Chinese semiconductor industry

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Regarding the content you posted, unfortunately I expect all foreign toolmakers will be affected, not only US firms. It is impossible ASML will not be banned too. US will do anything to make ASML succumb: if they have to blow up a pipeline under ASML building or send marines there (considering ASML is in Holland, it would be quite convenient, they are already in the nearby) they will do it. If they fail to coerce foreign toolmakers, their actions will backfire hugely and they are well aware of this.

OTH the fact that they proceeded with announcing and publishing the new rules, before, by their own admission, an agreement with foreign toolmakers was found, it makes me think that they tried hard (we know they did), but as of today still did not succeed....or maybe they are just so arrogant and full of themselves that simply did not care.

If ASML, by nothing short of a miracle, eventually succeeds in resisting this wave of rage, I promise they will be my hero forever! I will hang an ASML factory's picture in my room! :D:D

I'm not so dire on ASML. I think it might be forced to stop selling NXT2050/2100 to China at some point, so SMIC needs to be stocking up on them. It seems to me that if ASML wants to get around that, it needs to work with RSLaser or something like this so that they can have a de-americanized DUVi. The Chinese market is clearly large enough for it.

Either way, the important point for Chinese industry is that they can keep buying Arfi scanners for a while. As I said before, another year of 2050/2100 would probably give them all the advanced node scanners they need for a while. And by then, domestic front end scanners should be further along and capable of doing scanning in the less vital/advanced layer
Here below are the 28 entities (page 22 of the
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The 28 revised entities are:

Beijing Institute of Technology;
Beijing Sensetime Technology Development Co., Ltd.;
Changsha Jingjia Microelectronics Co., Ltd.;
Chengdu Haiguang Integrated Circuit;
Chengdu Haiguang Microelectronics Technology;
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 9th Academy 772
Research Institute
Dahua Technology
Harbin institute of technology;
Megvii Technology;
National Supercomputer Center Zhengzhou;
National Supercomputing Center Changsha (NSCC-CS);
National Supercomputing Center Guangzhou (NSCC-GZ);
National Supercomputing Center Jinan;
National Supercomputing Center Shenzhen;
National Supercomputing Center Tianjin (NSCC-TJ);
National Supercomputing Center Wuxi (NSCC-WX);
National University of Defense Technology;
New H3C Semiconductor Technologies Co., Ltd.;
Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Shanghai High-Performance Integrated Circuit Design Center;
Sunway Microelectronics;
Tianjin Phytium Information Technology;
Wuxi Jiangnan Institute of Computing Technology; and
Yitu Technologies
right, so none of the new chip design houses are on this list. This is basically All the companies involved in super computing and defense industry. The new GPU firms and Alibaba/Baidu are all not on this list. Which means, they can keep getting their chips produced by TSMC/Samsung over the next year.

I would advice these shops to stock up on their orders and then work with SMIC.

Doesn't look like SMIC or Huahong is on this list even. It really depends on how confident they are in the equipment supply I guess.

Looking at this, the only question i have is whether SMIC will continue to be able to work with Phytium/Hygon. I think they will be able to, but who knows.

Sir Huawei is under sanction, so they can't use SMIC N+2, Kirin 9100 from rumors is the 14nm 3d chiplet, now many were doubtful and I can't blame them BUT with the progression of Chinese tech, 14nm tech is within their grasp. I believe the JV between ICRD and Hisilicon is the one producing this chip or Huawei is doing the packaging and finishing of an unfinished SMIC 14nm chip. Either way Huawei is getting ready to unveil a chip worthy of praise and I for one is anticipating its return. ;)
You may have noticed that Phytium is on that list too now and they are SMIC's biggest 14 nm client. I seriously doubt SMIC will give that up.

Don't underestimate SMIC. It's a good idea for Huawei to work with them.
Does if not behove South Korea and probably even Japan to work with China to ensure that they produce products and a supply chain of all manner of latest state of the art high tech products worth making, not just in the IC chip and semiconductors industry but also with regards to gas and jet engine turbines etc? It is extremely rational for them to have many choices as to where to get their supplies from, instead of being dependent on sources that are extremely vulnerable to US interdiction...
of course, but China has to show that it's capable of replacing American firms first.

I would expect Koreans/Japanese to try to resist American pressure as long as they could. If Chinese suppliers have something comparable, I think they will try it out.

