Chinese semiconductor industry

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There is a lot research being done in China but I think some of those researchers will be better off helping to solve the country most urgent needs. In this case is semiconductors manufacturing, given the urgency of the situation China should put even more human and monetary resources in the fast tracking of semiconductor material, parts, tool and so on. Some of the current research could just wait a bit more. Don't get me wrong, the Chinese had archive a lot in a short time but give the urgency of the situation more is needed.

They should create three institutes outside CAS were companies and researcher institutes cooperate fast tracking towards this goal.

1- Institute for Electronics Automation and Design: When companies and researchers work on the fast track developing, EDA, TCAD, yield management software, ecosystems, design tools and so, for the semiconductor industry.

2-Institute of Nanopatterning : Lithography, Lithography, Lithography. Companies and researches working in the fast track development of lithography tools, parts, light sources, software, materials, maskless lithography, NIL, EUV, immersion, stripping, coating, developing, photoresist, XRay, EBeam Lithography, metrology, masks, AI computational lithography and so on.

3-Institute of process equipment and materials: Fast track development of semiconductor process tools, materials and parts, Ion Implantation, deposition, etching, wet processing, dry processing, heat processing, planarization, cleaning, electric machinery for plasma tools, vacuum parts, spectrometry, robots, parts for equipment, ultra clean plastics, ceramics parts, gasses, quartz and so on.

The 上海集成电路装备材料产业创新中心有限公司 and the 上海集成电路研发中心有限公司 are a great start but given the urgency of the situation more should be done.

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I know we make fun of Dylan Patel but his article highlights how serious the sanctions are - IC tech years old now restricted, leading firms on export ban lists etc… All the developments in China have left me a bit lost on where things stand 1) EDA/Design - looks indep 2) Lithography - Black hole of info mostly ancillary info 3) This one feels like a lot of info has come out but I don’t have a good sense of overall picture


You think that the principles of science and technology are magical that a country with 1/5 of the human population had to rely so heavily on foreigners to be able to replicate technological breakthroughs made by others or innovate? The main reason as to why China has been so behind in such fields as semiconductors and IC chips is because Chinese companies haven't put sufficient the effort towards supporting domestic high tech research development in such fields - until now. And that is because until now, they believed that they would be supplied with sophisticated foreign equipment without or with few restrictions because they banked on the prevalence everlastingly of market and profit making rationality on the part of the governments of countries such as the United States whose companies supplied them with consumer goods, components and capital equipment.

China is not as reliant and should not be as reliant on magical foreigners as you think or hope that it is or should be...

I like it " ..... a country with 1/5 of the human population ... " with the extra wording " .. with one of the highest IQ countries ...."


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The US semiconductor lobby maybe the only lobby group in modern US history that have failed
Well said.

I would be scared too. Up to now, the US has had no successful track records in stopping any Chinese industries that China is determined to advance (military, space, supercomputer, etc.). On the contrary, China's track records in successfully cracking the barriers to lead if not dominate industries after industries (telecom, internet, mobile, solar, wind, batteries, EV, etc.) are plentiful. At most, it might slow down China for a few years, at the cost of China ending up cutting dependency and creating/owning its own supply chain, immune from the US nonsense.

China is unlike all other previous US competitors (Germany, USSR, Japan), it has all the necessary ingredients to go head to head with the US in all industries: population, market, capital, talents and the industrial and scientific base. All it needs is little more time, the that time is running out for the US.

Eric Schmidt, the former Google CEO, who has authored several high-profile reports to advise the US government on US tech strategy against China, had openly admitted that
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to compete. David P. Goldman, the financier and investor, said more than two years ago when commenting the US semiconductor bans on Huawei (and China) they "
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." These are Americans who have dealt with China closely.
Maybe, but shooting yourself in the foot so the guy who is behind you trips over is usually not a good strategy for winning a race.



Nuclear latency is a myth... North Korea and South Africa can make nuclear weapons, but Japan can't if it wanted to within half a decade?

As you pointed out Japan's most sophisticated commercially produced logic chips are at 40 nm nodes. Is it such a huge steps for a country that has DUV lithography machines capable of producing 14 nm chips and also has Tokyo Electron to produce non EUV equipment and actually supplies the majority of photoresists used by Samsung in the DUV and EUV equipment that Samsung purchases to produce its chips to go down to 28 nm nodes if it wanted to or needed to?

is not that simple .. why they haven't then ?

