Chinese semiconductor industry

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Lieutenant General
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SMIC cannot make chips for Huawei because of US sanctions. If SMIC makes more chips for Huawei the US will cut its tools maintenance, parts, and materials supply. For everything they use with "US content" on it. They also got the Europeans and Japanese on board with their little program.


Registered Member
Kind of seems like all the hype about SMIC's under 14nm process has turned out to be less spectacular than thought and production still remains low.

Damn I was hoping to see a new Huawei phone with top of the line SMIC chips
I think still developing their 7nm node with immersion instead of EUVL but their focus is in the older nodes who are in a immense demand in China.


Lieutenant General
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That's the world we live in.

Before, these ideas were always below the surface. After Trump and Biden, it is out in the open.

Everyone can see it, that white people running scared all of the sudden. Except the Russians of course. But the white people consider the Russians to be Asian for some reason.

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I say this as someone who experienced a lot of racism growing up. (I was told by white kids that I need to go back to where I come from many times).

the insistence on looking at everything from racial angle is not helpful at all. I don't understand semiconductor industry at all, so I enjoy reading this thread. I think this is one of a few strategically important industry for China to achieve independence. I also see that complaining about other racial groups pointless.

China has to figure out what it's good at in order to achieve independence. You start by looking at what Western companies are bad at. That is, they are driven by short term profit most of the time. They make economical decisions that often only help them in the next quarter or the next couple of quarters. Most of them certainly do not have national interest in mind when they make decisions. That's what cause America to loose so much of its supply chain. The other thing that many Western companies are bad at are work culture. To put it simply, they are not cut throat enough. When too many people are worried about work/life balance, then your company is just not going to be as competitive. My friend working at Intel tells me they simply cannot compete with TSMC because people are not working enough.

So China has a strategic drive, comprehensive national vision, a lot of money, a lot of people willing to work hard and a lot of new engineers every year. There are weak points in the global supply chain that China can put money into and make themselves the dominant part of that supply chain. And, it needs to do this in many places. If Ukraine could make it self the largest exporter of Neon gas, there is no reason China cannot find its own point of dominance in the global supply chain. Make Western businesses think that area is not profitable enough and move onto more profitable areas. If you've seen what has happened to America's supply chain in the past few decades, you know this is not particularly hard to do. People are too busy fight culture wars here to worry about some small part of supply chain they've never heard of. Ideally, China will want to find many points of dominance in the supply chain. Only when it can do this + has the complete supply chain, will it be sanction proof. And, it will be able to use that power to get whatever it needs. That's power.

china's advantage:
- no active culture war
- complete focus on achieving strategic goals (whether in economy, technology, geopolitics or military)
- Supply chain not vulnerable to corporations make short term economic decisions
- A lot of societal competitive pressure -> less work/life balance for professional class
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Advanced packaging into a new breakthrough for domestic lithography machines​

"2022 will be the first year of advanced packaging." The giants continue to increase their weight, so that this recognition is becoming the consensus of the industry. And this vast blue ocean that is slowly unfolding brings not only new opportunities, but also new challenges, and the challengers are far more than foundries and packaging and testing factories.

The food and grass are not moved, and the equipment is first. Higher connection density and more precise control are the advantages of advanced packaging over traditional packaging, and it also puts forward new requirements for the equipment used. Due to the introduction of bump, TSV and other technologies, advanced packaging is moving infinitely closer to the front-end manufacturing process. As the "crown jewel" of the equipment field, lithography also plays a crucial role in advanced packaging.

In this context, lithography equipment giants at home and abroad have all added advanced packaging, and China, as the current global semiconductor industry transfer position, is the country with the largest production capacity of semiconductor packaging and testing, and leading domestic lithography equipment manufacturers have demonstrated. Among them, the launch of WLP-8, a maskless direct-writing lithography equipment for Microchip, represents a new journey for domestic lithography machines.


The blue ocean of advanced packaging is now a prelude to the domestic lithography machine

Dr. Qu Lujie, deputy general manager of Core Microelectronics, said that with the end of Moore's Law, problems including resolution, power consumption, transmission speed, etc. need to be solved by advanced packaging, wafer-level packaging, including 2.5D/3D packaging , In fact, it is to solve the interconnection problem between chips, and as a higher-density chip, it plays a key role in chip performance.

