Chinese semiconductor industry

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Maybe. Just Maybe.
But there's always the possibility that it may be not. Anyways.
Hope this is true but wouldn't count on this too much. If that happens though, then the US is royally fucked, lol, because it essentially means that they traded many of their major cards for little to no result and even helped to boost China - I bet ASML & Netherlands are going to be butthurt with the US since they would lose the Chinese market for nothing.


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Maybe. Just Maybe.
But there's always the possibility that it may be not. Anyways.

I don't consider that outlet's track record on tracking Chinese tech developments to be particularly reliable or insightful.

Unless there is other noise from more reliable usual suspects, I think it is best to ignore this.

People here should temper their hopium.


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I have went through Chollima Org. It's a unique website that strives to analyze and study Anti China elements and actions. They srutinize the dark connection behind most of Anti China organizations operating in the US.

So, in a way, the Chollima Org is quite Pro China.
But I didn't see any pro CCP or Anti West reporting or studies. The studies they do conduct are quite grounded. A very interesting website and people may check it out. All the good reasons to take that Tweet regarding Huawei EUV with a little bit less salt.

@Bltizo Indeed, they aren't technology focused and that may be a good thing. Why would they create sensationalism on this since Tech isn't their core interest? But I am going to wait this out.


Registered Member
People here should temper their hopium.

On this point, you are totally off base.

This is still a commercial venture.

Put yourself in their shoes.

After you did your due diligence, got every ready, the papers, the equipment, put all the money on it betting the house, then open the enterprise for business.

After those doors open, all that you really have at that point, is hope.

You got to hope, you got it all right.

Without hope, expectations/forecasts, foresight, and risk, there is no such thing as business. The market economy will not exist without that. Neither will IC in China.

When they are saying this, they are talking the language of business. That is too clear to me.

And they know they got something.


Lieutenant General
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On this point, you are totally off base.

This is still a commercial venture.

Put yourself in their shoes.

After you did your due diligence, got every ready, the papers, the equipment, put all the money on it betting the house, then open the enterprise for business.

After those doors open, all that you really have at that point, is hope.

You got to hope, you got it all right.

Without hope, expectations/forecasts, foresight, and risk, there is no such thing as business. The market economy will not exist without that. Neither will IC in China.

Horse, can you please stop waxing poetically while still managing to not address anything I wrote?


Lieutenant General
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I have went through Chollima Org. It's a unique website that strives to analyze and study Anti China elements and actions. They srutinize the dark connection behind most of Anti China organizations operating in the US.

So, in a way, the Chollima Org is quite Pro China.
But I didn't see any pro CCP or Anti West reporting or studies. The studies they do conduct are quite grounded. A very interesting website and people may check it out. All the good reasons to take that Tweet regarding Huawei EUV with a little bit less salt.

@Blitzo Indeed, they aren't technology focused and that may be a good thing. Why would they create sensationalism on this since Tech isn't their core interest? But I am going to wait this out.

I've been reading their articles for a few years now including that of its owner, Tom Fowdy.
I'm well aware of what they write.

Their technical understanding of various matters is not what I would consider up to par, and they have not broken any stories regarding Chinese semiconductor industry developments that we didn't first get via Chinese sources. I have not seen any evidence that they are able to organically recognize good sources from bad in this domain.

As for why they would want to create sensationalism?
Well it's specifically because of what you said -- it is because they are somewhat pro-China, and naturally their audience would lap it all up. Their readership likes "China standing up to US" type news.

Now, for this particular tweet, the idea that Huawei would be able to achieve EUV by 2023 would mark a significant departure from what we've been hearing about Chinese EUVL efforts from the last few years, and it is coming from an author and outlet with their own political bias and without a record of breaking past news for China's technology industry developments.

Don't get high off one's own supply.

This tweet should be treated with significant skepticism and suspicion and doubt, unless we get corroboration of similar news from more reliable Chinese sources that we have come to rely on over the last couple of years.


Registered Member
I've been reading their articles for a few years now including that of its owner, Tom Fowdy.
I'm well aware of what they write.

Their technical understanding of various matters is not what I would consider up to par, and they have not broken any stories regarding Chinese semiconductor industry developments that we didn't first get via Chinese sources. I have not seen any evidence that they are able to organically recognize good sources from bad in this domain.

As for why they would want to create sensationalism?
Well it's specifically because of what you said -- it is because they are somewhat pro-China, and naturally their audience would lap it all up. Their readership likes "China standing up to US" type news.

This tweet should be treated with significant skepticism and suspicion and doubt, unless we get corroboration of similar news from more reliable Chinese sources that we have come to rely on over the last couple of years.
Well, I never realized it was Tom Fowdy's. Explains some things in that website.
But this is a hot topic and sensationalism without substance will be noted by his base. I'm sure there will be atleast some "evidences" they will show for all this. even though they might end up being repackaged old stuff.


Registered Member
Horse, can you please stop waxing poetically while still managing to not address anything I wrote?

That is why I am saying that you're going off on a tangent.

You are looking at the wrong thing.

It is pretty much accepted that no one really knows what is going on. That's business. How much stock should you buy? Will the economy tank? How much PPE gear do we really need?

Those basic questions, how many got right?

You want certainty.

I am telling you, that there is no certainty here.

Just clues.

This really is the world they operate in.

You want certainty and you will fail in business.

If they are saying, "Hey, we will have XX by 2023, come check it out," someone will check it out.

If that is not good enough for you, then that is not good enough for you.

By the time when it is all clear and certain, those who waited for that moment of clarity, got beaten to the punch, lost out on that deal.
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