Chinese Geopolitics

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So when Bush Sr. succeeded Reagan as the president, there was no hand over of authority?

The only thing that cause a revolution in China today is if CCP doesn't stand up to Japanese aggression and provocation.

The majority of republics(the 50 states of America) approved the continuation of authority by the Republican party. By the way the US political system has a working check and balance system with separation of power dividing the executive office, house of representatives and court. I believe PRC has a similar system but severely limited since all three arms are controlled by CCP.

As for revolution I can think of various other scenarios such as the melt down of the economic system in which a large portion of people loses their wealth. As for CCP standing up against Japan nosense, that would not be enough CCP needs to gain victory. Without it the CCP will crumble like a castle made of sand.


Senior Member
i see you avoided responding my point that transfer of power doesn't necessarily involve change of ruling party. hopefully you'll avoid that error in the future.
in Japan, the governing party control the legislature as well as the executive. the PM is not directly chosen by the popular vote. does that make the Japanese system inferior to the American system?

the Chinese economy is doing fine. much better than the Japanese economy. whereas Abenomics is faltering and he can only stay in power by provoking conflict with China and South Korea.
Japan is also suffering from serious social problems. how often do you visit the cuddle cafe?
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The majority of republics(the 50 states of America) approved the continuation of authority by the Republican party. By the way the US political system has a working check and balance system with separation of power dividing the executive office, house of representatives and court. I believe PRC has a similar system but severely limited since all three arms are controlled by CCP.

As for revolution I can think of various other scenarios such as the melt down of the economic system in which a large portion of people loses their wealth. As for CCP standing up against Japan nosense, that would not be enough CCP needs to gain victory. Without it the CCP will crumble like a castle made of sand.


Junior Member
That is not handover of any thing since the authority remains within CCP.
If the Chinese people wanted another political party to obtain authority the only way is through a revolution.

One could say the same of the 2 Party system in the USA. They tend to play Good Cop - Bad Cop to the public, but foreign policy always tends to be very similar at the macro level. If and when a true Third Party Candidate or Independent win's the Presidency, it will have been due to a form of revolution. Let's hope Social & Peaceful :)

On China specifically: At the end of the day the CCP has lifted and continues to lift a significant portion of humanity out of poverty. They've built a top tier economy virtually overnight when looked at historically, and invested massively into Infrastructure & Urban Development. A pretty significant achievement worth some credit, no?

There really is no one form of Government Fit-All. And a difference in Government on the face of it should be no reason for nations to bicker with each other. Ultimately Actions & Results are all that matter. Everything else is hot air.

Since I'm on the topic anyway, I've never thought of a Parliamentary Democracy or Republican system as a good direction for China to go. China should build on what has worked. I always thought evolving the CCP into something of a Meritocracy would be the perfect match. Party membership for any Chinese Citizen who wishes to participate in the direction of Government, and position / elevation through the ranks based on Education & Achievement. Reward hard work and success. Which I think is already a strong part of Chinese Society and the CCP.


i see you avoided responding my point that transfer of power doesn't necessarily involve change of ruling party. hopefully you'll avoid that error in the future.
in Japan, the governing party control the legislature as well as the executive. the PM is not directly chosen by the popular vote. does that make the Japanese system inferior to the American system?

the Chinese economy is doing fine. much better than the Japanese economy. whereas Abenomics is faltering and he can only stay in power by provoking conflict with China and South Korea.
Japan is also suffering from serious social problems. how often do you visit the cuddle cafe?
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Which part did I avoid?
The US citizens separated by states voted for Bush Sr. after President Regan completed his second term. Meaning the citizens of the USA had authorized the continuation of the Republican party as the ruling party.
After that Mr. Clinton gained the presidency seat through election transferring the ruling party to Democrats which was a peaceful transition of power.
As for Japan we utilizes the Parliamentary system same as Britain in which the ruling party within the house of representatives selects the chief of executive office. This is also another way of exercising democracy since all members within the house of representatives were selected through election.
Each democratic systems have their strong and weak points and not one is better then the other. It's just a rule the citizens had selected in running the nation.
As for the US two party system it's not written in stone and many had challenged it by nominating him/her self as an independent for presidency but have not succeeded because the citizens of the US have not shown voted of confidence for the nominee. There is no rule/law preventing people from doing so.

As for PRC economy, well it's not reported that way outside and we are hearing various weary problems. The biggest problem is that the official economic index that are announced cannot be trusted at all. There are so many conflicting numbers that the government themselves announces I don't think anyone could predict with confidence the well being of the Chinese economy.

Since I'm on the topic anyway, I've never thought of a Parliamentary Democracy or Republican system as a good direction for China to go. China should build on what has worked. I always thought evolving the CCP into something of a Meritocracy would be the perfect match. Party membership for any Chinese Citizen who wishes to participate in the direction of Government, and position / elevation through the ranks based on Education & Achievement. Reward hard work and success. Which I think is already a strong part of Chinese Society and the CCP.

The problem is mainland china had been doing the same system from one dynasty to the next and it had never worked ending up with corrupt bureaucrats and power struggle leading to civil wars and revolutions.
Mainland china needs to adopt an independent check and balance system outside of the ruling regime to move beyond the continuing cycle of scrap and build of a nation.
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... As for CCP standing up against Japan nosense, that would not be enough CCP needs to gain victory. Without it the CCP will crumble like a castle made of sand.

Communist government of China actually enjoys lots of support from Chinese citizens, with central government in Beijing polling about 70% or more public support. Province governments generally have high 50s to 60s support, and while local governments aren't well-liked by most Chinese polled, they still enjoy more than 40% or more support. Yes, 40% is low, but consider only about 13% of the Japanese public believe Abe has sufficiently explained issues around collective self-defense, 40% isn't bad.

