Chinese purchase of Su-35


Senior Member
I can tell you other things that BBC believes but I will refrain from doing so since it will break both the no politics rule and the no profanities rule.

On the other hand, I find it highly ironic that people took the quotation of a Russian source by a CCTV-4 talk show to be highly ironic. As I stated before, only stuff they show on CCTV-1 news could be considered official information. Funny how no one even listened to me.

Now the damage is done. David Axe and his fellow China bashers are going to have a field day with this bit of fake news.

Not yet. Nothing short of an statement from china defense will kill those rumour and dent David axe of any posting. I believe the situation is like that. The Russia are pushing very hard of the deal at china defense ministry. Becos negotiation is going on. The spokesmen can't release statement of non existent of the deal. Out of respect and not to jeoparadise the situation. This kind of rejection must handle with care. I believe statement will be release once the china defense minister left Russia.


Senior Member
I hope the news is not true, but how creditable is Defense news? The article is from TaiPei not Russia. I must say I don't know how creditable Global Times, but what I know is it is the official paper published by the central government, in addition if you check out the video of MOD press briefing they did not deny the news (also mentioned in pervious post).

With so many sources saying the deal is signed, I am seriously worried it could be true.

Negotiation is going on. You can't release reaction statement of the deal when the talk is not even close yet. We have a wait and see attitude. As for Taipei times reporting. Isn't it even more ironic that the new is release by them? So they are doing good for PRC?


Lieutenant General
So far, every 'new' report of the deal is just another rehash of the original non-story, often even with the same phantom source of a nonexistent People's Daily article.

It just seems like the same kind if self-sustaining BS cycle that seems to go hand in hand with the claimed Chinese Su35 deal. The only thing noteworthy about this latest incarnation is it was kicked off with a Chinese report, and the only reason so many normally cautious minds seem to be buying this is because they seem to have swallowed the BS propaganda put out constantly by the western media that every Chinese TV station or newspaper is a 'mouthpiece' of the Chinese government, so must have a direct line to President Xi or sth. Chinese newspapers and tv stations get stuff wrong as often as anyone else, especially when you are relying on foreign sources. They are regulated more tightly than western press on many subjects, but they are not the 24/7 propaganda broadcasts the western media would have you believe.

The only fool proof source of official Chinese government policy and position is the same for China as any other country - official government spokespeople. Until such a time as an official Chinese government spokesperson acknowledges it, or if it is reported on one of the main hourly news broadcasts, I will treat any report of a signed deal with the same kind of skeptism as all the others.

If the likes of David Axe or other Internet trolls want to jump all over this as another excuse to report their prejudice, well, more fool them when it all comes to nothing.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I hope the news is not true, but how creditable is Defense news? The article is from TaiPei not Russia. I must say I don't know how creditable Global Times, but what I know is it is the official paper published by the central government, in addition if you check out the video of MOD press briefing they did not deny the news (also mentioned in pervious post).

With so many sources saying the deal is signed, I am seriously worried it could be true.

Ok dude I think you are overestimating the importance of state media here. When it comes to new military information regarding the Chinese military they are always one or two steps behind the military fans.

Take the J-20, for instance. When the plane first came out and major news networks like the People's Daily, Global Times, and yes, even the CCTV-4 talk show started "leaking information" about it. Many fans on CJDBY were extremely excited because they thought the were going to get first hand leaks from the "Official Media".

Guess what happened?

Every photograph and even technical capabilities of the J-bird (infringing upon Brat right there) are ripped from sites like CJDBY and ****. In some instances they didn't even acknowledge the guys who took the photos! At best they will add some sort of lame side note like "taken by Chinese military fan who will drink tea soon (joking about the tea drinking part)".

You see, the point I am trying to make is that we shouldn't take what happens on those shows as gospels. I have actually watched the very same show when I was in China and I can tell you that they managed to mix up Rafale and Typhoon in one episode. How did this rumor get so out of hand in the first place? Because CCTV-4 quoted a Russian source and was in turn quoted by Sina and in turn quoted by Global Times. Then BBC and other international media outlets jumped on the bandwagon and start regurgitating the same thing. By the time the actual Ministry of Defense comes out and deny this (which I doubt since the speaks person hardly does anything), the damage would've been done.

Either way, China bashers will have a field day. It is impossible for those trolls to lose. Let us consider if -

1) China buys the Su-35s.

"Haha, Chinese military tech sucks! J-20s and J-21s are just empty shells! Why else would they go for a 4th generation fighter?"

2) China doesn't buy the Su-35s

"Haha, the Chinese are such losers! Their J-20s and J-21s are nothing but empty shells so they want to steal more 4th generation tech from the Russians by buying the Su-35s. Too bad the Russians won't let them."

You see, they win either way.

Enough ranting. I need a cup of water.


Lieutenant General
I guess everyone is believing the stereotype that Beijing is in 100% control of the Chinese media so therefore anything that is said is sanctioned and okayed by the government.


Junior Member
Hopefully you guys are right, if the MOD does not make a statement soon it will seriously affect people's confidence in the defence industry.
For the moment I will take the rumour to be true. It is better to be pleasantly surprised in the end than sorry.


Look like that many IMPORTANT members here still can't accept that China's going to buy Su-35. Me too, wishing the deal is false. China, no more Flankers import!

However, the deal seems rather true. At the beginning, rumors only came out from Russian mouths, we denied it. Now, Xi visited Russia, left his defense minister behind before he goes on to visit Africa. Most, if not all, Chinese media report the deal including CCTV-4. How come you still can't accept that the deal is true? Or, your heart won't die until you reach the Yellow River? Look like you won't accept that until that ugly duck flies in Chinese sky!!!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Look like that many IMPORTANT members here still can't accept that China's going to buy Su-35. Me too, wishing the deal is false. China, no more Flankers import!

However, the deal seems rather true. At the beginning, rumors only came out from Russian mouths, we denied it. Now, Xi visited Russia, left his defense minister behind before he goes on to visit Africa. Most, if not all, Chinese media report the deal including CCTV-4. How come you still can't accept that the deal is true? Or, your heart won't die until you reach the Yellow River? Look like you won't accept that until that ugly duck flies in Chinese sky!!!

I did consider the possibilities. Check on one of my earlier posts in this thread where I said that many big shrimps claimed that the Su-35 deal was true. So as a matter of fact I am mentally prepared for this possibility. However I, like you said, won't accept this as true until the Su-35 is actually flying in PLAAF colors.