Technically yes Japan can, it may take 5-10 years to build with possibly 5x more expensive than ASML with no market ... Jpan just buy it from ASML

The same thing for China too, but now the situating different for China, cost is no longer something to consider. You will see that China will do it again ... like in the past i.e weapons, CNC, satellite, rockets, super computer, engine, etc, etc


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China is unlike all other previous US competitors (Germany, USSR, Japan), it has all the necessary ingredients to go head to head with the US in all industries: population, market, capital, talents and the industrial and scientific base. All it needs is little more time, the that time is running out for the US.

Germany (and the rest of Europe too) at the time was well advanced in many fields of technology, more than US. They got rid of Germany and in general of Europe technology leadership only with WW2.

Eric Schmidt, the former Google CEO, who has authored several high-profile reports to advise the US government on US tech strategy against China, had openly admitted that
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to compete. David P. Goldman, the financier and investor, said more than two years ago when commenting the US semiconductor bans on Huawei (and China) they "
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." These are Americans who have dealt with China closely.

Many people are important, smart people are also important, but I don't see this as the most critical points.

Look at India, they are a lot and are also smart (at least theoretically)....but Indian technology power can grow and will grow but only in the long term and with a lot of contradictions and false starts.

The critical point is organization and working for a purpose. Starting from basic education, to work attitude, to the sharing of goals as common targets of the whole community (this is very critical!), all these are factors that make a difference, a very big difference.

The size plays a role only in relation to the self-dependency. What Japan missed. China is so big that Chinese companies can survive only with internal market if they have to. In this sense size makes a difference. Size defends you against external distruptions, but alone does not guarantee success.


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:oops:, I don't even want to see their worse.
The funny thing, is that this are the "moderates", this are the "pro-business democrats". That is the problem with U.S. politics, is in a downward spiral toward basically fascism, every single administration try to surpass the previous ones on ideology, militarism, corporatism and corruption to the point that there just one party in U.S. politics with democrats being just woke republicans.​
I posted this not a long tome ago were I said the U.S. is in a downward spiral towards fascism, in every presidency democrats had been trying to "out republican" the republicans, more hackish, less caring about the people that vote for them,more corporate (if china is not involved), more wars. With the republicans responding by becoming more fascists themselves.

It will be not surprise to me if all this drama is because the Democrats want to demonstrate that they are tougher and hackish than Trump. Like if that will help them in any way, shape or form to win in 2024.



If China really has produced a domestic DUV machine that can produce 28nm chips being delivered and used it would have made a lot bigger splash on the internet than a single video on a Chinese video sharing site that is now deleted.

I'm still unconvinced.

Thats your choice and your problem is to mimic what China do with the American mindset

American usually have big announcement and splash video, conference, etc even long before the announcement. East Asian culture is so much different, when they say something you could be sure it is already done


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I posted this not a long tome ago were I said the U.S. is in a downward spiral towards fascism, in every presidency democrats had been trying to "out republican" the republicans, more hackish, less caring about the people that vote for them,more corporate (if china is not involved), more wars. With the republicans responding by becoming more fascists themselves.

It will be not surprise to me if all this drama is because the Democrats want to demonstrate that they are tougher and hackish than Trump. Like if that will help them in any way, shape or form to win in 2024.

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It's not really about elections. The China policy is an elite-level obsession that is actually quite disconnected from output from voting / hence why you see so much uniformity between GOP & Dems. It's a collective DC elite freak-out / hence why there's no off ramp.


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The High Performance Computing and high-end mobile inventory is relatively more healthy. These are basically 7nm/5nm/3nm where tsmc derives over half of their revenue from. With their bread and butter segments doing well, this is why tsmc maintain the most positive outlook in their last quarterly report and still expects 30% Y/Y growth for 2022. The media has been hyping the industry down turn will impact tsmc by reporting all kinds of new since March, and yet tsmc continue record monthly revenue month-after-month. Even if tsmc have a mediocre September, they will have hit another record quarter for Q3. tsmc acknowledge inventory correction by customers until maybe first quarter of 2023, but despite these, their order book is healthy and they are not worried.
Okay, I'm a bit burnt-out from all the talk about latest US sanction. Let's inject a little bit of different news. Just as I had predicted, tsmc had a record quarter in Q3 '22:

TSMC Q3 sales smash quarterly records, beat forecast​

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TSMC posted consolidated sales of NT$613.14 billion (US$19.36 billion) in the July-September period, up 14.79 percent from a quarter earlier, the company said in a statement.
Q3 revenue came in topping high-end of its guidance.
Analysts said that as its major clients continue to launch new devices, TSMC is expected to enjoy stable operations in the fourth quarter to boost its annual consolidated sales above the NT$2 trillion level for the first time.
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