Exactly. If it turns out to be true, look at it this way: China is spending less than 3 Billion dollars to bind Russia closer to itself econimically and geopolitacally (defense cooperation) and it gets 24 Su35s and 4 Submarines in return. The US on the other hand spends Billions in "aid" to Egypt, Afghanistan, Israel etc to try to bind those countries closer to itself and doesn't really get anything back in terms of military hardware.
No. China is a equal big power to Russia. Nobody can blackmail with china with technology. The money will rather well spent on the development of domestic engine. All is just waiting time. Plus we are not even getting top end AL-41 engine. I strongly believe WS-15 engine is right on track,no need for 117S. So far no concrete proof of the deal did happened. China defense department and russiaarm export agency has no news yet. The airframe and system will be totally useless to us. It will be a very bad deal. And I believe ministry of defense of china will not that foolish to waste tax payer money.