Same with the Taiwanese. TSMC is in the US politician crosshair right now. I'd expect them to try to find alternative supply chain when possible.

In so many ways, this bill and the attempt to strongarm Taiwanese/Koreans will really backfire on the American supply chain. However, China needs to deliver the goods if it wants to capitalize on that.


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Nuclear latency is a myth... North Korea and South Africa can make nuclear weapons, but Japan can't if it wanted to within half a decade?

As you pointed out Japan's most sophisticated commercially produced logic chips are at 40 nm nodes. Is it such a huge steps for a country that has DUV lithography machines capable of producing 14 nm chips and also has Tokyo Electron to produce non EUV equipment and actually supplies the majority of photoresists used by Samsung in the DUV and EUV equipment that Samsung purchases to produce its chips to go down to 28 nm nodes if it wanted to or needed to?
Within 5 years left. Many make it sound like Japan could scrap together nuclear weapons next week if they so wished. Not the case.


Has anyone got a update on China's domestic DUV machines fore 28nm chips. I understand that it will be at least till 2025 before it comes out. You can have 28nm chips with packaging you can get 14nm. China is already good with packaging machines. Or I'm I wrong in my understanding of the situation.


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Xinqi Micro-packaging WLP2000 Wafer-Level Packaging Direct-Writing Lithography Machine Shipped in Bulk​


In September 2022, the first WLP2000 wafer-level packaging direct writing lithography machine was successfully shipped to Kunshan leading packaging and testing factory. In the same month, another WLP2000 direct writing lithography machine was delivered to the Chengdu Micro-LED frontier research and development unit. The WLP2000 adopts the most advanced digital lithography technology, and can directly transfer the layout information to the substrate coated with photoresist without a mask. It is mainly used in the advanced packaging field of 8inch/12inch integrated circuits, including Flip Chip, Fan-In WLP, Advanced packages such as Fan-Out WLP and 2.5D/3D. The WLP2000 system adopts multi-optical engine parallel scanning technology, with automatic overlay, back alignment, intelligent deviation correction, WEE/WEP functions, and has obvious advantages in RDL, Bumping and TSV processes.


WLP2000 Wafer Level Packaging Direct Write Lithography Machine

WLP2000 is a lithography equipment with automatic redistribution (RDL) function independently developed by Xinqi Microelectronics in the field of wafer-level packaging. Various performance indicators have reached the international advanced level, creating a new generation of domestic direct-write lithography in the post-Moore era of semiconductors. The first of its kind in the field of advanced packaging. In the future, Micro Devices will increase its R&D strength, continuously promote the wide application of direct-writing lithography machines in the semiconductor field, and realize the corporate vision of "world brand of IC equipment".


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The issue with the IP system is using a VPN service can result in different people having the same IP address. There have been past examples where this has been the case.

The IP system far from full proof, so the moderators do act with some caution and look at other indicators before banning members if there is suspected duplicate accounts.
Exactly. I use a VPN. The moderaters seem to be more well thinking than the average user who want to see bans thrown out like candy in a candy store because they disagree with certain posts and throw out suspicions based on hot air.


Registered Member
Has anyone got a update on China's domestic DUV machines fore 28nm chips. I understand that it will be at least till 2025 before it comes out. You can have 28nm chips with packaging you can get 14nm. China is already good with packaging machines. Or I'm I wrong in my understanding of the situation.
why don't you read updates and news on this thread.

SMEE's 28nm DUVi has already delivered .. probably will take one more year before scale up the production. so mostly by the end of 2023 or early 2024.



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This is how Reuters reports the new US led sabotage.

U.S. tries to hobble China chip industry with new export rules​

The Biden administration published a sweeping set of export controls on Friday, including a measure to cut China off from certain semiconductor chips made anywhere in the world with U.S. equipment, vastly expanding its reach in its bid to slow Beijing's technological and military advances.

The rules, some of which take immediate effect, build on restrictions sent in letters this year to top toolmakers KLA Corp
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, Lam Research Corp
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and Applied Materials Inc
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, effectively requiring them to halt shipments of equipment to wholly Chinese-owned factories producing advanced logic chips.

The raft of measures could amount to the biggest shift in U.S. policy toward shipping technology to China since the 1990s. If effective, they could hobble China's chip manufacturing industry by forcing American and foreign companies that use U.S. technology to cut off support for some of China's leading factories and chip designers.

