Chinese semiconductor industry

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Sorry for the rant, but this is important.

The CCP knows what it is doing.

Once that war broke out, obviously they did not like it, but CCP immediately made it clear without hesitation who side they were on.

CCP was on China's side, who also happens to be on Russia's side, but still want to be friends with whoever is in charge of Ukraine.

That is how you fight the damn fight. You fucking fight!

Japan, Korea, the EU ...

Whatever they are doing, they are not fighting.

That is for sure.

It's like they just sitting around waiting to get beat up.



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Looks like Russia is also developing X-ray lithography using synchrotron, maybe a possible JV? from @Oldschool.


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Today at 2:42 AM
Russia is developing X-ray lithography using synchrotron. More powerful than EUV.
Parallel development by Russia and China is good in case one side encounter difficulties.
Russia microelectronic academy MIET is heading the task

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据俄罗斯媒体zelenograd报道,莫斯科电子技术学院 (MIET)与工业和贸易部签订了价值 6 7 亿卢布约合780万美元)的合同,用于开发“基于同
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Maybe Russians don't have big money to spend on high-end research, but they are good scientists and engineers, they have good education in schools.

One of the biggest strong points of US universities is that they attract talent from all over the world, indeed the huge majority of US PhD students in STEM are foreigners (mostly Chinese students btw). This is a boon for US.

It is true that Chinese student population is much bigger than US, but I think sooner or later China univeristies should seriously start attracting foreign talent, this has been proven one of the most successful recipes for development in high-tech research in US. Russia is a big talent pool, as India is too.


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Maybe Russians don't have big money to spend on high-end research, but they are good scientists and engineers, they have good education in schools.

One of the biggest strong points of US universities is that they attract talent from all over the world, indeed the huge majority of US PhD students in STEM are foreigners (mostly Chinese students btw). This is a boon for US.
@european_guy and bro here we're in agreement, whatever people view on Russia, they're still a major power not a Superpower BUT A Major Power! China is set on SSMB and like @Oldschool posted there is NO downside in looking at what Russia is doing. With JV you enriched your scientific base. Both countries are competing against the Collective West and the way the US is doing is to harness those brain power as the replacement for those Russian and Chinese engineer. Now let's see if the vassals can reap dividend from this consortium of the Unwilling, having your business interrupted and force them to hand over IP that they worked so hard to be competitive and seeing their major customer switch to unknown new supplier, that Vex them big time.
It is true that Chinese student population is much bigger than US, but I think sooner or later China univeristies should seriously start attracting foreign talent, this has been proven one of the most successful recipes for development in high-tech research in US. Russia is a big talent pool, as India is too.
Bro talents follow where the opportunity is and to attracted those talents China needs to enacted policy and enhance the Quality of Life. "Build them and they will come" maybe the theme of a failed CCP policy BUT from this ashes rose a Phoenix cause without a necessary infrastructure there will be no Growth!


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China 2025, was about improving domestic capabilities, and had a goal of 75% domestic parts for industries in China.

Although the real world is complicated, we should know that is the general direction, more self-sufficiency.

After this Russia Ukraine war, forget about the 75%, it will be like 95% to 100%.

But why was it at 75% initially?

Clearly, that should have been a message to the outside world, and trading partners that there is still room for your products inside China.

At 95% for China 2025 or China 2030, there is no room anymore.

Unless a country, such as Korea or Japan, specifically make real commitments to participate in the China market. Otherwise, China will cut you out.

This Russia Ukraine war, has forced the issue. Nations have to choose sides now. Even though they are not prepared to do that, they have to do that.

This Russia Ukraine war, has also shown who are strong states and who are weak states. The US is a strong state. Russia is a strong state. The EU and Korea and Japan, all weak states.

You don't need them.
@horse bro you're a true genius , from your post I now understand what is the true goal of Made in China 2025 campaign and the 75% part meant. It's the establishment of the Total percentage of complete Local Supply Chain industries not the total domestic chips production! We're being blindsided by the Chinese and the Collective West had taken the bait and took unnecessary action without deciphering its true intent. hahaha bravo CCP bravo. I always think why the Chinese were so calm and collected, Now I know the reason and they haven't retaliated yet, a quote from Napoleon ""Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."


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@european_guy and bro here we're in agreement, whatever people view on Russia, they're still a major power not a Superpower BUT A Major Power! China is set on SSMB and like @Oldschool posted there is NO downside in looking at what Russia is doing. With JV you enriched your scientific base. Both countries are competing against the Collective West and the way the US is doing is to harness those brain power as the replacement for those Russian and Chinese engineer. Now let's see if the vassals can reap dividend from this consortium of the Unwilling, having your business interrupted and force them to hand over IP that they worked so hard to be competitive and seeing their major customer switch to unknown new supplier, that Vex them big time.

I wouldn't say both China and Russia are competing against the collective west. China is right now competing against America. The Europeans are getting used by America in this game, because they don't have enough of a local chip industry to fight back. Same with SK and Taiwan.

