see his comment as indicating that it is somewhat like this and we shouldn't follow it word by word. If anything, I think he wrote this in earlier part of 2022, which means SMEE thought it was going to deliver a working prototype to customer for validation in 2022. Keep in mind that while we use the word prototype here, this is actually a machine that has already passed review. So we should think of this as a beta version of the production. Calling it just prototype makes it sound a lot less further away than intended to.
I think he is being deliberate here in not spelling things out perfectly clear. You could interpret "接近交付" as about to be delivered in the near term or it has been delivered recently. I personally don't think it matters that much either way. The point is that it will be ready to start validation with customer in the near future. Again, I think he is being very intentionally unclear here, because he doesn't want to get in trouble.
He is talking a lot right now, because he is proud the project is almost finished. He wouldn't be talking this openly if we are still a year away from start of validation.
do you have a link to this machine?
Think the English the could use some clarification here.Latest from havok:
On September 18, 2021, the company launched a new generation of large-field-of-view high-resolution advanced packaging lithography machine. The new lithography machine launched this time is mainly used in the field of high-density heterogeneous integration. It has the characteristics of high resolution, high overlay accuracy and large exposure field of view. It can help wafer-level advanced packaging companies realize multi-chip high-density interconnection The application of packaging technology meets the application requirements of heterogeneous integration and ultra-large chip packaging size. At the same time, it will help packaging and testing manufacturers to improve their process level and develop new processes. In the field of packaging and testing, they will jointly make more contributions to the development of China's integrated circuit industry. . At present, the company has reached a sales agreement with a number of customers for a new generation of advanced packaging lithography machines. On February 7, 2022, the company held a delivery ceremony for the first 2.5D\3D advanced packaging lithography machine.
On November 27, 2021, the company held the company's second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 on the "Proposal on Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment (Group) Co., Ltd.'s capital increase and share expansion, employee stock ownership plan and employee stock ownership plan (draft)" , "Proposal on Replacing the Company's Supervisor" and "Proposal on the Company's Sale of Fixed Assets to Shanghai Modern Advanced Ultra-precision Manufacturing Center Co., Ltd." The company intends to implement an employee stock ownership plan, and the funds raised from employees this time will not exceed RMB 800 million.
The 02 project established an overall expert group in 2008. The lithography unit is composed of 6 expert members. Shanghai Microelectronics is responsible for the research and development of the front-end lithography machine and packaging lithography machine. At present, the packaging lithography machine has been successfully developed, and Mass production has already accounted for more than 80% of the domestic market. The 2.5D\3D advanced packaging lithography machine launched in 2021 has received a large number of global orders, and the production and delivery tasks in 2022 and 2023 are heavy. The ArF90nm front-end lithography machine has also been mass-produced and delivered.
The 28nm immersion front-end lithography machine is the last critical task of the 02 special project. In June 2021, the overall technical plan and initial sample of the 28nm immersion front-end lithography machine of Shanghai Microelectronics has passed the expert review of the 02 special project. Shanghai Microelectronics has actually completed all the lithography machine research and development tasks of the 02 project. At present, the main problem is the complete delivery of prototypes. From the perspective of production methods, ASML outsources all subsystems, Nikon and Canon do it themselves, and Shanghai Microelectronics is in the middle, outsourcing parts and making subsystems themselves. .
In order to complete the research and development tasks of 28nm, SMEE has a special business department responsible for it, with a team of about 600 people. The exposure system of the core technical link was also led by SMEE at the beginning. After that, the country handed over the exposure system of 28nm to Changchun Institute of Optics Responsible, SMEE can better focus on the manufacturing of the whole machine. Since the 28nm immersion lithography machine can be used to manufacture 14nm process chips, the conditions of multiple exposures can also forcefully manufacture 7nm process chips, but the cost-effectiveness is not high.
Therefore, it uses the highest-end exposure system, and the technical requirements have reached the optical limit; the Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics did not complete the 28nm exposure system until 2020, with continuous testing and adjustments in the middle. Due to technical problems with the supplier of the lithography machine base, the time window for delivery of the prototype in 2021 was missed.
According to the latest news from the company, all the previous technical problems have been solved. Although the epidemic has delayed some time, the company is very confident in the delivery of the prototype of the 28nm immersion front-end lithography machine within this year.
Havok’s post makes no mention of CIOMP being slow. The delay was due to the instrument base supplier encountering some technical difficulties.btw, CIOMP being slow in 02 project is a concern for the EUV project since it is also working on integrating a prototype right now for EUV project IIRC. IIRC, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics is the other major player here.
I think this is pretty clearHavok’s post makes no mention of CIOMP being slow. The delay was due to the instrument base supplier encountering some technical difficulties.
The first part says the exposure system is very complicated, required the highest level of optical studies and took until 2020 for CIOMP to complete, had to keep testing and adjusting.因此其所使用的是最高端的曝光系统,技术要求达到光学极限;一直到2020年长春光机所才完成28nm的曝光系统,中间不断的测试调整,2021年在原计划样机交付的关口,又遇到光刻机底座的供应商技术问题,故错过了2021年样机交付的时间窗口。
According to the latest news from the company, all the previous technical problems have been solved. Although the epidemic has delayed some time, the company is very confident in the delivery of the prototype of the 28nm immersion front-end lithography machine within this year.
as @tphuang mentioned, once you achieve success in 28nm DUVi. advance variants will come very quick.
so SMEE finally done it.![]()