Well look my points were laid down based upon the economic realities of aircraft design, and upon what i know about Latin american aerospace and Chinese and Russian aerospace.
I have told you jet engine design is not cheap, it requieres a market, safety and be on on the forefront to be economically effective.
Globalization has brought that because aircraft design is becoming more and more expensive.
I don`t take on them because as i told you, their points are based upon the idea, China should go alone, it is isolated and as a patriotic duty should be 100% Chinese and for the pride of the nation no cooperation since cooperation is a disgrace and all nations steal so steal is good so worries about tech transfers by western companies are not relevant since that is what they did in the past.
Plus in their points they do not see the economic realities.
I do no see that, i can see a china perfectly integrated at least with Russia and more economic sense make engines on a joint venture.
In my past i also though cooperation with the US was not good for Mexico, but after i saw in mexico some components of GExn jet engines are designed i changed my mind.
So the only thing you want is to argue and argue with people that think completly different to me and won`t change their point of view.
Economic sense makes nation cooperate, that is the reason Germany`s MTU makes EJ-200 with Avio, Senner and RR, is not that MTU can not make a jet engine, is laughable that report that says 5 countries in the world can only make jet engines, in fact more countries can do them, but on the terms of market ad economic efficiency is better going in joint ventures specially if a nation wants the top technology and the best engine in the market.
Can China make and design a jet engine yes they can but as reliable as they need in 2013, no i do not think so, however Germany by cooperating gets more knowledge and it is easier to make the engine.
Thatis the reason ITP designs in Mexico, because mexicans also have different ideas too that add new ideas and solutions.
Is also laughable to think cooperation makes a nation less or China can not make joint ventures even with the US or Europe, however to happen that you need Changes in policy and economic pressures and China has them.
Yet despite your so call economic realities, Russia goes alone in developing the 117 engine instead of jointly developing such engine with someone else. That's because countries such as the US would not share its leading-edge engine technologies with Russia, and Russia too would not share its leading engine technologies with countries like US. It is all politics, and your so call realities don't actually have basis in reality. China's situation isn't much different.
Money can only buy you out-dated technologies. The only way to get to the top and become a leader is to do it yourself. This is why China is making a lot of progress in all areas, from individual components such as engines to integrated systems such as AWACs. A country that shares your naivety is India, which made very little progress in the domestic sector.