Chinese semiconductor industry

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Rightly so bro, they want something that will stick to justify their provocation, IF you ignore it they look foolish and they're the one who suffer, Like I said before we are dealing with Kens and Karens with self entitled view, no matter how wrong they are won't back down.

like Sabotage their electricity grid?

Bro from your previous post Its theirs to begin with, so naturally they want it back, Lock, Stock and Barrel. :)

Thus my question can carbon replace silicon? If it is then China should develop and claimed it.

From my previous post a 90nm carbon base chip is equivalent to 28nm silicon chip

a 65nm Carbon chip is equivalent to 10nm silicon chip

Both can be produce using SMEE 90nm and 65nm DUVL, what more of SSA800 28nm DUVL. If we can deduce then a 28nm carbon chip may have the same equivalent performance to a 5nm or 3nm silicon chip?

There is no need to speculate on technology that may be available in 5 to 10 years. China is doing fine right now. There is enough capacity at SMIC's SN1 plant right now for all of China's HPC needs. And they will have more capacity coming online next year. The problem is that up until now, the Chinese chip designers outside of the sanctioned ones like Phytium/Sunway have been working with TSMC for their new chips, because SMIC was still trialing N+1 process. Even some of the chips mentioned for 2024 were supposedly designed with TSMC process. Let's hope these people will finally wake up and realize that they need to work with SMIC.

Oh well, bro, I'm really not an expert in this field :D:D Of course something where nobody gets hurt, what CIA would call "a clean job". :D:D
nah, that's not needed. They can certainly sanction TSMC/Samsung, but that would just cost them long term. Their goal right now is to get other chipmakers hooked on their supply chain.

As I said, the best thing for them to do here is to make it really hard for American chip designers to operate in China so that they need to downsize and those employees can join Chinese chip designers. It's pretty stupid of them to allow Nvidia to still complete development of H100 with their China office after H100 got banned from China.


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Because rare earths part of the balance of terror which prevents the US from going too far.
Blowing up pipelines and full chip embargo and blatant disregard for Chinese soverniegty isnt going too far then where is the red line?


Registered Member
Oh well, bro, I'm really not an expert in this field :D:D Of course something where nobody gets hurt, what CIA would call "a clean job". :D:D
Sounds like the idea for a mission/level in Tom Clancy Rainbow Six, or the next hitman franchise or like the CIA sponsored indie pc game "Ground Branch"


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There is a lot research being done in China but I think some of those researchers will be better off helping to solve the country most urgent needs. In this case is semiconductors manufacturing, given the urgency of the situation China should put even more human and monetary resources in the fast tracking of semiconductor material, parts, tool and so on. Some of the current research could just wait a bit more. Don't get me wrong, the Chinese had archive a lot in a short time but give the urgency of the situation more is needed.

They should create three institutes outside CAS were companies and researcher institutes cooperate fast tracking towards this goal.

1- Institute for Electronics Automation and Design: When companies and researchers work on the fast track developing, EDA, TCAD, yield management software, ecosystems, design tools and so, for the semiconductor industry.

2-Institute of Nanopatterning : Lithography, Lithography, Lithography. Companies and researches working in the fast track development of lithography tools, parts, light sources, software, materials, maskless lithography, NIL, EUV, immersion, stripping, coating, developing, photoresist, XRay, EBeam Lithography, metrology, masks, AI computational lithography and so on.

3-Institute of process equipment and materials: Fast track development of semiconductor process tools, materials and parts, Ion Implantation, deposition, etching, wet processing, dry processing, heat processing, planarization, cleaning, electric machinery for plasma tools, vacuum parts, spectrometry, robots, parts for equipment, ultra clean plastics, ceramics parts, gasses, quartz and so on.

The 上海集成电路装备材料产业创新中心有限公司 and the 上海集成电路研发中心有限公司 are a great start but given the urgency of the situation more should be done.

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Registered Member
Excellent points.
Losing leverage in the long term for a short term gain is a bad trade off.
Computing and AI becomes more valuable as years pass, so reserving this leverage for the future would make the US hold an even bigger leverage.

Fortunately for us, Americans have lost their minds and are playing all their cards without caring about the future

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