“This is not about the economic destruction of China... We’re not looking at a decoupling, that’s not where our focus is.” Solely about “national security.” lol
That its, or either he is liar or they gone crazy and they don't know what they doing.
3/ BIS has “top-down guidance to go after national security threats.” Moreover, “we do not balance the impossible feat of complete national security against [US] trade [losses].” For example, “I do not coordinate export controls w/ my trade counterpart in Commerce.”
What? So he has gone rogue?
What about the immediate loses.
What about companies who do their products in mature nodes

What about the damage global reputation of U.S. companies in general because a rogue politician?
What about U.S citizens that will no able to work freely globally?
And those are the immediate unintended consequences, the medium and long term consequences like high prices, lowering the bar for the Republican Party, job losses, reputational damage, companies avoiding using American components,hiring their people , lasting damage to the US semi industry and lasting damage to the global semiconductor industry. .
If these lunatics hate Xi Jinping so much for some reason, guess what? They just prove that Xi was right all this time and now market forces are in his favor.
And to make matters worse, this will likely further damage their much-cherished national security because as Chinese factories become more independent they will become black boxes capable of serving anyone anywhere, including other US adversaries. , no restrictions.
I've been telling everyone that these chicken-hawk politicians are national security lunatics since the beginning of this thread, they grew up watching Cold War spy movies and now they want to live in one. Their ideology clouds their reality.
who knows maybe these guys are so smart that our weak brains can't comprehend their grand policies, but I have my doubts.