"This will set the Chinese back years," said Jim Lewis, a technology and cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington D.C.-based think tank, who said the policies harken back to the tough regulations of the height of the Cold War.

"China isn't going to give up on chipmaking ... but this will really slow them (down)."

In a briefing with reporters on Thursday previewing the rules, senior government officials said many of the measures were aimed at preventing foreign firms from selling advanced chips to China or supplying Chinese firms with tools to make their own advanced chips. They conceded, however, that they had not secured any promises that allied nations would implement similar measures and that discussions with those nations are ongoing.

"We recognize that the unilateral controls we're putting into place will lose effectiveness over time if other countries don't join us," one official said. "And we risk harming U.S. technology leadership if foreign competitors are not subject to similar controls."

The expansion of U.S. powers to control exports to China of chips made with U.S. tools is based on a broadening of the so-called foreign direct product rule. It was previously expanded to give the U.S. government authority to control exports of chips made overseas to Chinese telecoms giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd (HWT.UL) and later to stop the flow of semiconductors to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.

On Friday, the Biden administration applied the expanded restrictions to China's IFLYTEK, Dahua Technology, and Megvii Technology, companies added to the entity list in 2019 over allegations they aided Beijing in the suppression of its Uyghur minority group.

The rules published on Friday also block shipments of a broad array of chips for use in Chinese supercomputing systems. The rules define a supercomputer as any system with more than 100 petaflops of computing power within a floor space of 6,400 square feet, a definition that two industry sources said could also hit some commercial data centers at Chinese tech giants.

Eric Sayers, a defense policy expert at the American Enterprise Institute, said the move reflects a new bid by the Biden administration to contain China's advances instead of simply seeking to level the playing field.

"The scope of the rule and potential impacts are quite stunning but the devil will of course be in the details of implementation," he added.

Companies around the world
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with the latest U.S. action, with shares of semiconductor manufacturing equipment makers falling.

The Semiconductor Industry Association, which represents chipmakers, said it was studying the regulations and urged the United States to "implement the rules in a targeted way - and in collaboration with international partners - to help level the playing field."

Earlier on Friday, the United States
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to a list of companies that U.S. officials cannot inspect, ratcheting up tensions with Beijing and starting a 60 day-clock that could trigger much tougher penalties.
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Companies are added to the unverified list when U.S. authorities cannot complete on-site visits to determine if they can be trusted to receive sensitive U.S. technology, forcing U.S. suppliers to take greater care when shipping to them.

Under a new policy announced on Friday, if a government prevents U.S. officials from conducting site checks at companies placed on the unverified list, U.S. authorities will start the process for adding them to the entity list after 60 day.

Entity listing YMTC would escalate already-rising tensions with Beijing and force its U.S. suppliers to seek difficult-to-obtain licenses from the U.S. government before shipping them even the most low-tech items.

The new regulations will also severely restrict export of U.S. equipment to Chinese memory chip makers and formalize letters sent to Nvidia Corp
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and Advanced Micro Devices Inc (AMD)
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restricting shipments to China of chips used in supercomputing systems that nations around the world rely on to develop nuclear weapons and other military technologies.

Reuters was first to report key details of the new curbs on memory chip makers, including a
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operating in China and the
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on shipments to China of technologies from KLA, Lam, Applied Materials, Nvidia and AMD.

South Korea's industry ministry said in a statement on Saturday there would be no significant disruption to equipment supply for Samsung
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and SK Hynix's
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existing chip production in China.

However, it was necessary to minimise uncertainty through consultation with U.S. export control authorities, it added.

On Saturday, China's foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning called the move an abuse of trade measures designed to reinforce the United States' "technological hegemony".

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Registered Member
This is how Reuters reports the new US led sabotage.

U.S. tries to hobble China chip industry with new export rules​

The Biden administration published a sweeping set of export controls on Friday, including a measure to cut China off from certain semiconductor chips made anywhere in the world with U.S. equipment, vastly expanding its reach in its bid to slow Beijing's technological and military advances.

The rules, some of which take immediate effect, build on restrictions sent in letters this year to top toolmakers KLA Corp
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, Lam Research Corp
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and Applied Materials Inc
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, effectively requiring them to halt shipments of equipment to wholly Chinese-owned factories producing advanced logic chips.