At the end of the day, China would be better off if it treats Russia as an equal/partner than the pawn that America treats the Europeans as in its continued quest to dominate chip industry. I'm not too concerned about Dutch government blocking EUV sale to China. It was a good wake up call to SMIC. Once China can complete control its own supply chain, it will be viewed as a better partner by the rest of the world if it's willing to work with them and sell them products without stringent end user agreements.


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I wouldn't say both China and Russia are competing against the collective west. China is right now competing against America. The Europeans are getting used by America in this game, because they don't have enough of a local chip industry to fight back. Same with SK and Taiwan.

At the end of the day, China would be better off if it treats Russia as an equal/partner than the pawn that America treats the Europeans as in its continued quest to dominate chip industry. I'm not too concerned about Dutch government blocking EUV sale to China. It was a good wake up call to SMIC. Once China can complete control its own supply chain, it will be viewed as a better partner by the rest of the world if it's willing to work with them and sell them products without stringent end user agreements.
@tphuang Sir The Chip Consortium are the Collective West and you're right the American are using the same tactic as they had done to Japan in the 90's, having exclude the Japanese in the EUVL project. I believed that the Russian is a peer excellence in regards to Scientific field with the US, and having China as a partner may able to compete with the Collective West as a whole. Let's compare the numbers, as a whole the Collective West total population is about 800 million plus, with high tech and high standard of living. A huge market for the American IC and their Asian counterpart to owned, that is the Plan to divide the pie with a ready and steady market for the planned new High tech FAB in the US, Japan and Europe. BUT there are problems, can they produced it for cheap? are the incoming FABs economic viable? will there be a glut since all of them are planned to be finished by 2024/2025? and can every populace afford a new Iphone or a Samsung? And they need to compete among themselves in a limited market with Uncle Sam looking at their back.


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@tphuang Sir The Chip Consortium are the Collective West and you're right the American are using the same tactic as they had done to Japan in the 90's, having exclude the Japanese in the EUVL project. I believed that the Russian is a peer excellence in regards to Scientific field with the US, and having China as a partner may able to compete with the Collective West as a whole. Let's compare the numbers, as a whole the Collective West total population is about 800 million plus, with high tech and high standard of living. A huge market for the American IC and their Asian counterpart to owned, that is the Plan to divide the pie with a ready and steady market for the planned new High tech FAB in the US, Japan and Europe. BUT there are problems, can they produced it for cheap? are the incoming FABs economic viable? will there be a glut since all of them are planned to be finished by 2024/2025? and can every populace afford a new Iphone or a Samsung? And they need to compete among themselves in a limited market with Uncle Sam looking at their back.

Don't make the mistake of simply dismissing European market as one with USA. If China has Chip suppliers that are competitive on performance and pricing, European businesses will pick the Chinese alternatives. Especially, if they cannot get the same product from an American supplier. Up to this point, there hasn't been alternative to America in a large parts of the CHIPs ecosystem. If China simply gave up the European market on every advanced product that it has developed, it would not be where it is right now.


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Extreme ultraviolet multilayer film and preparation method thereof​

Changchun Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics and Physics of CAS


The present application provides an extreme ultraviolet multilayer film comprising: the extreme ultraviolet multilayer film adopts the surface protection layer, and the protection layer has good capability of preventing the generation of hydrogen bubbles; meanwhile, the diffusion barrier layer is adopted to prevent hydrogen ions from penetrating through the surface protection layer and damaging the Mo/Si multilayer film interface. In addition, the preparation method of the extreme ultraviolet multilayer film is simple in preparation process and easy for industrial production.


Hopefully, after the commercialization and mass production of components and subsystems for DUV optical lithography is done, Chinese research institutes and companies could start the commercialization of components and subsystems for EUV lithography.


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Photoetching machine workpiece table balance positioning system based on superconducting magnetic suspension​

Tsinghua University


The invention discloses a photoetching machine workpiece table balance positioning system based on superconducting magnetic suspension, which comprises a balance mass block, a wafer bearing table module, a superconducting magnetic suspension module, a drift management module and a frame, wherein the superconducting magnetic suspension module comprises a superconductor and a superconductor magnetic steel array; the drift management module comprises a drift management coil and a drift management magnetic steel array; the wafer bearing platform module comprises a wafer bearing platform, a wafer bearing platform coil and a wafer bearing platform magnetic steel array; the superconducting magnetic suspension module is used for suspending the balance mass block and controlling the balance mass block to move vertically; the drift management module is used for controlling the balance mass block to move in the horizontal direction, and controlling the drift management module to compensate the displacement of the balance mass block according to the position, the speed and the acceleration of the balance mass block. Compared with the prior art, the balance positioning system has the advantages of self-stability, high stability, self-suspension, no need of real-time control, capability of working in a vacuum environment and the like.

Tsinghua and probably U-Precision are developing a superconducting magnetic levitation wafer stage for use in EUVL, because a vacuum chamber is supposed to have almost any air (figure that out) air bearings are impractical and magnetic levitation is one of the ways to make a minimal friction wafer stage that works in a vacuum.
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