The way the western world deify 'democracy' amauses me greatly. I see many comical parallels between this practice and the likes of how Chinese people during the cultural revolution would fanatically thank and credit the Party for all their accomplishment.
Both are complete fallacies.
I also see many alarming similarities between democracy and communism. Both are fine ideals that work well enough at the micro level, but suffers terribly, and basically fails utterly when you try to scale that up to the modern national level.
Gasp in horrible and decry me a heretic, but I challenge anyone to find an actual example of a working democrasy other then the Greek city states that spawned the ideal.
What most people call 'democracies' these days are in fact republics governed by laws, not the ballot box.
Having seen first hand the fallacies of the cult of the Party and the fantasy of communism, I would hope and expect the Chinese to be far more rational when it comes to appraising democracies.
I have no problem with democracy other than the fact that it doesn't really work, my main problem is with the way some people seem to almost deify the concept and defend it with blind fanatical fever that rivals the most devout jihadist. The reason I have a problem with these people is that they stand in the way of progress.
Case in point, just look at how the western polticial sciences have stagnated and withered in the last 70 years. Rather than seeking to find a better way of governing ourselves, western polticial science has I stand devoted the lion share of its resources and efforts towards defending and promoting democracy.
Winston Churchill is often quoted as saying democracy is the worst form of government save all the others.
The zealots of the church of democrasy would often quote that to silence all criticism, but being the least worst hardly seems like something to brag and gloat about to me.
Rather than see that as a jaded admission of failure, I would rather view Churchill's words as a challenge to do better. But that cannot happen if our brightest minds are indoctrinated from a young age to view democrasy as some Holy Grail that cannot be surpassed and bettered.