Most China hands I've read say CPC will be fairly stable for at least Xi Jinping's 10-year term in office, and the few doomsayers, like Gordon Chang, that continuously predict CPC collapse have been wrong for decades.


Lieutenant General
The problem is mainland china had been doing the same system from one dynasty to the next and it had never worked ending up with corrupt bureaucrats and power struggle leading to civil wars and revolutions.
Mainland china needs to adopt an independent check and balance system outside of the ruling regime to move beyond the continuing cycle of scrap and build of a nation.

Please like your Japanese government are corrupt free with all of your checks and balance system in place. How's that rebuilding of Japan after the tsunami that caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to sustain damages far beyond the lies earlier reported by TEPCO?


Communist government of China actually enjoys lots of support from Chinese citizens, with central government in Beijing polling about 70% or more public support. Province governments generally have high 50s to 60s support, and while local governments aren't well-liked by most Chinese polled, they still enjoy more than 40% or more support. Yes, 40% is low, but consider only about 13% of the Japanese public believe Abe has sufficiently explained issues around collective self-defense, 40% isn't bad.

Most China hands I've read say CPC will be fairly stable for at least Xi Jinping's 10-year term in office, and the few doomsayers, like Gordon Chang, that continuously predict CPC collapse have been wrong for decades.

Sorry but my personal opinion is not to trust any figures coming out of PRC especially surveys. I've seen enough vids showing ordinary PRC citizens shunning away from the camera not wanting to talk in fear of something. I am also familiar to the fact that any kind of survey similar to what you describe would not be authorized to be initiated by the government by an independent entity.


Please like your Japanese government are corrupt free with all of your checks and balance system in place. How's that rebuilding of Japan after the tsunami that caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to sustain damages far beyond the lies earlier reported by TEPCO?

Just fine thank you.
There are a lot of hearing done by various independent groups and TEPCO is paying her dues for past misdeeds.
How is Jiang Zemin doing after many of his cronies had been convicted for abuse of power and corruption?


As for PRC economy, well it's not reported that way outside and we are hearing various weary problems. The biggest problem is that the official economic index that are announced cannot be trusted at all. There are so many conflicting numbers that the government themselves announces I don't think anyone could predict with confidence the well being of the Chinese economy.
Inaccurate China statistics are well known, and there are workarounds by both Chinese agencies and Western (HSBC) sources. Facts are, there's enough good information for the global economics system to trust China's economy to engage in trillions of dollars in economic activities with the nation. Don't get me wrong, I believe China statistics can't be taken at face value, but there're sufficient gatekeepers to get 'good enough' data.

The problem is mainland china had been doing the same system from one dynasty to the next and it had never worked ending up with corrupt bureaucrats and power struggle leading to civil wars and revolutions.

What do you define as working systems? Covering early and late dynastic periods, Zhou Dynasty (1600-770 BC) lasted about 800 years, Eastern and Western Han Dynasty (200BC-200AD) lasted about 400 years, Tang Dynasty (600-900AD) lasted almost 300 years, Ming Dynasty (1368-1662) about 300 years and Qing Dynasty (1636-1911) almost 280 years.

China's dynasties and emperors don't come close to Japan's unbroken line of emperors, going back about 2,600 years, but no kingdom, nation, or empire does. It's a unique contribution to human history, and the world should pay homage for that unparalleled achievement. However, there were plenty of warfare and struggles by various warlords and shogunate until the Meiji period. As for China, compared with Western nations, her dynasties are as good or better in longevity.

Mainland china needs to adopt an independent check and balance system outside of the ruling regime to move beyond the continuing cycle of scrap and build of a nation.
You're right and not right. There's no question China needs to develop (not adapt) institutions that works with the culture. Even the Chinese themselves believe that, and Xi Jinping's reforms are meant to address some of the shortfalls. We'll see Chinese use systems from all over the world, including Japan, but with Chinese innovations.

You don't like China, I get it, nevertheless you should show some respect for the historical feats the Communist Party of China has achieved, since Ding Xiaoping reopened her to the world. China went from a bankrupt, feudal society with all hazards of the calendar into the world's second largest economy, and along the way her per capita GDP increased from about $150 in 1979 to about $6,000 in 2013. According to the IMF, China, by her little lonesome, accounted for about 40% of global economic growth since the Great Recession of 2008, and pulled about 500 million people out of poverty. It's true Japan and the West are still far ahead of China, and $6,000 a year isn't much money, but try and remember Communist China's economy today is about four times the size of "democratic" India, and the two countries were roughly equal in '79.


Tyrant King
Fact: The two parties system in the US is not really a system more of a loose assembly, case in point there are some Republicans who have vote very Democrat, there are some Democrats who are very much Republican in there votes. The parties themselves are more a Loose conglomerate of sub parties. In the Republican party you have Conservatives, Libertarians, Tea Party and more in the Democratic you can have straight up socialists, more mainstream democrats and even communist and green partygoers.
there have in fact been periods in which third parties have swept the vote, normally these are highly motivated specialized parties like the anti-Masonic movement or the Temperance movement (They even got a constitutional amendment. That's almost impossible to do)
Fact the current two parties are not the same parties continuous since 1776.

the US System also can have periods when a President is sitting on one side well.Congress and the senate can be on the polar opposite.

the Parliamentary system doesn't allow that. But then again a Parliamentary system usually doesn't place a term of office on its holder and votes are called by the Parliament.

The Communist party in China could never allow a alternative party. As No Communist party can abide such under there rule. You may have less forceful leadership but that's it.
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