Chinese semiconductor industry

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Why don't they just hold onto it? Why are they so determined to get rid of such a valuable piece of property?

SoftBank suffered tens of billions in losses in some of their Vision Fund investments. They are trying to make some quick cash by disposing off some assets like ARM. ARM's annual profit is about 200 to 300 million dollars. ARM is also getting major headwinds from RISC-V. RISC-V is free and open source and its on track to become a major competitor in CPU architecture.

All major Chinese tech companies like Huawei and Alibaba are already members of the RISC-V foundation and this week Intel also have joined.
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ARM already have had to ease up on their licensing fees due to the rise of RISC-V.
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Last October, NextPlatform reported that two Chinese supercomputers had achieved Exascale capability. One is Tianhe-3 the other is Sunway Oceanlite.

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One of the things the article noted was that these systems achieved Exascale capability in March, but it was kept a secret. However the companies that made the CPUs for these systems as well as the super-computing centers that hosted these two systems were added to US entity list on April. So obviously the US intelligence knew it back then.

SMEE has also been very secretive about the progress of the 28nm litho. What are the chances that US has discovered something about SMEE that the public is not yet aware of. For several years everyone has known that SMEE was working on the DUVI machine, but US has not bothered to add them to their list because SMEE machine does not use any US parts. So Why now?


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The company ASML is accusing is this company “dfjy”

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it is a semiconductor testing equipment manufacture. So maybe ASML is referring to testing equipment not lithography machine

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2月9日消息,光刻机龙头企业ASML警告,一家与之前因窃密而判赔的XTAL 相关的中国公司,可能销售侵害其知识产权的产品,并称目前正在密切关注事态发展,准备在适当的时机采取法律行动

ASML周三在最新的年度报告中表示,在 2021 年初获悉一家与 XTAL 有关联的公司,正在中国积极销售可能侵害公司知识产权的产品。XTAL 先前在 2019 年曾因窃密案判赔 ASML2.23 亿美元,然而 XTAL 却在 1 个月后直接声请破产。

ASML目前已要求特定客户暂停与XTAL的中国 母公司东方晶源微电子业务来往,并向中国相关部门通报潜在的侵权担忧,也表示目前正在密切观察事态发展,准备在适当的情况下采取法律行动。





ASML 在全球芯片供应链中占有举足轻重地位,其 EUV 设备是制造先进制程芯片不可或缺的重要设备,而中国目前正试图建立自己的芯片生态系统,已减少对他国依赖,因此非常仰赖 ASML 的技术,然而 ASML 目前尚未获得出口中国许可。


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"Dongfang Jingyuan’s main product direction is the integration of electron beam detection and process optimization. Its application covers key areas of semiconductor design and manufacturing, and serves the world's most advanced large-scale semiconductor chip design and manufacturing companies.

Dongfang Jingyuan’s products: development and production of electron beam image inspection equipment and integrated optimization systems for semiconductor chip processes up to 20 nanometers, providing high-speed and high-precision detection systems for key processes.

Key processes (exposure, development, etching): Determine the chip's yield and final performance, requiring sophisticated inspection and real-time monitoring."

It seems this company manufactures electron beam semiconductor inspection tools. ASML got into that business when they acquired Hermes a couple years back. ASML also bought Mapper Lithography to use the electron beam technology Mapper had originally developed for semiconductor lithography and applied it to chip inspection purposes instead.
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These tools are essential if you want to get the process to work properly. So this is another step towards China getting a semiconductor tools industry.

SoftBank suffered tens of billions in losses in some of their Vision Fund investments. They are trying to make some quick cash by disposing off some assets like ARM. ARM's annual profit is about 200 to 300 million dollars. ARM is also getting major headwinds from RISC-V. RISC-V is free and open source and its on track to become a major competitor in CPU architecture.

All major Chinese tech companies like Huawei and Alibaba are already members of the RISC-V foundation and this week Intel also have joined.
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ARM already have had to ease up on their licensing fees due to the rise of RISC-V.
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SoftBank made a lot of stupid investments like in WeWork where they hemorrhaged boatloads of money. They also over payed for ARM back when they purchased it. They probably need cash and hence the attempt to sell ARM to Nvidia and now this IPO. ARM isn't worth all that much if you take into account their revenues. It would be worth a load of money if you wanted to corner and monopolize the market though and that is what Nvidia tried to do. Intel also used to have little profits from x86 until the 386 came out. Intel did not license the 386 for manufacture to 3rd parties so they could charge whatever they wanted for it. This also meant that while the 386 came out in 1985 you did not see it in cheap PCs until 1991 when AMD's 386 clone came out. 386s were just too expensive for most people.


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ASML Warns Chinese Rival May Be Infringing its Trade Secrets​

  • The Dutch company has shared concerns with Chinese officials
  • Dongfang Jingyuan is a Beijing-supported “little giant”
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has warned that an affiliate of a China company it previously accused of stealing its trade secrets has begun marketing products that could infringe on its intellectual property rights.

“Early in 2021, we became aware of reports that a company associated with
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, against which ASML had
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a damage award for trade secret misappropriation in 2019 in the USA, was actively marketing products in China that could potentially infringe on ASML’s IP rights,” the Dutch company said in its latest
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released on Wednesday.

ASML has requested certain customers not to aid the associated firm
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-- a corporation that has received Beijing’s stamp of approval under a program known as “little giants” -- and informed the Chinese authorities of its concerns. The company said it is “monitoring the situation closely and is ready to take legal action if appropriate.”

An inquiry sent to the official email listed on XTAL’s website could not be delivered, and calls to Dongfang Jingyuan’s headquarters in Beijing went unanswered.

ASML occupies a pivotal role in the global chip supply chain. It has a monopoly on advanced extreme ultraviolet, or EUV, lithography systems that are indispensable to producing the most cutting-edge chips in the world, and it also supplies deep ultraviolet lithography machines needed to make more mature semiconductors.

China is reliant on ASML’s technology as it tries to build a
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that will reduce its dependence on foreign imports. But that effort has been thwarted, with the U.S. government reportedly
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Dutch officials not to allow ASML to sell its EUV systems to China in 2019.

To this day, ASML still has not obtained an export license to ship its most advanced machines to China.

Chinese companies racing to build up their technological prowess have often been accused of stealing trade secrets from foreign firms. While Beijing has categorically denied such practices, IP theft has long been a sticking point in China’s relations with other countries, particularly with
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In 2019, a U.S. court
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ASML $845 million in damages in a trade secrets theft lawsuit against XTAL, although the Dutch company
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it was a victim of Chinese espionage.

“The suggestion that we were somehow victim of a national conspiracy is wrong,” ASML Chief Executive Officer Peter Wennink said then.

In May 2021, Dongfang Jingyuan
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the title of “little giant,” a designation for startups that have been
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under an ambitious government program aimed at fostering a tech industry that can compete with Silicon Valley.

The little giants label has become a valued measure of government endorsement, a signal for investors and employees that the companies are insulated from regulatory punishment. President Xi Jinping has given his
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to the program.

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Fuck ASML and Bloomberg.
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