Chinese semiconductor industry

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Those are the expected results from a size perspective.

LW is the line width, which is in the tens of nm (22-68 nm)

LER is line error roughness. that's the deviation from straightness of a feature, not the feature size itself, and note how they're limited at around 2-3 nm. So errors get bigger relative to feature size as you move down in process.

What they're doing in that paper is developing an EUV photoresist with high resolution and testing a measurement platform. many photoresists in use now for ArF processes are polymeric resists which are easy to coat (spin coating the polymer solution) but have a resolution problem.

Let's take a positive photoresist - where exposed, it becomes more soluble. These contain a photoacid generator (PAG) which is an organic molecule that turns into a water soluble acid when exposed to UV light. This acid either directly dissolves away as part of the photoresist, or reacts with the photoresist.

Here's the problem - many organic molecules are soluble in polymers due to their loose pack molecular structure and similar chemical properties. So they'll move over time. Even motion of a few nm means that the edge of the exposed feature is no longer sharp. So for EUV, they need to develop a photoresist specifically for high resolution EUV processes.

Lam Research and ASML are aiming at revolutionizing photo resist technology for EUV using dry resist. If successful, they will take the market out of Japanese hands, that are today almost in monopoly condition for advanced nodes. In the article is also well explained which are the limits of today polymeric resists.

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Lam, together with ASML and imec, has created a breakthrough resist application technology that’s fundamentally different from spin-on liquid resists. Applied using reactive precursors in a vapor phase, the resulting film is uniform and homogeneous. This new technology involves the dry deposition of small (<0.5 nm) metalorganic units, which has several advantages. Importantly, this high density framework of density photosensitive particles is inherently more efficient in capturing photons, an important characteristic given that current EUV sources produce many times fewer photons than their their longer wavelength predecessors.


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18% growth in IC sales sounds impressive, but it's disappointing when considering that global IC market grew 26% last year:
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So China is actually losing ground compared to the world, and it needs to do more just to keep up, IMO.

That being said, this is genuinely good news:
Providing a breakdown, the association said sales of the manufacturing sector increased 24.1 per cent to 317.6 billion yuan, higher than the growth rate of the design sector and the packaging and testing sector, which were up 19.6 per cent and 10.1 per cent respectively.

Edit: According to
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, Europe leads with the fastest growth in semiconductor sales at 29%, followed by the U.S. at 27% followed by China at 24% and Japan bringing up the rear at 19%.
Given that China is blocked from increasing production on advanced nodes chips, I will say this is very impressive:
China produced 359.4 billion ICs in 2021, up 33.3 per cent year-on-year, doubling the rate seen in 2020, according to data released by China’s National Bureau of Statistics in January.


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Given that China is blocked from increasing production on advanced nodes chips, I will say this is very impressive:
IMO the quantity of ICs produced is a more important measure than revenue. With inflation and increases in demand, the cost of ICs are surging worldwide leading to massive growth in revenue. China doesn't need to conquer the export market yet - that's step 2 and of lesser importance.


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Sounds more like decoupling in this industry.

Some info on Lam Research.

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@horse and the target is NOT China BUT Japan! it's shit to be a vassal no more Kimochi!

And Japan please wake up! The Collective West doesn't treat you as one of them, at least the Indians with their delusional mindset had taken the hint, there is still a chance to salvage the situation with Gigaphoton LPP, you can have a JV with SMEE or else within 2 years that door will close, locked forever and you need to do a Hara Kiri just to same face.
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@horse and the target is NOT China BUT Japan! it's shit to be a vassal no more Kimochi!

And Japan please wake up! The Collective West doesn't treat you as one of them, at least the Indians with their delusional mindset had taken the hint, there is still a chance to salvage the situation with Gigaphoton LPP, you can have a JV with SMEE or else within 2 years that door will close, locked forever and you need to do a Hara Kiri just to same face.

In this case I would not overread on this. They have just found a possible breakthrough to overcome current limits of photoresist for EUV and are developing along these lines. It happens all the time, it's how normal progress works.

Regarding Gigaphoton, I'd be curios to know if they actually still partner with SMEE, or if instead SMEE has decided (or forced) to go full localized with its DUV litho machine. I'd think Gigaphoton, as Japanese firm, cannot be considered reliable in the long term. If US decides to ban equipment, they will for sure ask Japan to follow swiftly, and Japan, swiftly, will follow.

Finally, regarding the possibly Japan / Asian mentality to be good vassal / junior partner of a strong boss, I cannot help but remind that in western mentality to be too carpet-like is not such a good thing, usually we don't appreciate that and we don't have a lot of admiration for people that act in a too subservient way. For instance we in Europe are under strong US influence, but we try our best not to show it (not always we succeed).

We have a say: "make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you".


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@WTAN Sir from my previous post, the possibility that SMIC can mass produce 5nm and 3nm Chips IF they received SMEE EUVL LPP by 2023/24 or 2025 EUVL SSMB? with all the materials needed and research done and dusted?
Yes absolutely. I think that is the reason that ICRD has been doing all this research at the Shanghai Synchrotron with the SSMB Light Source Equipment.
They are preparing the materials like EUV Photoresists beforehand so that when the time comes for actual production, everything is ready to go for mass production.
They will just be waiting for the actual EUVL to be delivered.


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Taiwan and South Korea, both of them sanctioned Russia a couple of weeks ago, because Uncle Samuel demanded loyalty.

The Asian mind, thinks differently than white people.

Hehe ...

Does Taiwan and South Korea, want to be the Germany of Asia?

Double hehe ... hehe ...

What does that loyalty buys? When that synchrotron is coming for yo' arse?

Hey! Look! Once you take your oath of loyalty, then you are obligated to help Uncle Samuel improve his IC capabilities.

Whether the helper is promoted, or discarded, like Germany interests being thrown under the self-driving electric bus, we shall see, if they treat the Asian better than that white person who Uncle Samuel considered to be their friend.

Heck, even President Trump is Germany ancestry.

Oh com'on. Why does everything on this forum has to be about race and skin color Taiwan and South Korea had to sanction Russia because the America is a large part of the global supply chain and TMSC/Samsung cannot make their chips if America turns their part of supply chain off. Similarly, they have a lot of clients in America and Europe and would not want to see their relationship damaged with these clients over a much smaller customer in Russia. For the same reasons, SMIC will likely not be selling to Russia also.

And guess what, if China makes itself an integral part of the supply chain, but can also produce all the important parts domestically, it will be able to impose sanctions on other countries too. Control of technology and raw materials is power.

If China wants to hit back at sanctions, then it needs to work with the Russians to withhold critical parts in the supply chain (like Neon gas) from making it into the global supply chain. And it needs to also develop plans to dominate at least few part of the supply chain that are the easiest to take over. American companies make their decisions based on money, not national interests. If they don't see they can make money in a certain areas, they will move to other businesses.
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