Chinese semiconductor industry

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Extreme Ultraviolet Photoresist Inspection Platform in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility​

ZHAO Jun1,2, YANG Shu-Min2, XUE Chao-Fan2, WU Yan-Qing2*, CHEN Yi-Fang1, TAI Ren-Zhong2

Abstract: As the next generation of lithography technology, extreme ultraviolet lithography has been given the mission of saving Moore′s law by the industry. Extreme ultraviolet photoresist is one of the core sub-technologies of extreme ultraviolet lithography. The inspection of its resolution, roughness, sensitivity and outgassing conditions is a necessary condition for the development of extreme ultraviolet photoresist and it is also an important part to optimize the resist performance. Extreme ultraviolet interference lithography based on synchrotron radiation is currently the most suitable method for testing the performance of extreme ultraviolet photoresist. According to related research and development needs, an extreme ultraviolet photoresist inspection platform based on this method has been established in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility(SSRF). By continuously improving the stability of the device, developing independent beam splitting grating mask manufacturing technology, and constantly exploring and optimizing the corresponding interference exposure process, the current inspection resolution has reached below 20 nm, which basically meets the corresponding requirements for the 7 nm process node of extreme ultraviolet lithography.

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It is a matter of time now, sooner or later, a fully domestic EUV inside China.

This is the test, maybe a prototype.

2024 sounds about right when they probably have the real thing, for production.

If they did this, then that should mean the lens is ready too, if there is a lens, lol, I don't know. Getting the chemicals here right is an important step. They already got the precision work bench.

Once they have all the working parts tested and functional, then build the plant.

That will be some crazy ass fab they are going to build. It would like two separate buildings maybe, with a conveyor belt of several kilometers! I would like to see something like that built!




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Tsinghua is academia. They do not generally focus on direct commercialization. That is the focus of industry laboratories.
They create spinoff companies.
So if say they developed the EUV light source tomorrow, how will this light source goes to the EUV?
They have like most Chinese or any Universities teach transfers mechanisms.

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Tsinghua Holdings Corp., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of
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, itself a public university in China. The company was established as an in-house asset management company for Tsinghua's subsidiaries that were established in the 1990s by the
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of research to business.


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Thanks to the US, investment in domestic chip sector enjoys another year of exponential growth.
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18% growth in IC sales sounds impressive, but it's disappointing when considering that global IC market grew 26% last year:
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So China is actually losing ground compared to the world, and it needs to do more just to keep up, IMO.

That being said, this is genuinely good news:
Providing a breakdown, the association said sales of the manufacturing sector increased 24.1 per cent to 317.6 billion yuan, higher than the growth rate of the design sector and the packaging and testing sector, which were up 19.6 per cent and 10.1 per cent respectively.

Edit: According to
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, Europe leads with the fastest growth in semiconductor sales at 29%, followed by the U.S. at 27% followed by China at 24% and Japan bringing up the rear at 19%.
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This is the problem with this article. It is too much, "In your face!" that the author could not write it any differently.

That is the game. In any game, there are rules and ways of playing.

In the game of supercomputers, not having the fastest chip does not mean China cannot have the fastest supercomputer.

Those are the rules to this game. Maybe the cabling inside that thing, or the bus, makes it faster? I don't know. But those are the rules, and that is the game.

The problem with the US government is basically two fold. They do not understand the game. They do not understand the tech.

If they do not understand the tech, at least some basic understanding, then how can they play this game? Look how useless those sanctions were!

Bottom line for that article, for tech nobodies like myself, China has the fastest exaFLOPS supercomputer in the world, and they got two of them. This is a magnitude faster than anyone else.

China never bothered telling anyone about them, because to avoid more fallout from our favourite president, the one and only, President Trump!

Those two machines in China, that are not suppose to exist (but do exists for maybe a year? who knows) could be faster than the exaFLOPS supercomputers that the Americans are current building that will come online in 2022 and 2023.

Very good!

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Nice! So these tested photoresists are already very good! Is there a rule of thumb to convert between "advertised" node size and the actual minimum physical size of a feature?

Also, given the heavy funding going into Chinese semiconductor fabrication and its various inputs, we might get into the rather insane situation where Chinese companies are selling photoresists to TSMC and Samsung before SMIC EUV lithography is up and running.

If I was TSMC or Samsung ... I would be scared shitless.


Oh ... forget about it ...



Registered Member
It is a matter of time now, sooner or later, a fully domestic EUV inside China.

This is the test, maybe a prototype.

2024 sounds about right when they probably have the real thing, for production.

If they did this, then that should mean the lens is ready too, if there is a lens, lol, I don't know. Getting the chemicals here right is an important step. They already got the precision work bench.

Once they have all the working parts tested and functional, then build the plant.

That will be some crazy ass fab they are going to build. It would like two separate buildings maybe, with a conveyor belt of several kilometers! I would like to see something like that built!


i put it more like 2025 for the first working machine. I think SMEE already shipped their their immersion lithography scanner to SMIC and YTMC for testing and verification but the mass production of parts for the machine still is going on and because EUV optics is different, my guess that they are going to put more effort in immersion and dry lithography for now. i think most SMEE scanners and steppers are going to receive an upgrade. the hint is that SSB500 is now the SSB520.


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Taiwan and South Korea, both of them sanctioned Russia a couple of weeks ago, because Uncle Samuel demanded loyalty.

The Asian mind, thinks differently than white people.

Hehe ...

Does Taiwan and South Korea, want to be the Germany of Asia?

Double hehe ... hehe ...

What does that loyalty buys? When that synchrotron is coming for yo' arse?

Hey! Look! Once you take your oath of loyalty, then you are obligated to help Uncle Samuel improve his IC capabilities.

Whether the helper is promoted, or discarded, like Germany interests being thrown under the self-driving electric bus, we shall see, if they treat the Asian better than that white person who Uncle Samuel considered to be their friend.

Heck, even President Trump is Germany ancestry.

That synchrotron is coming for your ass.

Bad boy, bad boy,
Watch you gonna do,
What you gonna do,
When the come for you!

Bad boy, bad boy,
Watch you gonna do,
What you gonna do,
When the come for you!

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i put it more like 2025 for the first working machine. I think SMEE already shipped their their immersion lithography scanner to SMIC and YTMC for testing and verification but the mass production of parts for the machine still is going on and because EUV optics is different, my guess that they are going to put more effort in immersion and dry lithography for now. i think most SMEE scanners and steppers are going to receive an upgrade. the hint is that SSB500 is now the SSB520.

I think the war in Europe has accelerated timelines.

There will be another chip shortage when the Russians get around to restricting supplies of chip making materials, like the metals and the neon gas.

This is a full bare knuckles fight now.

Hit hard and be quick in a fight.

Crack some eggs and make an omelette!

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