Chinese semiconductor industry

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These kind of questions, even addressed to specific people, always raise some some doubts in me.

I guess everybody here knows about
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. This forum is not a random one about cooking or fishing. There is a lot of information here that could be interesting or even sensible for many interested parties. We all should be aware of this, especially in these difficult times.

I am not accusing this specific account @theorlonator of anything (although I may have some doubts), and I don't want to suggest a line to follow, I just want to raise awareness on this topic.

It is foreseeable that the next round of attacks from US will be against Chinese semi equipment firms, so be aware of what information you write!
EXACTLY ! Never answer questions that are not already public. Alot of these random posts are to extract information that isn't public or at least not easily found. You sometimes see several anti-China writers work in tandem to insult and create defensive postures in weak minded Chinese who can't help themselves from debunking the insult by disclosing secret NON-public information. These dolts are helping the anti-China state department types who would otherwise be completely in the dark. What is amazing is that they are STILL in the dark despite the large number of stupid Chinese thumping their chest trying to prove how advanced they are. To the dumbbells who do this here and elsewhere. Remember to mix it up a little bit and release fake news once in a while confuse them. Be like Gordon Chang.


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This war started in 2017. Dunno why it took you so long to realise that.

If we want to get real, the war actually started all the way back from 1950 - as MacArthur whined to the White House into permitting him to deploy nukes against China for sending troops to assist North Korea. Not forgetting that the US bombers even bombed Chinese soil during that period.

The war between China and the US has never ended, just like the Chinese Civil War between the PRC and the ROC. Only a ceasefire has beens signed, and that's on behalf of the two Koreas. Periods of confrontation, tension and detente followed, and now we are back at confrontation again.

But I would like to stop here. Been veering out of topic in this thread.
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EXACTLY ! Never answer questions that are not already public. Alot of these random posts are to extract information that isn't public or at least not easily found. You sometimes see several anti-China writers work in tandem to insult and create defensive postures in weak minded Chinese who can't help themselves from debunking the insult by disclosing secret NON-public information. These dolts are helping the anti-China state department types who would otherwise be completely in the dark. What is amazing is that they are STILL in the dark despite the large number of stupid Chinese thumping their chest trying to prove how advanced they are. To the dumbbells who do this here and elsewhere. Remember to mix it up a little bit and release fake news once in a while confuse them. Be like Gordon Chang.
I was asking for public info like something from laoyaoba or eet


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I do not have any expertise nor knowledge in the semiconductor industry, so I have no meaningful way to contribute to China in that sector.

Do you?
If you have no expertise, why are you hyperventilating?

What I do have, which a lot of people here seem to lack, is a memory. I remember the beginnings of this tech war against China and all it's accomplished: zero. I remember the progress China has already made. I also seem to lack the propensity to hyperventilation common around here. I ask myself what's the worst that can happen? A few projects are delayed as they get retooled. Big deal.

Much more important than expertise is the ability to take a deep breath and think things through logically. The demand for semiconductors in China is measured in the hundreds of billions - that is going to get serviced by someone. If it's not American companies then it's Chinese companies, Japanese companies, European companies, Martian companies, whatever. Instead of that money going to American companies, it's going to go to others. Much as I would like it to go to Chinese companies and no one else, I know how markets function and I can already see the train of foreign companies knocking on China's door and hawking wholly de-Americanized products.

What's really funny is that American investors are going to divest from American companies because they just got shut out of the largest and fastest growing market for good. They're going to take that money and invest it in Chinese companies whose prospects just got a whole lot brighter. America, despite itself, is going to do its bit to power China's technological ascent.


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With the rather unusually little news coverage on the recent US chip tech ban against China on that I could find on Baidu and Bilibili, some say that this could only mean one thing: The chip tech ban this time really does hurt China's semiconductor industry real bad. Like, it has caused pendemonium across the semiconductor industry in China, according to one (alleged) industry insider.

Many Bilibili comments in reaction to the news can only be described as doom and gloom.

Can we get a hold on any industry insider to share with us the actual and up-to-date situation in China, and their future measures to combat it, if any? I'm very, very worried about the development of the situation.

In all honesty, if this cannot be described as an outright declaration of war of annihilation by the US against the civilization state and the people of China in its entirety, I have no other words that could be used to describe it.

Washington DC is now hell bent on utterly destroying China and forcing the Chinese people to kneel and suffer through another round of Century of Humiliation. Hell, I bet the hawks in DC wouldn't even hesitate to deploy the nukes if doing so would wipe the Chinese off the face of the Earth and secure American global dominance for the next decade or century. There is no second guessing about it.

For China, this is a war for survival.

Therefore, this leaves only two choices for China.

Either China wins her struggle and emerge victorious against her enemies, or China would fade away in the pages of history textbooks and descend into irrelevance. I hope everyone in China and anyone else who supports China know what should be done.
That's because most of Chinese interwebs aren't well informed on this. We have posted many pages on this topic. Have some respect for this thread and forum. Please read through before hyperventilating. This kind of post really throws me into full tilt post.

Let's see what china's reaction will be. I don't think they actually need to do anything except to tell the world that china favors continue global supply chain and will do it's utmost to provide competition for American companies. If they really want to hit back, they can put in a law that prevents Chinese nationals from working for the American semiconductor industry.


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I think you just answered your question.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Let me offer you some helpful advice (I mean this genuinely): Whenever you feel worried about the state of the Sino-US cold war, remember some instructive moments from China's history like the Two Bombs and One Satellite. That was what China accomplished when it was dirt poor and isolated; now it's filthy rich and deeply integrated into the world economy. China isn't the type to give up - it's going to get what it wants by hook or by crook.


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That's because most of Chinese interwebs aren't well informed on this. We have posted many pages on this topic. Have some respect for this thread and forum. Please read through before hyperventilating. This kind of post really throws me into full tilt post.

Let's see what china's reaction will be. I don't think they actually need to do anything except to tell the world that china favors continue global supply chain and will do it's utmost to provide competition for American companies. If they really want to hit back, they can put in a law that prevents Chinese nationals from working for the American semiconductor industry.

Why would anyone think that tit for tat would be the best response? From my amateur point of view the retaliation is quite simple. Arrange a meeting between Xi and a Saudi head of state on December 24th so they could sign an agreement for trading oil in RMB.


Registered Member
Let's see what china's reaction will be. I don't think they actually need to do anything except to tell the world that china favors continue global supply chain and will do it's utmost to provide competition for American companies. If they really want to hit back, they can put in a law that prevents Chinese nationals from working for the American semiconductor industry.
China's response will be something a lot more hidden. A delay on shipping rare earths here, selling more to domestic companies than US companies there, more EV battery supply contracts going to Chinese/EU automakers than US, Chinese phone/computers makers "nudged" to take out US components from their product offerings etc

The way China works, I wouldn't be surprised if China did nothing publically except the usual Global Times angry articles while it knifes the US under the table. Just move on, people here most likely don't have the access to the necessary information to know what China's real response will be


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Remember Pelosi's visit anyone? Boy the hysterics, even from some supposedly even minded people here. It's war or nothing! Oh the shame of inaction! Time to shoot her down!

What actually happened? China got to change the status quo with literally no cost.

With China, the effect comes out in a while, before anyone's noticed anythings changed, while with the US they claim victory before they've even done anything.
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