Chinese semiconductor industry

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Guys, curiosity aside,keep things secret when needed until China is halfway independent in top notch semiconductor manufacturing.
@Mountain thanks bro for the advise BUT I think the US is hell bent on destroying all Chinese tech company anyway, so it is included in their risk prevention strategy. That's why we're speculating cause the Chinese company are tight lip about their progress and I think we're on the finished line regarding DUVL while in mid distance on EUVL.


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The R
very interesting. light source system = laser? RS Laser had released 4 or 5 KrF lasers a few years ago, are you saying these are not up to standard? iLine does not use laser, so what's is wrong with SSB800's light source system or what's preventing SMEE from selling these?
Most of their patent activity in 2020-2021 was related to energy stabilization of excimer lasers, which is essential for immersion litho machines, and then a sudden stop in Q4 2021. If they plan to mass produce these systems in 2023, is because maybe they figure out the problems.
2020 research.

How about the dual stage, are these from U-Precision or SMEE develop in-house? U-Precision said their DWSi is still under developement in their latest IPO filing update in June this year.
The R&D of the Tsinghua and U-Precision immersion dual working stage ended in December 2021, according to their documents, which correlate with the patent activity of those institutions.
The problem they are facing is synchronization in getting parts and sub-systems at time, the delay of getting any part or sub-subsystem affect everyone as a whole, they need to test all the subsystems in production environments for effective troubleshooting. Beijing E-town will solve this by mass producing the optics and the excimer lasers, next year, for I all had been seeing looks like U-Precision have enough manufacturing capabilities on their own. For now looks like they have been delivering some systems last year and in this year.


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@hvpc bro sorry for putting words on your mouth, so I apologized, IF ASML do restrict selling NXT 2050i to assuage the Hawks will that be a go signal for SMIC to go all out producing 7nm chips? they're already been punished so why restrain themselves?
That would a slap on the face of ASML in the world history of semiconductor development.


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Of course, the Western press portrays every advancement China makes as "copying". Nevertheless, they have to admit reality even while gritting their teeth.

Perhaps this shows us why the US is now pressuring the Dutch government to ban even DUV exports to China. I speculated that this push by the American government indicates that progress in China is faster than we realised.
It might have helped them if they managed to get those bans in before China got eighty machines.
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