Chinese semiconductor industry

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In this case I would not overread on this. They have just found a possible breakthrough to overcome current limits of photoresist for EUV and are developing along these lines. It happens all the time, it's how normal progress works.
@european_guy good day bro, before the Sinophobia there is in the 80's and 90's the Japanese scaremongering as Japan dominated the Semiconductor field with the likes of Canon and Nikon. To counter the US and the European form a consortium SEMATECH partly funded by DARPA to produced an EUVL. Japan was excluded BUT they had the material needed cause the major FABS like TSMC, Intel and others are their customers. Now with ASML introducing an improve iteration "HIGH NA" EUVL maybe this breakthrough are meant for it.
Regarding Gigaphoton, I'd be curios to know if they actually still partner with SMEE, or if instead SMEE has decided (or forced) to go full localized with its DUV litho machine. I'd think Gigaphoton, as Japanese firm, cannot be considered reliable in the long term. If US decides to ban equipment, they will for sure ask Japan to follow swiftly, and Japan, swiftly, will follow.
Gigaphoton has offices in China and they're doing well. From a business perspective IF they want to retain their market share, they have to go local by creating a Chinese subsidiary, that is the only way to survive. Right now there is an opportunity why not grab it, what is the point of creating a 250W LPP without a customer, Japan don't have an EUVL and ASML is a monopoly and they have Cymer.

Aside from forming a local subsidiary why not talk with ASML since Cymer is an American subsidiary, why not have JV for the Chinese market by pairing ASML NXT 3400 with Gigaphoton 250W LPP, win win. BUT It wouldn't happen cause ASML had this condescending attitude being a monopolist.
Finally, regarding the possibly Japan / Asian mentality to be good vassal / junior partner of a strong boss, I cannot help but remind that in western mentality to be too carpet-like is not such a good thing, usually we don't appreciate that and we don't have a lot of admiration for people that act in a too subservient way. For instance we in Europe are under strong US influence, but we try our best not to show it (not always we succeed).

We have a say: "make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you".
I think the Chinese mentality being a merchantile race, respect and goodwill is part of doing business and sometimes Westerner misconstrued it as being obedient. As you said Japan rely heavily on the US and IF a customer ask you to do something you comply, BUT who is the bigger customer and the Japanese had to ask that question among themselves, cause the American hate their guts as memories of Pearl Harbor is still not forgotten.


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Oh com'on. Why does everything on this forum has to be about race and skin color Taiwan and South Korea had to sanction Russia because the America is a large part of the global supply chain and TMSC/Samsung cannot make their chips if America turns their part of supply chain off. Similarly, they have a lot of clients in America and Europe and would not want to see their relationship damaged with these clients over a much smaller customer in Russia. For the same reasons, SMIC will likely not be selling to Russia also.

And guess what, if China makes itself an integral part of the supply chain, but can also produce all the important parts domestically, it will be able to impose sanctions on other countries too. Control of technology and raw materials is power.

If China wants to hit back at sanctions, then it needs to work with the Russians to withhold critical parts in the supply chain (like Neon gas) from making it into the global supply chain. And it needs to also develop plans to dominate at least few part of the supply chain that are the easiest to take over. American companies make their decisions based on money, not national interests. If they don't see they can make money in a certain areas, they will move to other businesses.
@tphuang Sir I'm speaking for my friend @horse , he had a way with words using a satirical style. I hope your not offended as all of us want to contribute in the discussion, peace sir.
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@horse and the target is NOT China BUT Japan! it's shit to be a vassal no more Kimochi!

And Japan please wake up! The Collective West doesn't treat you as one of them, at least the Indians with their delusional mindset had taken the hint, there is still a chance to salvage the situation with Gigaphoton LPP, you can have a JV with SMEE or else within 2 years that door will close, locked forever and you need to do a Hara Kiri just to same face.

It is a little disturbing for everyone to see what they are seeing out of the Americans.

In one breath, the Americans are saying they are all in it together, the US and its allies, when taking on China. In the next breath, it is all about American leadership, subordinating to and prioritizing to that leadership.

Being part of that club, has its privileges.

As President Trump used to say, "Suckas!"



Registered Member
Oh com'on. Why does everything on this forum has to be about race and skin color

That's the world we live in.

Before, these ideas were always below the surface. After Trump and Biden, it is out in the open.

Everyone can see it, that white people running scared all of the sudden. Except the Russians of course. But the white people consider the Russians to be Asian for some reason.

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Kind of seems like all the hype about SMIC's under 14nm process has turned out to be less spectacular than thought and production still remains low.

Damn I was hoping to see a new Huawei phone with top of the line SMIC chips
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