Chinese semiconductor industry

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Here how it will go, I used my special powers and predicted the future so that people can finally stop worrying:
  • US announces new harsh sanctions on Chinese IC industry
  • SDF hyperventilation (current time, we are at this stage)
  • China's response will be hidden from plain sight
  • Chinese foreign spokesman/woman says "we urge the American side to change course or they will have to face the collective will of 1.4 billion Chinese people"
  • Global Times editorial "America shows its unreliability, domestic companies will benefit, US should focus on its own issues and stop worrying about China"
  • Xi-Biden meeting, China's foreign ministry statement, "Biden said he doesnt want a cold war, and he doesn't support Taiwan's independence". "Xi said he supports a win-win cooperative relationship with US and building a community with a shared future for mankind"
  • The entire West, social media, think tankers ridicule China for its weak/no response to US actions
  • SDF continues its hyperventilation
  • 2-3 years later, a report comes out from a random Western organisation, "China is actually winning the tech war and EUV machine is ready"
  • SDF relief, "we won, finally, the end!"
  • Some months later, the US announces new extremely harsh sanctions on an unrelated industry that China still heavily depends on the US.
  • SDF hyperventilation
  • REPEAT from stage 3

This does seem to be China's standard script for dealing with US provocations.

Which makes it interesting that China reacted much more immediately and severely to Trump's tarriffs, with proportional retaliation and loud public denouncements, more like China's response to Pelosi's visit (red line crossed).

I wonder if it's because China knows "I'm not going to buy your stuff" is fundamentally a greater threat than "I'm not going to sell you stuff", because that's what China is doing to Australia with great effect.


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The volume of semiconductor precision parts products accelerated, and Jiangfeng Electronics' revenue in the first three quarters was about 1.67 billion yuan​ news, on October 13, Jiangfeng Electronics released a performance forecast for the first three quarters of 2022. It is expected that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first three quarters of 2022 will be 200 million yuan to 229 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 110.00%- 140.00%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses of 163 million yuan - 191 million yuan; a year-on-year increase of 136.29% -177.81%.

Among them, the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in the third quarter was 44.6616 million yuan to 73.238 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.01%-111.56%; the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was 49.4313 million yuan-7,800.77 10,000 yuan; a year-on-year increase of 72.76%-172.63%.

Jiangfeng Electronics said that the company expects to achieve operating income of about 1.670 billion yuan from January to September 2022, an increase of about 547 million yuan from 1.123 billion yuan in the same period of the previous year, an increase of about 48.71%.

During the reporting period, the company benefited from long-term R&D and equipment investment in the field of ultra-high-purity metal sputtering targets, formed core competitiveness, and continued to expand its global market share. At the same time, benefiting from the strategic layout in the field of semiconductor precision parts, the company actively seized the market opportunity of domestic substitution, and the company's semiconductor precision parts products accelerated the volume.

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Lieutenant General
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China's response will be something a lot more hidden. A delay on shipping rare earths here, selling more to domestic companies than US companies there, more EV battery supply contracts going to Chinese/EU automakers than US, Chinese phone/computers makers "nudged" to take out US components from their product offerings etc
The way China works, I wouldn't be surprised if China did nothing publically except the usual Global Times angry articles while it knifes the US under the table. Just move on, people here most likely don't have the access to the necessary information to know what China's real response will be

Given the severity of this announcement, I think Chinese government probably will have to announce something to support local industries.

I think they are not in a rush to announce anything, but I think they will take their time and make announcement that makes buying American chip products less appealing. And they need to do something to encourage Chinese nationals to come back to work in china.

I don't really see how much further America can expand, because there really isn't many other areas where it holds technology leadership. The only other major sanction areas are all related to financial system. I do find the assessment that things will get worse and worse kind of alarmist and not realistic. It's actually really hard to stop Chinese tech and industries right now. America waited too long to do full industry attack on china.


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More support for equipment manufacturers in China.

Good news from Hangzhou Ruisheng, new development of parts business
2022-09-13 Views: 420

Recently, good news came from Hangzhou Ruisheng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou Ruisheng"), a joint-stock company of Jiangfeng Electronics. With the unremitting efforts and professional technical support of team members, Hangzhou Ruisheng has conquered the production technology of core components of etching equipment for advanced semiconductor manufacturing processes, and has recently been recognized by downstream customers and successfully obtained orders for product supply.

Hangzhou Ruisheng is a crucial strategic deployment in Jiangfeng's electronic components business sector. The factory is located in the Yangtze River Delta region with a strong semiconductor industry foundation - Linping District, Hangzhou City, by the beautiful West Lake, focusing on the production of brittle materials for integrated circuits. Precision machining, product layout of semiconductor brittle materials, high-purity silicon, quartz, ceramics and other components, has received the focus of the domestic material alliance and domestic large-scale integrated circuit manufacturing companies.
Semiconductor equipment consists of thousands of components, and core components are the cornerstone of semiconductor equipment and even the semiconductor industry chain. Hangzhou Ruisheng will take the responsibility of "adding glory to China's manufacturing and giving China's manufacturing more connotation", and will spare no effort to break through the technical barriers of component development, promote the localization process of semiconductor components, and interpret the mission with practical actions. with responsibility.


Grumpy Old Man
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I don't really see how much further America can expand, because there really isn't many other areas where it holds technology leadership. The only other major sanction areas are all related to financial system. I do find the assessment that things will get worse and worse kind of alarmist and not realistic. It's actually really hard to stop Chinese tech and industries right now. America waited too long to do full industry attack on china.
Put Chinese entities (companies and people) on
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