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I never said insignificant, I said unquantifiable. Why are you putting words in my mouth? Where did I ever use the term insignificant?

They did not specify a number at all for many of their specifications, it is unquantifiable by definition.

What is the quantitative difference between "不锈钢超高光洁度“ vs "不锈钢超高光洁度制造”? What is the quantitative improvement in “Ra达到更低水平?” 0.1% better? 100% better?

Yes I know equipment manufacturers have strict requirement of components. There's standards for particle counting/organic leach/surface analysis for all suppliers, some also have an outgassing standard either by QMS or ASTM 595E. But those component requirements, as specified by the buyers, are not divided by process node. They're divided by component environment i.e. wet process vs. rough vacuum/gas vs. high vacuum. For instance SEMI F19 standard is irrelevant for UHV but vitally important for fluid handling components.

In addition, why did they have a timeline with times that didn't match date of first introduction of process? That is even further proof that its an internally focused document on progress, not of standards.

Sure, I absolutely can. If a more advanced process than 14 nm can use equipment from a less advanced process than 28 nm, then that proves that 28 nm and 14 nm processes can use interchangable equipment.

This paper shows 5 nm gate all around (GAA) process structures produced with 1990's PECVD equipment and 2000's ICP etch on 200 mm wafers. This equipment was built for 180 nm process which was state of the art at the time. If 180 nm equipment from 1990's can produce 5 nm GAA structures, then 28 nm and 14 nm are even more similar.

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There is no such thing as “unquantifiable” when equipment manufacturers receiving components and conduct inspection,there is very clear standard on which components deemed pass or not.

Why did they have a timeline with times that didn't match date of first introduction of process?Simple,because this particular components supplier is a relatively new player in the field compare to established Western companies,they are still doing catch up work.

The paper you presented doesn't prove anything. It's a research paper conducted in a lab environment,which bears little resemblance to actual commercial labs. Simple question, there is no EUV machine involved in this experiment,does it mean you can actually produce 5nm chips without EUV now?


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There is no such thing as “unquantifiable” when equipment manufacturers receiving components and conduct inspection,there is very clear standard on which components deemed pass or not.

Why did they have a timeline with times that didn't match date of first introduction of process?Simple,because this particular components supplier is a relatively new player in the field compare to established Western companies,they are still doing catch up work.

The paper you presented doesn't prove anything. It's a research paper conducted in a lab environment,which bears little resemblance to actual commercial labs. Simple question, there is no EUV machine involved in this experiment,does it mean you can actually produce 5nm chips without EUV now?
No, your document is unquantifiable, which is a fact as I quoted from the document directly.

I never said that the process itself is unquantifiable, and I cited an example of an actual SEMI standard which doesn't distinguish between process nodes but only by use case.

do you actually know specific standards or are you just assuming? I don't mean some random timeline from a company but industry standards like SEMI, ASTM or even a large corporate standard like ASML GSA or Lam/Novellus supplier specifications? Because from every single one I've seen, there was never a "nm" label attached to it. It was always a use case label.

As some of these standards are proprietary, you can just check the relevant SEMI or ASTM standards.


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The paper you presented doesn't prove anything. It's a research paper conducted in a lab environment,which bears little resemblance to actual commercial labs. Simple question, there is no EUV machine involved in this experiment,does it mean you can actually produce 5nm chips without EUV now?
For the experiment it is indeed not commercial scale. So what? It is on 200 mm wafer which isn't even suited for logic mass production, of course it's an experiment.

It proves physical possibility and when given a choice between the possible, but not ideal, vs having nothing, the rational choice is to accept lower yield instead of nothing and going bankrupt. And this is an extreme case of 30+ year old equipment being used for leading edge research. The gap is essentially negligible for processes within 2-3 years of each other, maybe a few yield hits or component recleaning.

There's always research into alternative processes like double patterning dry ArF which isn't used commercially but is used if immersion ArF is cut off. Note this paper is from Applied Materials, even major suppliers think about worst case scenarios and how to sell to customers who can't obtain the equipment for a "standard" process.

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Simple question, there is no EUV machine involved in this experiment,does it mean you can actually produce 5nm chips without EUV now?
Is possible to mass produce "5nm" FinFets with immersion lithography the problem is that require more patterning steps than EUV and really good overlay thus is more harder to make but not imposible.

