Chinese semiconductor industry

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What ? Apple is not guaranteed to be vaporware. Be careful before hedging your bets against a company with 200 billion Dollars plus in cash. They can get to the spot with a small Acquisition spree. The brand identity is one of the most powerful.
@Xsizor bro you're correct and apologized for my arrogance, BUT my statement stand, IF they still adopt its current model of sourcing (instead of investing) and competing against Tesla on its niche market, then it will not be same as before. Tesla is synonymous to EV as Apple is to Smartphone. Success is not guarantee you have to earn it.


Registered Member
well, just do it then .... I hope in 2022 ?

I think it is all bs.

They probably a lot closer, than what they are letting on.

Look at the result Huawei is saying. They are down 33% revenue. But that is all the phones, when that consumer division was half of their revenue. The math does not add up. They were a $130 billion dollar company. Huawei lost almost $30 billion in revenue. But half of $130 is $65, so they should have lost closer to $60 if their consumer division was half of their revenue. But they only lost half of half. Good thing the Americans all want to be reality TV stars, and do not do math.

The phone sales did decline, there is no doubt about that, there is evidence. Clearly, Huawei had strong revenue growth in other areas.

Which areas? Like hell they are saying.

We can expect the same hidden surprises to happen in the IC arena.

28nm 14nm 7nm, those should be the goals to full domestication. Under 7nm would be nice, but not critical.

If they can have only domestic equipment to fab 28nm 14nm 7nm in China by next year or the year after, this chip war is over.



Registered Member
I think it is all bs.

They probably a lot closer, than what they are letting on.

Look at the result Huawei is saying. They are down 33% revenue. But that is all the phones, when that consumer division was half of their revenue. The math does not add up. They were a $130 billion dollar company. Huawei lost almost $30 billion in revenue. But half of $130 is $65, so they should have lost closer to $60 if their consumer division was half of their revenue. But they only lost half of half. Good thing the Americans all want to be reality TV stars, and do not do math.

The phone sales did decline, there is no doubt about that, there is evidence. Clearly, Huawei had strong revenue growth in other areas.

Which areas? Like hell they are saying.

We can expect the same hidden surprises to happen in the IC arena.

28nm 14nm 7nm, those should be the goals to full domestication. Under 7nm would be nice, but not critical.

If they can have only domestic equipment to fab 28nm 14nm 7nm in China by next year or the year after, this chip war is over.

@horse Happy New Year brother and wish a prosperous and healthy 2022 for your family. Bro once I read the news about the " Return of the King" Its game over ,Huawei basically giving the US the middle finger and ask them squarely in their face "DO I feel lucky! Well Punk, Do I" ala Harry Callahan "Dirty Harry style" Its a self confidence bordering on arrogance, and who can blame them for being treated unfairly. All those hard work and the humiliation is a great motivator.


Registered Member
I think it is all bs.

They probably a lot closer, than what they are letting on.

Look at the result Huawei is saying. They are down 33% revenue. But that is all the phones, when that consumer division was half of their revenue. The math does not add up. They were a $130 billion dollar company. Huawei lost almost $30 billion in revenue. But half of $130 is $65, so they should have lost closer to $60 if their consumer division was half of their revenue. But they only lost half of half. Good thing the Americans all want to be reality TV stars, and do not do math.

The phone sales did decline, there is no doubt about that, there is evidence. Clearly, Huawei had strong revenue growth in other areas.

Which areas? Like hell they are saying.

We can expect the same hidden surprises to happen in the IC arena.

28nm 14nm 7nm, those should be the goals to full domestication. Under 7nm would be nice, but not critical.

If they can have only domestic equipment to fab 28nm 14nm 7nm in China by next year or the year after, this chip war is over.

Likely government contracts and advance orders. I see no other way. Huawei will start to show the work it did during the Sanction period only by late 2022 or 2023s. So there is more to the story. But I do am eager to see where Huawei is going with semiconductors. I'm sure at some point they might've wanted to be a Samsung.


Registered Member
Agreed. late 2022 they are going to show their work. 2023 I expect mass production and rebound on sales
Let me introduce a bit of pessimism. Yeah, I know, but it's a habit.

How can Huawei raise a competent team of engineers with fab Process knowledge in such a short time frame ? SMIC itself might be stretched regarding the expansion and the changes introduced by potential blacklist.

So mass production (that most including me here is eager for) may take some time if it is a Huawei undertaking through and through.

Jiang ZeminFanboy

Senior Member
Registered Member
Let me introduce a bit of pessimism. Yeah, I know, but it's a habit.

How can Huawei raise a competent team of engineers with fab Process knowledge in such a short time frame ? SMIC itself might be stretched regarding the expansion and the changes introduced by potential blacklist.

So mass production (that most including me here is eager for) may take some time if it is a Huawei undertaking through and through.
Huawei is for sure not doing it alone. It would take probably a decade. Huawei was said that at the beginning is working with ICRD, so they are working for a few years with them. Huawei splush cash and give new talent, and its working with partners to establish fabs.

I think there even might be a possibility for Huawei to buy the whole chip maker like SMIC or ICRD. But that's my speculation only. However for now it's not worth because of the blacklist that Huawei is on.
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