Firstly please try to keep it civil, and secondly please stop trying to put words in my mouth, I never even hinted that an Su-35 deal would somehow save the world, I only said that if it turns out to be true then I can see the motivations for it (ie China taking a not very favorable to itself deal to make Putin/Russia look good to his domestic audience so he can better sell future China-Russia cooperation to his people). I can see the logic of China taking a "bad deal" now so that in the future if China gets a more favorable deal than Russia, Putin can just tell any objectors on his end that in the last deal with China it was China that had the unfavorable deal etc.
Also like you said, China hasn't had a major deal with Russia for a decade, so maybe this supposed Su35 deal is the only way to get the ball rolling for future sales of stuff that China does actually want. It wouldn't be the first time someone has bought something they don't want simply to gain access to what they do want (in this case its probably the submarines that are the real target of the deal, as there is co-production involved, with 2 Subs apparently being built in Russia and 2 in China)
Firstly, I don't see when and where I had been uncivil. If I have, the moderators will deal with me. Secondly, you keep going back to the same argument that China has to suffer a loss in order to gain favor from the Russians. And here you go at it again by saying "
China taking a "bad deal" now so that in the future if China gets a more favorable deal than Russia, Putin can just tell any objectors on his end that in the last deal with China it was China that had the unfavorable deal etc." Why should China have to take a bad deal? Why can't the Russians take a bad deal? Shouldn't the Russians have to worry about angering the Chinese people by forcing China into a bad deal? Why should China always have to make sacrifices? Why can't the Russians do that? International geopolitics does not go one way only. Why can't the Russians take a bad deal for now in order to gain favors from the Chinese?
It is this old mentality that I am having a big problem with. China had always been seen as being pushed to the corner and had no way out. China had to suffer. Blah blah blah. Additionally, in your argument, China is always on the receiving end of things. "China has to gain favor of the Russians..." "China has to get its foot in the door with the Russians..." "Russians will allow China to join some of its projects..." This kind of thinking is based on this inferiority syndrome: China is weak and is always on the inferior side. Thus, China would always have to concede first and back off first in any kind of stand-off or negotiation with anybody. And China has to wait for others to give them stuff and be appreciative about it, no matter how bad the deal is. Well, the fact is China is no longer weak. China is now in a situation where it no longer has to back off first. China has enough cards in its hands to deal with anybody on an equal footing. And economically, China holds so many cards that other nations might have no choice but to concede first. And China is now the giving one. Haven't you noticed that whenever Chinese leaders visit foreign countries, they bring business delegations with them and sign deals and economic packages with those visited nations. It's now China who is doing the giving and others waiting to receive. So with that in mind, I ask again:
Why can't the Russians take a bad deal for now in order to gain favors from the Chinese?
And geopolitically, no one will simply do someone a favor because you have taken a "bad deal" for them. If a potential new deal damages Russia's core interests, Russia will not yield no matter how many bad deals China has taken from them. And on the other hand, if it benefits them, they will take the deal no matter how much they previously had hated you. China formed an alliance with the US in the 70's despite ideological differences and so much bad blood between themselves and the US. Heck, China lost over 1 million troops in a war against the US not too long before that alliance. That did not prevent China from forming an alliance with the US because such alliance benefited and still benefits China greatly.
So all in all, Russia will not simply sign a deal damaging to them because China took a bad deal. And Russia will sign a beneficial deal even if China has somehow mistreated them in the past. So what is the point of China taking a bad deal again?