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Sells and R&D news from CETC electronics group.​

Orders keep coming! Continuous shipment of advanced packaging equipment for electrical equipment​

Recently, Beijing CEC's flagship products have ushered in a peak shipment. Laser scribing equipment has been successfully sent to Germany, and 8-inch automatic thinning equipment has been successfully sent to Taiwan. The company relies on excellent product quality and efficient technical services. Get customer approval!

  "Zero-day" response recognized​

For the equipment sent to Germany, the communication cost was increased due to the time difference. In order to ensure the timeliness of communication, the team adopted a grouping and segmented method to respond to customer needs with "zero time difference".

Bulk shipping! More than ten sets of semiconductor equipment were sent to customers​

On May 15th, the mass delivery ceremony of semiconductor equipment from 48 Electric Power Equipment Institutes was held in the district.

With a "start" order, 6 trucks with a length of more than ten meters filed out from the institute, and more than ten semiconductor equipments were sent to the user's site.

The equipment was delivered in a centralized manner, with a tight schedule and heavy tasks. The marketing department took the lead in organizing, and the semiconductor equipment research department, the science and technology quality department, the material department, the safety and condition assurance department and other departments worked closely together to ensure that the equipment was safe, punctual and smooth. Ship. At the same time, in order to ensure that users put into production on time, the dispatching personnel have synchronously went to the user's site to polish 48 "golden business cards" with quick response and high-quality service.

The first medium beam ion implanter in the form of a module was successfully moved in!​

On May 15th, the third medium-beam ion implanter of Beijing Shuoke Zhongkexin, which is also the seventh ion implanter this year, was successfully moved in the customer's production line.

During the final assembly of the equipment, affected by the recent rebound of the epidemic, production was limited, and faced with the dilemma of logistics interruption and material arrival delay. In order to abide by the commitment and ensure the equipment delivery on time, the company is united and the procurement and warehousing department fully supports the arrival of materials and production. The staff installed the machine 24 hours a day, and the technicians accelerated the rhythm and efficient debugging, and finally realized the smooth delivery of the equipment.

This equipment is the company's first mid-beam machine in the form of modules. The power-on, communication, vacuum and component motion tests have been completed in the factory. The production and commissioning cycle will fully open a new delivery model.

Laser drilling equipment has achieved phased research and development results​

Multilayer co-fired ceramics are an advanced process technology for manufacturing modern microelectronic multilayer electrical interconnect substrates and packaging housings. As one of the key process equipment for the manufacture of multi-layer co-fired ceramic devices, punching equipment mainly completes the forming of through holes, positioning holes and cavities of green ceramic sheets, which is the bottleneck of productivity improvement.

The laser punching machine commando team of the Microelectronics Equipment Division of the 2nd Institute of Electronic Equipment and Equipment Co., Ltd. focused on the target task, worked hard and used their brains diligently, and achieved phased research and development results.

Since the establishment of the project, team members have strictly implemented the project operation nodes. The core components are guided by independent research and development, and the alternative solutions are repeatedly verified to ensure that they are feasible. The team members worked together, and everyone paid close attention to the project nodes. Party members took the lead in carrying out technical research and gave full play to the advantages of the team. The design of the whole machine was completed in just 28 days, saving precious time for the follow-up work.

At present, the laser subsystem, a key component of the laser drilling equipment, has been tested and meets the index requirements of the project approval technology.

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Is possible to mass produce "5nm" FinFets with immersion lithography the problem is that require more patterning steps than EUV and really good overlay thus is more harder to make but not imposible.

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5nm requires a mix of EUV and DUV. The majority of exposures is till done using DUV and only some steps requires EUV. When ASML advertise a DUV scanner as 5nm capable they simply mean that it is complementary to EUV for 5nm production. 5nm mass production without EUV has never been attempted before so anyone saying that 5nm is possible without EUV is just speculating.


Registered Member
5nm requires a mix of EUV and DUV. The majority of exposures is till done using DUV and only some steps requires EUV. When ASML advertise a DUV scanner as 5nm capable they simply mean that it is complementary to EUV for 5nm production. 5nm mass production without EUV has never been attempted before so anyone saying that 5nm is possible without EUV is just speculating.
It will be way harder with the 2050i but not impossible. What if EUV wasn't ready? Would TSMC stopped at 7nm? No they would have go with the 2050i, more masks, harder research, yield problems but they would have it done.
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