The raft of measures could amount to the biggest shift in U.S. policy toward shipping technology to China since the 1990s. If effective, they could hobble China's chip manufacturing industry by forcing American and foreign companies that use U.S. technology to cut off support for some of China's leading factories and chip designers.

"This will set the Chinese back years," said Jim Lewis, a technology and cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington D.C.-based think tank, who said the policies harken back to the tough regulations of the height of the Cold War.

"China isn't going to give up on chipmaking ... but this will really slow them (down)."

In a briefing with reporters on Thursday previewing the rules, senior government officials said many of the measures were aimed at preventing foreign firms from selling advanced chips to China or supplying Chinese firms with tools to make their own advanced chips. They conceded, however, that they had not secured any promises that allied nations would implement similar measures and that discussions with those nations are ongoing.

"We recognize that the unilateral controls we're putting into place will lose effectiveness over time if other countries don't join us," one official said. "And we risk harming U.S. technology leadership if foreign competitors are not subject to similar controls."

The expansion of U.S. powers to control exports to China of chips made with U.S. tools is based on a broadening of the so-called foreign direct product rule. It was previously expanded to give the U.S. government authority to control exports of chips made overseas to Chinese telecoms giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd (HWT.UL) and later to stop the flow of semiconductors to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.

On Friday, the Biden administration applied the expanded restrictions to China's IFLYTEK, Dahua Technology, and Megvii Technology, companies added to the entity list in 2019 over allegations they aided Beijing in the suppression of its Uyghur minority group.

The rules published on Friday also block shipments of a broad array of chips for use in Chinese supercomputing systems. The rules define a supercomputer as any system with more than 100 petaflops of computing power within a floor space of 6,400 square feet, a definition that two industry sources said could also hit some commercial data centers at Chinese tech giants.

Eric Sayers, a defense policy expert at the American Enterprise Institute, said the move reflects a new bid by the Biden administration to contain China's advances instead of simply seeking to level the playing field.

"The scope of the rule and potential impacts are quite stunning but the devil will of course be in the details of implementation," he added.

Companies around the world
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with the latest U.S. action, with shares of semiconductor manufacturing equipment makers falling.

The Semiconductor Industry Association, which represents chipmakers, said it was studying the regulations and urged the United States to "implement the rules in a targeted way - and in collaboration with international partners - to help level the playing field."

Earlier on Friday, the United States
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to a list of companies that U.S. officials cannot inspect, ratcheting up tensions with Beijing and starting a 60 day-clock that could trigger much tougher penalties.
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Companies are added to the unverified list when U.S. authorities cannot complete on-site visits to determine if they can be trusted to receive sensitive U.S. technology, forcing U.S. suppliers to take greater care when shipping to them.

Under a new policy announced on Friday, if a government prevents U.S. officials from conducting site checks at companies placed on the unverified list, U.S. authorities will start the process for adding them to the entity list after 60 day.

Entity listing YMTC would escalate already-rising tensions with Beijing and force its U.S. suppliers to seek difficult-to-obtain licenses from the U.S. government before shipping them even the most low-tech items.

The new regulations will also severely restrict export of U.S. equipment to Chinese memory chip makers and formalize letters sent to Nvidia Corp
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and Advanced Micro Devices Inc (AMD)
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restricting shipments to China of chips used in supercomputing systems that nations around the world rely on to develop nuclear weapons and other military technologies.

Reuters was first to report key details of the new curbs on memory chip makers, including a
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operating in China and the
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on shipments to China of technologies from KLA, Lam, Applied Materials, Nvidia and AMD.

South Korea's industry ministry said in a statement on Saturday there would be no significant disruption to equipment supply for Samsung
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and SK Hynix's
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existing chip production in China.

However, it was necessary to minimise uncertainty through consultation with U.S. export control authorities, it added.

On Saturday, China's foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning called the move an abuse of trade measures designed to reinforce the United States' "technological hegemony".

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You already posted this like six times.


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How does everyone view these restrictions?

For my amateur eyes they don't seem to be that consequential, it's just restrictions for US equipment makers + Huawei style restrictions on some other small companies and supercomputer centers

But the inspection rule is clearly intended to humiliate China by forcing China to allow US officials in just like during the Yinhe accident.

It's what the anglo bastards are best at, psychological warfare and propaganda.

I hope the Chinese government has a good answer for it.
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