What a load of spin. China isolated itself? Oh you mean because China isn't as dependent as Mexico on another power? What you talk about is the difference between signing your soul away to the devil or not. Tech transfers? Mexico still needs tech transfer to do it? Can Mexico do it on its own without tech transfer? Apparently not since you place so much emphasis on how Mexico is trusted enough with tech transfer. If you think Mexico can start making engines because it has tech transfers, that's called stealing. Making stuff for someone else is a whole different animal than making it for yourself. Mexico is no where being independent and if it ever took that road you will see the US deny your precious tech transfer. Mexico has one of the highest per capita income outside the West and yet no where near the level of development of other countries around the world that had reached that level. There's a reason why and that reason is why Mexico isn't going to be as dynamic as you think.
China can get all the jet engine tech as long as they respect all the agreements, the case is IHI of Japan, why Y-20 is bigger it uses Russian engines.
Japan C-X uses american engines, but here is but the P-x uses IHI engines, yes japanese designed engines they use 4 instead of 2.
IHI folowed a policy of cooperation, the worked in international programs, they developed the jet engine fo the T-4 and made jet engines for the F-15Js and F-4Js underlicense
Did the US complaign? No, they do not.
Now my point never was mexico as a power, my point was is in mexico we have designers doing very advanced design and the knowedge of mexican engineers is very high in what respects jet engine design and we are not behind China in many respects, why? simply because those engineers work for not experimental untested engines, but for engines with commercial applications on Boeing or Airbus aircraft and actually they make money, is not wasted investment.
Can you control new ideas?
The answer is not, Mexico could develop new ideas in new engines, but economically is useless.
China for example can develop new engines like Russia does, true, but tell me if Boeing and Airbus use western engines who uses Russian engines?
Only russian jets.
China will only power Chinese jets true, but here is the issue is not that you have the technology, but you can make money with it.
So in mexico they have opted to become suppliers, in few words Frisa makes money of pratt and whittney and Rolls royce.
GE give jobs to mexicans and the Government is happy, those engineers are happy too same is ITP or Honeywell.
In few words the nationalistic card in mexico is useless we are happy becoming suppliers and making money or giving jobs to our people.
Can China do it, yes they can, and in many instances China is like Mexico, however many times China wants to make money in a way it annoys the interests of foreign companies.