According to Yole, a market research agency, the advanced packaging market will grow to US$44 billion at a compound annual growth rate of 8% from 2018 to 2024, exceeding the 5% compound growth rate of the overall packaging in the same period and much higher than the 2.4% growth rate of traditional packaging in the same period. compound growth rate. The proportion of revenue in the overall packaging has also increased year by year, from 42.1% in 2018 to 49.7% in 2024.

According to reports, the WLP-8 maskless direct writing lithography equipment is used in mass production direct writing lithography equipment in the fields of wafer level packaging, system level packaging, board level packaging, power devices, discrete components and other advanced packaging and chip manufacturing fields , The lithography accuracy can reach the minimum line width of 2μm, the production capacity is 30-60 pieces/hour, it supports the RDL function of advanced packaging and chip manufacturing, and is suitable for use in mass production lines such as pilot test and production.

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Looks like advanced packaging is becoming more serious, mask-less direct writing lithography could be a complementary solution to the higher density more precise mask optical lithography equipment.


Junior Member
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That's the world we live in.

Before, these ideas were always below the surface. After Trump and Biden, it is out in the open.

Everyone can see it, that white people running scared all of the sudden. Except the Russians of course. But the white people consider the Russians to be Asian for some reason.

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Washington Post is one of the most liberal newspapers, and "Racism" is the stereotypical accusation aimed at anyone who disagrees with liberal Democrats. These radicals don’t care if such criticism is true. It’s all about stirring the racist pot for political purposes, prominence and profit.
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That's all we here in the U.S. If you disagree with anything the Democrats say, you are tagged a "Racist" and their "cancel culture" will hurt you socially and economically.


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Advanced packaging into a new breakthrough for domestic lithography machines​

"2022 will be the first year of advanced packaging." The giants continue to increase their weight, so that this recognition is becoming the consensus of the industry. And this vast blue ocean that is slowly unfolding brings not only new opportunities, but also new challenges, and the challengers are far more than foundries and packaging and testing factories.

The food and grass are not moved, and the equipment is first. Higher connection density and more precise control are the advantages of advanced packaging over traditional packaging, and it also puts forward new requirements for the equipment used. Due to the introduction of bump, TSV and other technologies, advanced packaging is moving infinitely closer to the front-end manufacturing process. As the "crown jewel" of the equipment field, lithography also plays a crucial role in advanced packaging.

In this context, lithography equipment giants at home and abroad have all added advanced packaging, and China, as the current global semiconductor industry transfer position, is the country with the largest production capacity of semiconductor packaging and testing, and leading domestic lithography equipment manufacturers have demonstrated. Among them, the launch of WLP-8, a maskless direct-writing lithography equipment for Microchip, represents a new journey for domestic lithography machines.


The blue ocean of advanced packaging is now a prelude to the domestic lithography machine

Dr. Qu Lujie, deputy general manager of Core Microelectronics, said that with the end of Moore's Law, problems including resolution, power consumption, transmission speed, etc. need to be solved by advanced packaging, wafer-level packaging, including 2.5D/3D packaging , In fact, it is to solve the interconnection problem between chips, and as a higher-density chip, it plays a key role in chip performance.

According to Yole, a market research agency, the advanced packaging market will grow to US$44 billion at a compound annual growth rate of 8% from 2018 to 2024, exceeding the 5% compound growth rate of the overall packaging in the same period and much higher than the 2.4% growth rate of traditional packaging in the same period. compound growth rate. The proportion of revenue in the overall packaging has also increased year by year, from 42.1% in 2018 to 49.7% in 2024.

According to reports, the WLP-8 maskless direct writing lithography equipment is used in mass production direct writing lithography equipment in the fields of wafer level packaging, system level packaging, board level packaging, power devices, discrete components and other advanced packaging and chip manufacturing fields , The lithography accuracy can reach the minimum line width of 2μm, the production capacity is 30-60 pieces/hour, it supports the RDL function of advanced packaging and chip manufacturing, and is suitable for use in mass production lines such as pilot test and production.

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Looks like advanced packaging is becoming more serious, mask-less direct writing lithography could be a complementary solution to the higher density more precise mask optical lithography equipment.

I predict that China will dominate the packaging lithography machines the same way BOE does with LED/OLED displays currently in 3-5 years. In one or two years memory manufacturers like YMTC will be where BOE is today.
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