Chinese semiconductor industry

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This is ultimately for the best. Once the US plunders TSMC, no real reason remains for it to protect Taiwan from a Chinese invasion. There are the usual reasons of prestige and ego and all the rest of it, but when the time comes nobody is going to stand and die for prestige.
^This is strategic thinking right here.

That's the same reason why I am not that bothered that the US/West is readying to harvest the Taiwan. The sooner they do this the better for China because that way the whole world wouldn't be economically destroyed due to a potential Chinese reunification with Taiwan = much weaker Western response

I personally hope that the West hurries up with this harvesting


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I agree that it would give the US one less excuse to go to war with China, but it might not make that much of a difference to their response.

IMO Taiwanese are also Chinese, and I don't want to see them poached. No more than I would want to see Fujian poached of talent. The US currently sees all Asians as competitors period. Doesn't matter if you're Korean Chinese or Japanese. It should be the other way around with Asia poaching US talent.


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The Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made new progress in gallium nitride-diamond hetero-integration​

According to micronet news, recently, the research team of Liu Xinyu from the High Frequency and High Voltage Center of the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the team of Junichiro Shiomi of the University of Tokyo, Japan have made new progress in the field of gallium nitride (GaN)-diamond wafer bonding technology.

According to the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the research innovatively used surface activated bonding (SAB) to achieve gallium nitride-diamond bonding at room temperature with nano-amorphous silicon as the medium, and the system revealed the bonding during annealing. The interfacial behavior of the structure and the mechanism that affects thermal conductivity and thermal stress, and the phenomenon that the nano-amorphous silicon layer recrystallizes during annealing to reduce the thermal resistance of the interface, showing the bonding technology in thermal conductivity, thermal stress control and reliability. obvious advantages in terms of sex.

The study found that although the thinner nano-amorphous silicon layer has lower thermal resistance after bonding at room temperature, due to the elimination of the amorphous layer by high-temperature annealing, and the different thicknesses of the amorphous silicon layer, the element segregation, crystallinity and internal stress are affected. After high temperature annealing, the thicker amorphous silicon layer has lower thermal resistance. In addition, Raman spectroscopy showed that the thermal stress of the GaN layer on the diamond substrate before and after annealing was lower than 30 MPa and 230 MPa, respectively.

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Lol, probably a wrong translation from the word "bonding"
The translation AI must have taken a cue from Chen Shizhong who described prostitutes having sex with their clients as "人与人的连结".




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But Robert, you actually are an old white male Trump-supporting Uyghur racist. You hate China because it's not white and you try to use this thread to find intelligence about Chinese semiconductor companies to sanction.

So the Washington Post is right.

You are racist.
@Hadoren bro please stop, I don't want any of my friend getting ban, let's not go through all this name calling and such, we all want to learn and @tinrobert had a lot knowledge and expertise to contribute, stay calm bro and peace.


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This is ultimately for the best. Once the US plunders TSMC, no real reason remains for it to protect Taiwan from a Chinese invasion. There are the usual reasons of prestige and ego and all the rest of it, but when the time comes nobody is going to stand and die for prestige.

Sorry to be off-topic again. This is my last one on this argument

There are 2 ways to take control of a territory and its economy.

1) The smart way (what US calls "democracy"), in which you support to gain power one party that once installed will operate according to your guidelines. You indicate what to do from behind. Currently maybe Taiwan is in this situation with DPP....and may be South Korea just ended in that way too.

2) The anachronistic way: military invasion. You do it when you lose the "democracy game", like in Ukraine after pro-Moscow political party was thrown away in 2014, or like in Latin America in the past, where it was the pro-US party that lost, and so US installed by coup friendly dictators. More recently the so called "color revolution" in Middle East was another faild attempt by US, that eventually reverted to support local dictators.

I'd think almost all the world, Taiwanese people included, and maybe a lot of mainland Chinese too, would much prefer the first way for Taiwan future. But for the first way to succeed you need a big propaganda machine able to operate outside of your country, and a lot of efforts and experience in forming and steering public opinions. US are masters of this game, they have done it for decades and they invest a lot on this. Billions of dollars are on US budget every year for spreading soft-power: media, newspapers and even single journalists, NGO, politicians, lobbying, etc. On this topic I see China is very behind, but it's important to close the gap at least partially, and not only for Taiwan, but for the control of the world narrative that is paramount for long term success.
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