Lieutenant General
The biggest problem I have with the present PRC and her attitude is not being able to recognize Japan's vast contribution raising PRC to it's present state. It's the same stinking attitude as the ROK.
At the time no European nation or the US was willing to provide financial assistance as much as Japan had provided and the technological transfer became the basis of the present manufacturing industry for both nations.
Now PRC teaches only of history of past aggression and completely omitting this fact.
Who said "A person that drinks water never forgets a favor of the person who dug the well."?
This is the biggest lie that is propagated by the Japanese right winger It is nothing further from the truth If you look at the total amount so called aid from 80's to present days. It is nothing but minuscule percentage of Chinese GDP . This is from official ODA website. The total Japanese aid is 3 trillion dollar which is roughly 3 billion US dollar . Chinese GDP is 10 trillion dollar Even using average GDP of less than 1 trillion dollar. The socalled aid is less then 1% No where close to "WE help you guys so be thankful for it"
If you look at the composition of socalled aid it is even more revealing . You need to understand there are different category of aid. There are grant that is free money and LOAN that has to be paid back every single cent of it albeit with lower interest. And China paid back every single cent of the loan. There are technical aid.You see the component of technical aid is very small
Now if you look at Japan aid to China the grant part is minuscule compare to the loan part. And the loan come with so many restriction that it is nothing to sing about. It required that China has to buy everything(good, service) from Japan with this loan . IN other word it is nothing but disguise "export promotion" to the Japanese company . Japan also latecomer in investing in China. They invest in China not out of their good heart but out of economic necessity.They even join the western boycott of China after TAM. See you have to see the chronology of Japanese investment in China .
The biggest single investor in China is not Japan by wide margin but Overseas Chinese they are the pioneer in investing in China and up to late 90 still the single biggest investor in China. They are the one that kickstart and funded the Chinese reform. Soon the Japanese loose their low tech export like textile and toy to this new competition from newer Overseas Chinese factory in China. They and the Korean has no choice but to invest in China to take advantage of lower cost and highly productive work force in China.
So please get off your high horses and read the real story behind the China economic rise. People should not take credit where credit is not due. The loan is small price to pay for China renouncement of "War reparation pay back" which I believe China should never sign. Imagine the cost of destruction in man and material inflicted by IJA in China over 30 years. Japan was nowhere seen in China time of need after the disaster GLF instead she join the western power in their economic boycott ad sanction against China
Overview of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to China
June 2005
Official Development Assistance (ODA) to China began in 1979 and from that time to the present, approximately 3.1331 trillion yen in loan aid (yen loans), 145.7 billion yen in grant aid, and 144.6 billion yen in technical cooperation have been implemented.
Grant Aid
Grant aid is financial assistance that is extended to recipient countries without imposing an obligation of repayment.
Loan Aid
Loan aid involves the provision of loans under relaxed conditions (low interest, long repayment period) to recipient countries. (These are in principle untied loans.)
Technical Cooperation
Technical cooperation involves the technologies being provided to recipient countries to spread the use of technology among people in developing countries and improve technical levels.
Past ODA projects in China included large-scale economic infrastructure projects, including the building of roads, airports and power stations, as well as infrastructure projects in medical and environmental areas. These projects have played a significant role in the realization of China's current economic growth.
For example, through Japanese loan aid (yen loans), a total length of 5,200 km of railway lines were electrified, and in the area of seaports, approximately 60 large-size berths capable of taking ships in excess of 10,000 tons were built. In addition, the China-Japan Friendship Hospital that was established through grant aid is one of the major medical institutions in the Beijing metropolitan area, treating approximately 3,000 patients each day.
Assistance includes more than infrastructure projects. In the area of technical cooperation the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has accepted trainees from China for the purpose of providing assistance to cultivate administrative personnel. As of FY2003 JICA had accepted a cumulative total of over 15,000 trainees, and the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) had accepted more than 22,000 trainees to nurture the human resources required for industrial promotion. JICA has also dispatched 5,000 experts to China.
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